May 18 2006, 01:09 PM
To all players who are playing Improved Anvil:
Please feel free to submit your item upgrade requests and suggestions here in this thread.
Requests or suggestions of item upgrades can be of two different forms: (1) you may mention an existent item's name in the game which you want to be upgradable. (2) You can also suggest a complete upgrade recipe by mentioning a list of ingredients and the new item's description.
New item upgrades will be added to the next version of the mod with the names of people who suggested or requested them.
EDIT: Please check the document "Items.txt" (available in the "documents" folder) to make sure that the item upgrade you have in mind is not already there in the mod and that your suggested upgrade is really a *new* one. Thanks.
Jun 21 2006, 11:50 PM
Actually not a request, but I thought "why are the items so expensive compared to Item Upgrade", but really - I think the prices are a little steep.
Perhaps more character dependable items will be nice like "the Staff of Clerics" can be made for only clerics with a bonus on ie number of spells or other. Or some druid stuff an so on...
Jun 22 2006, 12:17 AM
Thanks for the post, Shaitan!
I added your question about the prices to the mod's F.A.Q.
In addition to Cernd's items (which were already upgradable in the previous versions of the mod), two new druid-specific item-upgrades are added to the new version of the mod.
"Cleric's Staff + 3" is now an ingredient for one of the upgrades.
Aug 22 2006, 04:06 PM
Howabout an upgrade for Keldorn's armor in a couple of steps? First one to -2. Requires some adamantine powder and some other armors. Should keep existing abilities. The next upgrade would take it to -4 with the addition of Shuruppak's Plate and add its bonuses as well.
Might be worth splitting the upgrades for Valygar's armor as well. One for the later stages of SOA and the other for TOB.
Sep 13 2006, 01:08 PM
Is there a possibility of allowing Jan a brief (24 hr) apprenticeship with Cromwell that would allow him to learn the art of making better ammo for his crossbow with certain ingredients?
24 hours + Manual of Elaboration + Scrolls of Fireball & Lightning + 30,000 gold
allow Jan to make Flashers that do additional 1d4 fire & 1d4 electrical damage?
Any chance for a different upgrade to Ankheg armor that allows Druids to wear the result? That always seemed the most logical armor for a Druid to me....
An upgrade to the Short Sword of Backstabbing to allow it to grant a possiblity of going invisible, or perhaps adding to Hide in Shadows?
Sword + 2 scrolls of Invisibility + Manual Ela. + Permanancy + 50K = 10% chance of Inv.
Sword + 8 potions Inv + MoE + PS + 40K = +25% to Hide in Shadows
I always thought the reward blade from Renal Bloodscalp should be more than just a +3 short sword with no special abilities...
Or maybe:
Short Sword of Backstabbing + Cutthroat +4 + misc ingredients =
short sword with +4, chance of invisibility AND bonus to Hide in Shadows
Elven Court Bow + Ancient Elven Knowledge + PS + 40K = Elven bow +5, usable only by Elves or Half-Elves.
Frostreaver axe + Stonefire axe + MoE + 2 potn of fire resist. + 2 scroll pro:cold +2 scroll pro:acid + 75K = +4 axe with 1d4 fire, cold, acid and grants 20% resistance to fire, cold, acid
Staff of Curing + Gloves of Healing + Ring of Regen + +3 staff + Memory Scroll + 3 scrolls of Cure Med Wounds + 100K = Staff of Health +3, regen 1HP/6sec, cast Cure Med Wounds 3x/day, cast Cure Poison 1x/day, bearer immune to poison
Lilacor + Illithid serum + scroll of confusion + MoE + 3 diamonds + 50K gives you
+3 two-handed sword grants immunity to charm, confusion, domination, stun, psionics and allows user to cast confusion 1x/day
Chainmail +2 + Ancient Elven Knowledge + 15K = Elven Chain Mail
(always wanted this for my dual-classed mages)
Sep 14 2006, 06:42 PM
Maybe something with the mask of King Strohm?
Mask + 2 Scrolls of True Sight + 2 potions of Icedust + MoE + 2 Star Sapphires + 25K = helm that mages and thieves can wear, grants True Sight 2x/day, Detect Inv. 4x/day
Sep 15 2006, 01:30 AM
Thanks for all the good suggestions!
I'll certainly consider all of them and will probably apply some of them to the forthcoming version of the mod; but it may delay the release of the mod for one more day.
By the way, which item were you referring to by "Ancient Elven Knowledge"? We have "Elven Ancestors' Legacy" and "Elven Ancient Expertise", but we don't have "Ancient Elven Knowledge".
Sep 15 2006, 04:24 AM
Hmmmm, well whichever you think would be most appropriate...
I haven't found either of them, and was just typing from memory after looking at the list in the Documents folder.
A delay for implementing an idea of mine is quite a compliment! Thanks!
Looking forward to the IAv3...
Oct 4 2006, 02:37 PM
Please note that I am currently playing with Improved Anvil (with BGT and NEJ) but I have not reach the BG2 part yet. So I don't know if some of the items I ask already exist in the game.
Improved Anvil seems to focus on personal items upgrade (rather than generic item upgrades), and builds very powerful items, but I miss some "generic" midly-powerful items like Item Upgrade can build for us.
-> A way to combine ring of wizardry, ring of acuity, and amulet of metaspell influence, to get a generic improved ring of wizardry. Nalia is not the only mage in the game.
Item Upgrade's original reciepe was :
Ring of Wizardry
Ring of Acuity
Amulet of Metaspell Influence
Ring of Protection +1
20,000 Gold
Sorcerian Ring
+1 AC, +1 saves, memorize an extra spell for
each spell level 1 through 7
-> A way to improve robe of good/evil archimagi to get an alternative to the standard robe of vecna.
Item Upgrade's original reciepe was :
Robe of the Good/Neutral/Evil Archmagi
Cloak of Protection +1
Scroll of Spirit Armor
Scroll of Contingency
20,000 Gold
Enhanced Robe of the Archmagi
AC 3, 10% MR, +2 saves, memorize one extra 1-4th
level spell
-> A way to get a powerful magical buckler for thief/druid/bard to use. I know IA allows to build a +3 buckler, but that's not enough. One star in One-handed weapon style is more powerful than a buckler, even +3.
Item Upgrade allowed one very good buckler in my opinion :
Buckler +1
Symbol of Amaunator
5 Sunstone Gems
10,000 Gold
Holy Buckler of Amaunator +2
Negative Plane Protection. False Dawn 2x/day.
I don't ask for exactly the same upgrade than Item Upgrade, but I really would like some upgrades like these.
Oct 4 2006, 04:31 PM
Improved Anvil seems to focus on personal items upgrade (rather than generic item upgrades), and builds very powerful items, but I miss some "generic" midly-powerful items like Item Upgrade can build for us.
You wouldn't have missed them had you checked the items text file document. It is attached to the readme in the forum as well.
Let me quote myself (from the initial post in this thread) again:
Please check the document "Items.txt" (available in the "documents" folder) to make sure that the item upgrade you have in mind is not already there in the mod and that your suggested upgrade is really a *new* one. Thanks.
Oct 4 2006, 05:36 PM
ahem... I'm sorry, but I DID read your file several times before posting... Moreover, I would just find stupid to post suggestions without having read the documentation I could find and checked several times not to suggest an already existing upgrade.
There are generic upgrades like flail +2/flail +3, but I was not talking about that sort of upgrade. I was talking about building unique items useable by everyone with the listed components.
I can assure you that you have only ONE upgrade with the ring of wizardry, nalia's ring, I have used text search for that. You have only ONE upgrade with the "buckler" word, the buckler +3 (unless you are improving some shields which are actual bucklers, but without the word "buckler" in their name, but I find that doubtful since in the original game you don't have any other magic buckler than the buckler +1). You have only ONE upgrade with robe of archmagi, Jan Jansen clothes. I may have missed some upgrades since 84 upgrades are a lot, but text search revealed nothing.
So my suggestions ARE valid unless your mod included some new items in the game which are not upgrade per see, and are not listed in your Items.txt found
hereFeel free not to like my suggestions, this is your mod and I understand you don't have to like or take every suggestion, but please don't suggest I am posting without reading the documentation.
I have another suggestion : it would be great to separate the item upgrade component from the tactical component of your mod, so players who likes Item Upgrade can install it along with the tactical battles from Improved Anvil.
Oct 4 2006, 07:28 PM
Yes, as you admitted, at least one upgrade for each of those items already exists. So, I don't see what was the point of saying that the mod doesn't include upgrades for them. You could have said that you want more item upgrades for those items rather than suggesting that there is none in the mod.
For example, when we already have an upgrade for Buckler +1, I was right to say that you suggested an upgrade for an item which is already upgradable in the mod. I ask you to review the items file and only suggest upgrades for items which do not have any upgrades.
As for separating item upgrades and tactical content of the mod, the question has already been replied
Oct 4 2006, 07:59 PM
I really like the character specific items - the specificity makes the (almost overpowered) items much more acceptable.
However, I certainly understand Anomaly's desire for upgrades to potent items that would not be char-specific. All things in time, I suppose.
How about something only usable by Drow (for Viconia or Solafein mod)? Perhaps an upgrade to the Girdle of Fortitude?
GoF + 10 potions of Extra Healing + Heal Serious Wounds scroll + Perm Scroll +adamite dust =
Girdle of Vigor = +3 CON, regen 1HP/4 turns (not a huge healer, but good for overnight resting)
Ring of Wizardy + Scroll of Time Stop + Scroll of Impr. Alacrity + MoE + 6 Diamonds = Ring with ability to cast TS and Imp.Ala. (for mages that don't have 18 INT but still want the big spells)
Arbanes Sword + SS of Backstabbing + 3 scrolls Greater Malison + Cleric scroll of Free Action + 3 scrolls Web + 2 Fangs of a Sword Spider + 2 Scroll Enchant Weapon + 3 Moonbar Gems + MoE +50K gold =
The Spider's Fang +3 Short sword, bear immune to all hold/stun effects, 33% chance successful hit casts Greater Malison, 75% chance successful hit casts Web.
Oct 4 2006, 08:12 PM
Thanks for the suggestions, smr!
As you know Girdle of Fortitude already has an upgrade in the mod.
I'm reluctant to add more recipes for mage-specific items because "Memory of the Apprenti" is a very potent item and I don't want to add more powerful items for mages. (EDIT: Not to mention Noble and Royal staves)
However, an upgrade for SS of backstabbing is a good idea and I will surely consider it for the next version of them mod.
Oct 4 2006, 11:26 PM
Well, I was thinking that both the alternate Girdle and the alternate ring could be used for NPC mages, since you can't make the IA Girdle of Lordly Might or the Memory of the Apprenti if your PC isn't a mage with that stronghold -- think about poor Jan, dying to cast a Time Stop without having to use a scroll so that he can get in some vicious backstabbing against "turnip-hating scum"! Certainly you can agree that he deserves that chance, right?
Also, I was thinking of Jan (or any thief) with a short sword that webs opponents while keeping the stabber mobile.
I haven't played a Barbarian since my 2nd time through the game, but all those great chain mails are making me think about it. Same with the bard items.
How about a really macabre hat that is only usable by mages
2 eyes of Elder Orb + 2 eyes Beholder + 1 eye Director + Scrolls of True Sight, Contingency, Stone to Flesh, Spell Turning, Pierce Shield + 3 potions of clarity
Jaunty Hat of Many Eyes Wearer is immune to Petrification, Stun, Charm, Confusion, and can cast True Sight, Spell Turning, and Pierce Shield once a day.
Maybe combining some of the harps together to make one special harp - perhaps only do-able by Maheer?
Creating some kind of item from the broken mirror in the Sewers?
Broken Mirror + True Sight, Detect Invisibility, Oracle, Mirror Image, Spell Turning = helm wearable by theives with predictable abilities.
I am dying to make the SSs that increase backstab mulitplier - great idea!
Clearly, there should be some kind of item that lets non-mages cast spell-protection destruction -- Spell Turning and Stoneskin is making me angrier than Minsc with a cracker-laden bedroll!
Oct 5 2006, 12:05 AM
Girdle of Lordly Might can be forged regardless of your main character's class. (A golden Girdle is added to the game by the mod somewhere if you can just find it
Yes, Memory of the Apprenti requires having the mage stronghold. But if your main PC is not a mage, you may have Nalia in your party and can upgrade her ring, eh? Nalia's ring can be upgraded without any need to have the mage stronghold (guess how?). The same is true for Jan's Armor. Any new powerful item for mages will result in having a mage with two poweful items. see how:
1- Main PC is a mage : Memory of the Apprenti + the new item
2- Nalia is in the party : Nalia's improved ring + the new item
3- Jan is in the party : Jan's Armor + the new item
Only if you have Imoen with no other mages, the new item will be a good idea.
If you want backstab multiplier bonus for your thief, there are two magnificent daggers if you forge them. Nonetheless, I will consider your suggestions about SS of Backstabbing as I promised.
As for an item to help non-mages cast mage spells, Judgement Day Sword already does it; but I admit that that particular sword is not easy to forge (and it is only usable by good warriors). I have already made a "Ring of Many Spells" (usable by non-mages), but I have promised it to another modder to let him include the item in his own mod. However, I can make an alternate version of it for Improved Anvil. I will think about it.
Thanks again for your suggestions.
Oct 5 2006, 12:16 AM
If you want to play the tactical portion of the mod and don't want the item upgrades, just ignore the items. There is no need to have it as a separate component for installation. But if you want to use the new items without having the tactics, it is cheese (if not cheat) and it is not possible for reasons explained in the thread I gave you the link. (Do you really want to make an easy game even easier by using the new items without having the Tactical challenges?)
Oct 5 2006, 02:50 PM
Yes, Memory of the Apprenti requires having the mage stronghold. But if your main PC is not a mage, you may have Nalia in your party and can upgrade her ring, eh?
Ugh! Nalia is the only NPC I absolutely can not stand. I loathe her pic, her voice set, and her back story. Unless I have the party of six I intend to take through the game when I hit the keep, I add her to the group and have her fight a troll (with predictable results), then remove her grey portrait from the group.
Even Aerie has more potential - Spell Seq with Doom, Gr. Malison, Chromatic Orb. Any strength enhancer, and she is fairly decent with Alikkabar's Elven Chain Mail for early protection that allows spells. Or Aran's, if you are playing evil...
If you want backstab multiplier bonus for your thief, there are two magnificent daggers if you forge them. Nonetheless, I will consider your suggestions about SS of Backstabbing as I promised.
That's all I can ask - I am working on the first dagger, but I have Neb's nasty cutter but Cromwell doesn't mention anything -- do I need +3 daggers as well before he comments on them?
I was commenting on the brilliance of the idea of increased backstab multiplier in the previous post - only someone who knows the engine would have known that was even possible --- Bravo, sir!
Oct 5 2006, 05:42 PM
Yes, you need to have at least one +3 dagger for Cromwell to have a comment.
Oct 12 2006, 01:47 PM
Maybe the Deep Gnome's Skullcrusher mace could be upgraded?
Skullcrusher + Patrol Leader Helmet + Mace: The Sleeper + Scroll:Enchant Weapon, Chaotic Commands + deep ore (held by the gnome's demon) + Man. of Ela. =
Stoneknocker = +4 Mace, bearer immune to Sleep, Charm, Confusion, successful hit = unconscious unless save vs spells (-4 penalty for all full size creatures, no penalty for gnomes & halflings). Usable only by gnomes & halflings.
Something for a bard - don't know if game mechanics would allow it....
Harp of Discord + Scrolls: Emotion, Feeblemind, Confusion, Free Action, Haste, Enchant Weapon, + 3 Star Sapphires + Methild's Harp + 35K gold + Perm. Scroll =
Riveting Performance = Harp that when played, grants user Free Action and Haste and forces all enemies in view to attack the bard instead of other party members (unless save vs spell) as they are mesmerized by the song. They will try to move close to the bard and ignore all else. The bard can then run around while the enemies follow, creating a hostile sort of conga line.
Nov 1 2006, 01:09 PM
I'm not so torough as smr49, but I'll propose that the Mithril Necklace gained at the Rangers Stronghold Quest 1 can be used to create something else. Ie another necklace for a ranger. What say you?
Nov 1 2006, 01:14 PM
But you should keep that amulet for that. And I do not think it is very noble or range-style at all. The owner of the lands wants the thing back IIRC.
Nov 1 2006, 01:21 PM
good point
Nov 1 2006, 05:49 PM
I gave the amulet to its owner for free and the man was actually quite impressed. He said that what he has heard about rangers were true after all, or something like that, which is a bigger reward than the gold he offers, at least to me!
I think it is how the quest is designed to be solved in a good manner. Ofcourse, if you wish to become a fallen ranger, go for it, kill the man and his goons, taint the forest with the blood of unrespectful humans! Har har!
Nov 1 2006, 07:33 PM
QUOTE(Silverstar @ Nov 1 2006, 05:49 PM)
I gave the amulet to its owner for free and the man was actually quite impressed. He said that what he has heard about rangers were true after all, or something like that, which is a bigger reward than the gold he offers, at least to me!
Yada yada yada
QUOTE(Silverstar @ Nov 1 2006, 05:49 PM)
I think it is how the quest is designed to be solved in a good manner. Ofcourse, if you wish to become a fallen ranger, go for it, kill the man and his goons, taint the forest with the blood of unrespectful humans! Har har!
That would be.... very nice
Nov 2 2006, 03:36 PM
Maybe you could create an Enhanced Book of Many Spells:
BoMS + MoE + Scrolls of "whatever" + gold = Enhanced BoMS that has the chance to change into one of the added spells. Increasing its possibilities, but with a balancing randomness.
Any chance for a Minsc or Jahiera specific item, with possible upgrades?
Maybe the "friend" at the Ranger's cabin is keeping something for our noble (if somewhat nutty) ranger, and gives it to him if he is in the party. Given Minsc's nature, having the item shield him from Charm/Sleep/Domination sounds in line with him.
Could Bernard at the CC have something for Jaheira during the Ployer quest, left for her by Belgrade? Possibly something to cast cleric related spells she can't (e.g. Pro: Evil 10', Chant, etc).
Nov 2 2006, 04:40 PM
QUOTE(smr49 @ Nov 2 2006, 03:36 PM)
Could Bernard at the CC have something for Jaheira during the Ployer quest, left for her by Belgrade? Possibly something to cast cleric related spells she can't (e.g. Pro: Evil 10', Chant, etc).
Perhaps something more druid related?
Nov 2 2006, 06:28 PM
My thinking was that Belgrade was a Harper, so he would be more likely to drop off a Harper type item than a Druid type item. Plus, she can already drink the super Druid XP potion...
Nov 20 2006, 08:48 PM
Lock of Jaheira's hair (gained after foiling the machinations of Baron Ployer) + <insert random high value gem> + <insert large number> gold = Amulet of Intrepidity
Wearer is immune to fear, horror, terror and stat drain, only usable by Neutral aligned (Neutral Good / True Neutral / Neutral Evil)
Nov 21 2006, 07:43 PM
QUOTE(OTG @ Nov 20 2006, 08:48 PM)
Lock of Jaheira's hair (gained after foiling the machinations of Baron Ployer) + <insert random high value gem> + <insert large number> gold = Amulet of Intrepidity
Wearer is immune to fear, horror, terror and stat drain, only usable by Neutral aligned (Neutral Good / True Neutral / Neutral Evil)
Lock of Jaheira's hair + necklace you get for Jaheira in Dock's district + scolls of Resist Fear and Luck + diamond + Xgp = Locket of True Love
Wearer is immune to all types of fear and disease and also gains +1 to all rolls (as per luck spell) when within 15 feet of Jaheira (is this possible??)
Only usable by PC romancing Jaheira.
Can be upgraded later:
Locket of True Love + Kaligun's amulet of magice resistance + ? + Ygp = Amulet of Wedded Bliss
Wearer is immune to all types of fear and disease and gains +1 to all rolls. This is increased to +2 when fighting alongside Jaheira (within 10 feet).
Dec 6 2006, 03:11 PM
Har har, I like that idea
Insert some nice dialogue lines with that(Jaheira, PC, Cespenar/Cromwell banter), and it can have a nice humor value added as well
Altought I suppose that would require some additional coding, I would very much like to see it.
What say you, master Sikret?
Jan 14 2007, 08:37 AM
It's probably too late to have anything in for version 4, but if anything I would request something for Wild Mages.
It could be called something like "Warlock's Luck" that uses the Wand of Wonder as a component and grants a luck bonus and a "luck" bonus to Wild Surge Table rolls that stacks with Chaos Shield and Improved Chaos Shield.
Jan 15 2007, 08:28 PM
Robe of Aura Cleaning
This robe dampens the magical emmissions around the wearer that occur during casting allowing more spells to be cast per time period. But due it's high effectiveness is also dilutes all spells cast which on the other hand makes it easier to handle wild magic.
Increases the maximum number of spells cast per round to two.
Reduces your spellcasting level by 3.
Dice roll for wild magic increased by 10.
I was always kinda annoyed that one of my favorite weapons got so useless in ToB .. maybe upgrading it requires you to sacrifice 100.000 ep or sth like that.
Blackcutter +5 (Longsword from the hell trials,sry if name is wrong)
20% on hit target is drained 3 levels, wielder is healed by 30hp.
ETW0: -5
Damage: 1w8+5
Only useable by non-good characters.
"Out of a Scroll of Black Blade of Disaster and 50.000 ep and an unenchanted Longsword/Axe/Bastardsword/Shortsword I can form a weapon crafted out of your very essence of Bhaal ": Summons Blackcutter +3.. to get it earlier and in different forms
or even twice ^^.
Mmh maybe Cromwell is not evil enough for that kind of work maybe Mekrath or someone in the temple of talos?
Ok..this one should be really expensive^^
Scroll of Offensive Parallel Power/ Scroll of Multiple-Multidimensional Flux Compensation with Reversed Polarity err whatever
The next spell cast, is cast silmuntaneous on all enemys in sight range. (maybe limited by level & school)
Can not by used by characters with casting level under 20.
Scroll of Defensive Parallel Power
The next spell cast, is cast silmuntaneous on all party members in sight range.
Cloak of Visual Emergency
Once a day: When wearer is seen invisibility is cast on him.
Cloak of improved Visual Emergency
Wearer is undetectable.
Once a day: When wearer is seen improved invisibility is cast on him.
...I'm a debuff/mage munchkin
Jan 15 2007, 11:01 PM
Wrath of Garfield +3
This mighty club was once wielded by legendary Garfield. Like it's master, this weapon is known for it's hate of arachnoids, and bears a special punch against them. It is known to slay even the fiercest of arachnoids in a single blow. How Garfield lost this weapon is not known, but one can assume that spiders around him are celebrating this to this very day. One could also assume that Garfield life hasn't been the same since.
THAC0: +3
Damage: 1d6 + 3, +4 vs arachnoids, they must make save vs. death at -4 or be instantly slayed
Proficiency type: club
Not Usable By: Mage
Possible upgrade by Cromwell or Cespenar.
For those of you who haven't figure it out yet, yes, I'm joking. Althought, an item like this would be most useful in IA
Jan 16 2007, 01:17 AM
That is sheer brilliance, Mordokai!
Club + Pro: Magic scroll + Magic Resistance scroll + Enchant Weapon scroll + Confusion scroll + Potion of Magic Shielding + gold + 3 Star Sapphires + Man of Elab =
Club of Magical Deterrence +3 Provides 35% resistance to magic while equipped, and each successful hit removes highest memorized spell from target.
Jan 16 2007, 01:32 AM
Superb signature, Mordokai!
(It looks that the new types of spiders have done their job very well.
Feb 25 2007, 05:13 AM
How about something that combines all the cursed items into a useful item? i forget what they all are...
ring of foolishness, gauntlets of fumbling + backbiter spear etc. -> Maligned Spear... +3 spear, on hit curses opponent (-2 str, dex, con, or int)
thanks for the fun mod
Feb 25 2007, 12:19 PM
I'm a fighter kind of guy myself, because it is so easy to abuse the system when you can cast spells, particularly arcane spells. I'd like some of the powerful items to be improved in enchantment bonus. They don't necessarily have to have any new traits, but it would be nice to be able to hit monsters with inherent immunities (like demiliches), as well as being able to go through mantles. Two of these weapons include Blackrazer and Celestial Fury. I would like them bumped up to +5 to hit and damage.
I would like a weapon that "Dispels magic whenever the sword strikes the opponent." In other words, I want the description of Carsomyr to be true. Items with effects often ignore MR, and I would expect this weapon to do so also. Similarly, if the strike hits, I would expect it to ignore Spell Immunity Abjuration or any scripted cheese that would prevent dispel magic.
Feb 26 2007, 03:59 AM
One thing I'd like to see is a magical throwing hammer without racial restrictions. There was one in the unmodded SoA (Dwarven Thrower + 3), but it was only usable by dwarves. I'd like to actually give single or multi-class clerics some choice of ranged weapon, rather than the standard sling (which, as Cespenar rightly pointed out, is used by big sissies). As I understand it, there is a hammer upgrade in IA. Perhaps a further upgrade of that to make it throwable?
Mar 2 2007, 01:49 PM
I would like a light saber, a long sword resembling the brilliant energy weapons (DnD 3.5). It can hit any creature (i.e. it acts like +6 in regards to what it can hit). The exact enchantment bonus should be +3 to +5, as you deem appropriate. This weapon ignores 4 points of AC from natural armor or suits of armor. So a monk would not loose any AC, for example, but most monsters and "soldiers" would. Secondly, all physical resistance to longswords of the target will be reduced by 25% in regards to hits from this weapon. You could call it the Longsword of Sharpness.
Mar 8 2007, 10:57 PM
Can I put in a request for an improved, improved flasher launcher.
Jan is a top level fiddler and yet his improved flasher launcher is pretty lame. Also, why would he want Cromwell to mess around with his invention when he could tinker away himself:
At 1 million xp:
By the addition of an alarming number of pulleys, cogs and wheels, as well as at least two whistles, Jan has managed to make reloading the weapon easier - Jan's Flasher Launcher can now fire twice per round.
At 2 million xp:
Using just an empty bottle and a pair of glasses of identification, Jan has managed to fashion a telescopic sight for his crossbow. When he's stopped annoying Minsc by getting him to look down it the wrong way, this results in an additional +2 to the weapon's thaco.
At 4 million xp:
Jan has developed a special gizmo that he can fit to the crossbow, enabling him to loose five crossbow bolts at once.
Once per day, Jan can create a special racks of bolts (and an additional rack at 5, 6, 7 and 8 million xp). These are used like normal ammunition, but do 5x(1d6+1) damage while also reducing the apr to one. These only last for 12 hours.
(Or cone of cold effect?? a la shot gun? - 5d6 damage to anyone within 30 ft of a 40 degree angle in front of Jan)
At 6 million xp:
You were sure that last time you looked, Jan's crossbow didn't have a rectangular box labelled 'Magazine - ^this way up^' sticking off it.
With this addition, as well as several more pulleys and you're sure that you can see your prized Gesen bow string tangled up in there somewhere, Jan has now created the world's first automatic crossbow. Normal apr for the weapon is increased by another 1 (to a total of 3 per round). In addition, if Jan gets some peace and quiet to load the magazine, he can fire it on 'Full auto'. Once per day, Jan can create 20 'rapid-fire' bolts - these strike as normal +1 bolts, but set Jan's apr to 10. These bolts only last for 12 hours.
Mar 12 2007, 09:00 AM
I think there should be some sort of specifc item for Imoen.
Compared to Nalia, Jan and Edwin, she's a bit underpowered at the moment - they all get individual bonuses of extra spell slots, she gets nothing!
Just a thought...
Apr 19 2007, 11:27 AM
Time for this topic again!
I would propose an improved orc leather or something like this:
Orc Leather +3
cloack of prot +2
Human flesh
scroll of true seeing
improved orc leather:
immunity to backstabbing
charisma -2
or something like that.
Apr 19 2007, 02:31 PM
Anti Golem mace or hammer
Something like:
+5 bonus
Double damage vs.golems
Reduce physical resistence by 15% per hit(and stacks)
Save vs -5 or be destroyed(all kinds of them,including gem,coin,all the
new ones)
Shapeshifting Item
An armor,amultet,ring or whatever.Maybe it can start
with the cloak of sewers and be upgraded at various points
or the game.Some creatues will drop parts and that could be
add via cromwell or with some new quest with some
wizard that will send to quests.
I was thinking in the lines of changing elemental golems,dragons,
liches,giants,vampires,illithids and it can be really cool.
With all the improved difficulty it will be balanced(at least in my
May 3 2007, 04:50 AM
Keldorn lacks any specific upgrades since Item Upgrade isn't used in IA. How about:
Fire-cam Armor
Plate of Balduran
Delver's Plate
Scroll of Permanency
30,000 gp
Improved Fire-cam Armor
AC-3, +8 hp, +2 charisma, +2 saves, free action
Items for some of the more common mod NPCs might be nice to allow them to survive better in the late game. I'll make some suggestions once I refresh my memory as to what they start with.
May 5 2007, 12:25 PM
Mage-bane (aka Gon-gonchin’s Reward; aka Zusares)
* +5 fail (1d6+5) of shocking (+5 electrical damage each strike)
* For each hit, there is a 10% chance of removing all arcane-like protections. This effect is not stopped by magical resistance, spell immunity, spell shield, or any other protection. High AC (preventing the weapon from hitting) is the only protection.
Alternate 1: removes all temporary (spell) protections like the Holy Avenger.
Alternate 2: acts like Breach, but again, spell immunity does not protect
* For each hit, there is also a 10% chance that the struck foe will loose his highest level arcane spell or spell-like ability from memory. Randomly choose 1 if there are several spells at the same level as with wizards. If it applies to a sorcerer and he has 2 more spells at his highest level that he can still cast, then he will have only 1 remaining after this effect is applied.
Alternate: This effect could also apply to divine casters.
>The famed wizard slayer Gon-gonchin was rewarded for his years of service to the empire with a mighty weapon. The empire’s intent was that his future years of service be even more productive. With this goal in mind, a weapon was forged that is the bane of spell users. Gon-gonchin named the mage-bane flail Zusares.
>>Note: A save is not allowed! The tough foes will make their saves unless they roll a one. 5% x 10% = 0.5% Thus, the effect would then take place in 1 out of 200 strikes. That’s not worth the time to describe the effect. No Save Allowed.
>>>I have proposed alternates to each effect. If Sikret likes the weapon at all, he can choose which effect/alternate to use under each bullet (*) point. Or he could use this weapon description as ideas for a weapon with the same goal that he likes better.
May 5 2007, 12:26 PM
Spider-bane (aka Bug Swatter)
* +3 warhammer (1d8+3), but +5 warhammer vs spiders (1d8+5 and does an extra +5 crushing damage to spiders)
* immune to web (including improved web)
* immune to poison
>The royal exterminator, Thud, was having problems with bug infestations at the castle. It seems that mighty spiders were coming out of the woodwork – mighty spiders never heard of before. After continually pestering the king concerning this matter, the king commissioned a weapon that would aid the royal exterminator in his job. Thud was very happy with his new warhammer, which he called his Bug Swatter. Even up to the day that he discovered that this weapon was not enough….
May 5 2007, 12:28 PM
Golem-bane (aka Flail of Unmaking)
* +3 flail (1d6+3), but +5 flail doing triple damage to ALL golems (3d6+5)
* Morningstars do both piercing and crushing damage in DnD 3.5. This morningstar has short curved, talon-like blades forged into the heavy ball and does all three types of damage. Thus, the type of damage done should always be considered to be that to which the monster is most vulnerable.
>The red wizards of Thay were very concerned with the great frequency that illicit constructs were showing up. These constructs were often extremely powerful. What was most concerning to the red wizards was the fact these constructs weren’t controlled by them. Therefore, a group of red wizards were assigned the task of enchanting a weapon that would aid in ridding the world of these constructs.
May 5 2007, 01:39 PM
Ring that confers +25% resistance to fire, and also adds immunity to lower resistance fire.
>The elemental savant of cold was angry with his counterpart, the elemental savant of fire. This was one of the items that he had constructed in preparation for war.
May 5 2007, 02:12 PM
four nice items IMO
BTW Roy there's allready a "golem slayer" with chrushing dmg
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