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The Black Wyrm's Lair - Forums > Realms of the Wyrm > Gaming discussion, D&D, screenshots > Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn, Throne of Bhaal
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No, no. smile.gif It is Visaj, actually.
actually the famous drow was jarlaxle, and kulyok was right, it was vasaj and he sells the one item that you have to get to get into deriex's tower and meet the famous drow captain, well sorta, more like a blackmail sort of thing... kulyok you go!

btw i haven't done that quest for a long while so forgive me if i got major/minor details wrong... biggrin.gif
actually the famous drow was jarlaxle, and kulyok was right, it was vasaj and he sells the one item that you have to get to get into deriex's tower and meet the famous drow captain, well sorta, more like a blackmail sort of thing... kulyok you go!

Heh, yes, my PC killed both of them, despite their boasting.

So, the quote (easy, this time):

"They say you shiver when someone walks over your grave. I feel as though something were marching back and forth across mine."

Hints: Think romance. Think love. Think premonitions...
Brave Sir Garrick
Er... nevermind... I guess I meant to answer something on one of the first pages of this topic. I hate it when that happens. >_<
Ooookay... another hint?


It is a Bioware romance...
QUOTE(kulyok @ Dec 12 2005, 10:12 AM)
actually the famous drow was jarlaxle, and kulyok was right, it was vasaj and he sells the one item that you have to get to get into deriex's tower and meet the famous drow captain, well sorta, more like a blackmail sort of thing... kulyok you go!

Heh, yes, my PC killed both of them, despite their boasting.

So, the quote (easy, this time):

"They say you shiver when someone walks over your grave. I feel as though something were marching back and forth across mine."

Hints: Think romance. Think love. Think premonitions...

This isn't Tirdir, is it?
sounds more like a female that has a name starting with J
I wonder who that female is.
Okay, Sir-Kill, you go. smile.gif
ok something so easy it is sick tongue.gif
"Evil meet sword, sword meet evil"
yep your turn. heh told you.
Ok, this one's fairly difficult:

"I'll tell you what my job isn't... it isn't being forced to listen to idiots like yourself. Good day."
Well, since noone is answering this one yet, I'm asuming you need some clues on it:

- think authority
- think Athkatla
Chief inspector Brega?
Yep, your turn.
Without the clues you gave, I couldn't guess it smile.gif .

It's my turn? Great!

I just need to think for a couple of hours if you don't mind.
Ok, here it is. I hope it is not too difficult:

"What's in your wineskin bellybuilder? A potion of delusion is my guess."
Well, perhaps it was a bit too difficult. Let me give you a clue.

I will tell who the recipient or the target of the quoted comment is, and it may help you remember the one who utters the quoted line.

The recipient of the comment is Korgan. Someone says the quoted line to Korgan, but who?
QUOTE(Sikret @ Dec 16 2005, 04:59 PM)
I just need to think for a couple of hours if you don't mind.

You need to think or you need to check the dialogue.tlk tongue.gif

The answer, if memmory serves me well, is Viconia.
No, it's not Viconia. But (as another clue) you should keep thinking of joinable NPCs.

PS: I didn't check dialogue.tlk file. I believe that doing such thing will spoil the joy of this special game we are playing here.
So I am mistaken afterall. I'm sure I've encountered that line before. Viconia was the logical answer since I always take her on board.

How about Edwin then?
Three more clue:

1- Think of female NPCs.
2- And think of what Korgan might have said (prior to that line) which deserved such a harsh reply from the female NPC.
3- Think of futile attempt to have romance.
Ok, let me change the question and offer an easier banter:

"Only his apprentice escaped, and the boy knew little except that Lavok planned to explore the planes and return within ten years. Of course he never did come back."

PS: The answer to the previous question was "Mazzy". smile.gif
It was told by the historian next to the sphere.
Right! It's your turn.
Ok, sth extremely easy:

"Silence child! Allow the fool to make his dudgement!"
Irenicus says this to Imoen just before they are sent to spellhold.
Ok, your turn again.
Let's try a more difficult one:

"Aha! Something from my mother's mother's father! A real whiz around pots and pans. Wait, I said that wrong."
Brave Sir Garrick
I'm wanting to say Jan Jansen for that one. Unsure though...
I believe you are correct, but that is up to Sikret to decide.
I agree that it is in Jan's style, but no, it's not Jan this time. smile.gif

Let me give you a hint:

The quoted line will be said by one of the inmates in asylum (spellhold) if you talk to him/her for more than once. If you do not remember their names, just describe the one you think says it. That will be enough.
Brave Sir Garrick
Oh, well then I am left in the dark on that one as I did not generally bother speaking with most of them. (I cannot stand the Asylum and Jon's Dungeon so I usually CLUAConsole passed them. biggrin.gif )
"Aha! Something from my mother's mother's father! A real whiz around pots and pans. Wait, I said that wrong."

Although I used to speak with them, without recalling his (her?) voice in my head, this crazy blurb could be said by any of those poor fools. lovl.gif

BG2 is not my game, so no guess, no.
wanev perhaps
Not Wanev, but you are both close and far smile.gif . Their characters are close but their cells are far. Give it another try!
How about the guy who gives recepies?
Right! His name is Dradeel.

It's your turn.
Balduran was silent for almost 2 years here tongue.gif Let's revive the game!

An easy one, so the quickest reader can receive the right to continue the game:

"You are but a gnat compared to my power!"

By the way, if you're out of ideas, I think quotes from (well-known) mods are also acceptable.
jon Irenicus
Your turn!
At last... Oblivion...
Jarno Mikkola
QUOTE(Jarno Mikkola @ Jan 1 2008, 01:57 AM) *
And, mine!
"There are others, I can show you! Please! Please!"

You should wait till the previous person confirms that your answer was correct and just then it's your turn to send yours. smile.gif
HD is correct.

(newsflash of the year, eh?) wink.gif
Jarno Mikkola
blush.gif That one was from BGI.

So the new one is:
Beware! Your knees are mine!
Ok, everyone must be bored with this since no one answered --- and it's SO easy!

Ol' Jan Jansen says that.

I'll get a new quote as soon as my answer is confirmed. wink.gif
Ryel ril Ers
Jarno said the quote from the BG I, so i don't think the answer is Jan Jansen. sad.gif
I checked. Jan Jansen does indeed say "Your knees are mine!". I'll get another up here soon.
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