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The Black Wyrm's Lair - Forums > Released mods - Baldur's Gate II > Improved Anvil
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Ryel ril Ers
Blade of Roses +3
Blackrazor +3
Adjatha the Drinker
2x Scroll of Level Drain
Scroll of Protection from Level Drain
Scroll of Protection from Poison
Blood of a strong vampire (example Bodhi)
Permanency scroll
100000 gold
------------------------> Blackrose +5
2d4+5 damage (from blade of roses)
speed factor 2 (from blade of roses)
immune to charm and dominion (from adjatha)
immune to posion (from the scroll)
immune to fear (from blakrazor)
wielder gains 2 Hp each hit (from adjatha and vampire blood)
-2 charisma (opposite of blade of roses)
15% chance to drain 4 levels from enemy and heal, haste, and raise strength of weilder (from blackrazor)
5% chance cast vampiric touch on the target (from vampire blood)
negative regeneration rate 2 hp/round (hey guys it is a cursed bloodsucking weapon)

Ryel ril Ers
I think mz last post is lost

Blade of Roses +3
Blackrazor +3
Adjatha the Drinker
2x Scroll of Level Drain
Scroll of Protection from Level Drain
Scroll of Protection from Poison
Blood of a strong vampire (example Bodhi)
Permanency scroll
100000 gold
------------------------> Blackrose +5
2d4+5 damage (from blade of roses)
speed factor 2 (from blade of roses)
immune to charm and dominion (from adjatha)
immune to posion (from the scroll)
immune to fear (from blakrazor)
wielder gains 2 Hp each hit (from adjatha and vampire blood)
-2 charisma (opposite of blade of roses)
15% chance to drain 4 levels from enemy and heal, haste, and raise strength of weilder (from blackrazor)
5% chance cast vampiric touch on the target (from vampire blood)
negative regeneration rate 2 hp/round (hey guys it is a cursed bloodsucking weapon) and this is hidden sad.gif
only usable evil characters

Sling of Arvoreen
Sling of Everard
Sling of Seeking
80 Bullet +4
40 Sunstone Bullet
Scroll of Greater Malison
Two scrolls of Enchanted Weapon
Permanency Scroll
10 scrolls of Melf's Minute Meteors
50k-100k Gold

True Sling of Arvoreen +4
Additional STR bonus to Damage
Unlimited +4 bullets, which does +d3 fire damage
Sonic boom twice per day. Must save vs. spell (with -4) or be stunned for six rounds Area: 60 feet

Only Usable by non-Evil Halflings

Ryel ril Ers
Staff of Arundel
Hrothgar's Axe +3
Everard's Morning Star +2
Jerrod's Mace +2
Demon Heart
3x Scroll of Protection from Evil
1x Scroll of Protection from Fire
1x Scroll of Protection from Cold
50000 Gold
Balhifet's Doom +5
(player can choose to create morning star or axe or mace or staff)
d8+5 (axe) d6+6 (mace) 2d4+5 (morning star) d6+5 (staff) damage +10 vs demons
permanent prot from evil
50% chance per hit to the targeted spellcaster lose one spell from his/her memory
+1 charisma
+1 wisdom
+25% resist against fire and cold
one extra fifth and one extra sixth level spell (only divine casters)

(one/two of the three weapon must put in the randomize program)

Chain mail +3
2 Cloak of Prot. +3
Ring of Holiness
Helm of Brillance
Silver Ioun Stone (Required to be in SOA, but by one of the most difficult opponent)
Holy Symbol of Arvoreen (Possible extra Reward from Mazzy's father to help to cure Mazzy's sister)
Empowdered Body of the Dracolich
Five scrolls of Protection From Level Drain
2 Scrolls of Champion Strength, Chaotic Commands, Defensive Harmony, Free Action, Protection from Evil 10' Radius, Protection of Lightning
15 Sunstone
Manual of Elaboration
Permanency Scroll
2 Scroll of Memory Boosting
200k Gold

Chain of Arvoreen
Grants -2 Base AC
40% Fire Resistance
+1 Wisdom
Negative Plain protection
2 extra spells per level
Once per day each spells: Champion Strength,Chaotic Commands, Defensive Harmony, Free Action, Protectin from Evil 10'rad., Protection of lightning, Sunray, Fireball, Prismatic Spray

Usable only by Good Halfling Clerics
How about an upgrade to Ardulia's Fall? The game could use another decent mace to use in SOA.

Ardulia's Fall (sav. vs spell @+3 or slow for 12 seconds)
Scroll of Slow (sav. vs spell at -4 to negate)
Scroll of Greater Malison
Scroll of Enchanted Weapon
Mace +2
10 to 20K gp

Ardulia's Descent +3
1d6+4 damage
Save vs. Spell @ -3 or be slowed for 3 rounds

The save modifier and duration of Slow can be tweaked but I thought this would be a good starting point.

Skullcrusher +3
Ring of the Ram
Manual of Elaboration
50K gp

Skullstaver +5
2d6+6, +2 to humanoids

The extra damage die could be replaced with 20% change to deal an extra 1d6 but I figured this was on par with Phosphorus.
How about some improved useables?

5 Emissive Healing Potion

Heals every member in your party for 60hp.

-5 Healing Potions
-Scroll of Mass Healing
-500 gold


Permanent Scroll of Protection from Magic

Casts Protection from Magic (instantly?) once per day.

-Permanency Scroll
-Scrolls of Protection from Magic

usw... Stoneskin, Protection from Lighting, Ruby Ray, Prot. from. Magic, Contingency
(the other most useful spells...)
Hi all, I just downloaded IA a week or so ago. smile.gif What I'd really like to see is some recipe using all the *CURSED* items in the game, like:

Bracers of Binding
Ring of Folly
Cursed Scroll of Weakness
Cursed Scroll of Petrification
Berserking Sword
Trah'cle-or-whatever Plate (can't remember the spelling, but I'm referring to the cursed full plate sold at Ribald's special store)

etc, etc. The theory would be that well, if you put too many curses together, some good might be sorta squeezed out.

I don't really have a full-fledged idea of what items can be forged out of them, but preferably, they should have some cool abilities with some nasty side-effects that would make the party WANT to use them despite the side-effects. What I'd propose is that the party would be able to choose one of the items to be enhanced, sacrificing the rest.

For example, the enhanced Ring of Folly could have the following properties:
-4 casting speed
10% spell failure etc.

The Berserking Sword could have a reduced chance to cause the wielder to go berserk, whilst having a chance to cause Contagion, Ray of Enfeeblement or some other curses on the target. The Ugly&Weakening Plate-which-I-can't-quite-spell could take 5 away from your constitution and charisma, but offer a whole load of magic, elemental, and dare I say, maybe even physical resistances. The Binding bracers could give you 2 extra attacks per round, but reduce your THAC0 and damage by 5 or something (great for kensai).

If anyone wants to improve on any of this, please go ahead. This was just something I wanted to get off my chest, as I always keep the cursed items around for nostalgic value. rolleyes.gif
QUOTE(Exor @ Sep 9 2007, 10:37 PM) *
How about some improved useables?

How about having Jan being able to fashion new types of bolts, using ordinary quarrels and combining them with potions/scrolls and possibly a reagent or two?

Nothing too powerful, just fun and possibly vaguely useful.

As an obvious example:

40 normal bolts + 2 potions of explosions + 1 scroll of fireball + 5 fire agate gems = 5 bolts of detonation

The possibilities are endless!

40 normal bolts + 1 potion of icedust + 1 scroll of ice storm + 1 diamond = 5 bolts of freezing (normal damage and taget must save vs petrification or be frozen for 1d4 rounds)

40 normal bolts + 1 scroll of monster summoning + 5 rogue stones = 5 bolts of monster summoning (bolts strike as normal, but also insta-cast summon monster [of the same level as the scroll] adjacent to the target

40 normal bolts + 1 scroll of pierce magic + 1 scroll of pierce shield + 1 wand of spell striking + 5 diamonds = 5 bolts of pierce magic

40 bolts (of any enchantment) + adamantite dust = 20 blunt bolts (do blunt damage)

All good suggestions, everyone!

But please note that adding the new item upgrades with sensible recipes (and testing them) requires time. Keep posting your suggestions please, but expect most of them to be implemented to v5 (rather than v4.3). Thanks!
One thing that has been untouched by IA (afaik) are familiars. They are supposed to be happy little helpers that are by no means perfect nor powerful, but when you look at their current stats, they're still very much pathetic. I have used them in Vanilla games fighting in low end places like the circus, athkatla scum and some minor wilderness encounters, but you cannot truly use them any other way than just storage space since they'll be killed in a few blows or spells otherwise.

I think people would welcome a component that allows them to be upgraded to more sturdy forms by for instance Quayle or Cespenar.

Bonuses suggestions are (not to include all of them of course):
- AC bonus of around 3 to 4 for each familiar.
They currently have an AC ranging from a -4 for a ferret to an appalling 3 for a dust mephit. Of course the other bonuses that a dust mephit receives counters the bad AC, but all familiars still deserve to be buffed.

- 1/2 attack per round extra for those with less than 3 attacks per round, or, a thac0 and damage bonus of 2-3.
The attacks per round for familiars are currently ranging from just 1 to 3. A slight increase will help all familiars, but I do think that the quasit with 3 attacks shouldn't need an extra 1/2. Alternatively instead of the extra attacks, their attacks could be either augmented with a slight thac0 and damage increase.

- Immunity from instakill abilities and spells.
They currently are not immune.

- Additional 3-4 spell abilities
There are a few familiars that already have some nice spells, but I think an additional 3-4 spels would render them a little more sturdy allowing them to take more than 2 hits. Suggestions are: stoneskin (around 5 skins), minor spell deflection, remove magic (half wizard's power) and emotion hopelessness or a damage spell (each familiar their own spell).

- HP bonuses
Currently all 48 hp except a fairy dragon (which has 24 hp). I think they would all benefit from a final hp value of 60 with no exceptions. The fairy dragon isn't that much sturdier than the rest of them. Of course the extra hp should not count towards the hp bonus for the wizard protagonist.
It could also be "or additional spells, or an hp bonus".

- Thieving skill bonuses
Some familiars have thieving skills with 60% chance of success... increasing these to say 70 or 75% might prove them more useful.
All familiars that can detect traps should maybe also be given the ability to remove them.

Well... something like that.

Grants the wielder immunity to confusion, unconsciousness, psionics, fatigue.
Random chance of (on target):
10% Berserk
10% Instant death
10% Contagion
10% Summon insects
25% Implosion damage (1d10 electric, 1d10 fire)

Upon delivering the final hit on any enemy it grants the wielder additional 25% resistance from all sources and heals the wielder 50hp both effects are not cumulative.

THAC0: +5 bonus
Damage: 2D5 + 5
Damage type: slashing
Weight: 20
Speed Factor: 10
Proficiency Type: Bastard sword
Type: 1-handed
Requires: 15 Strength
Not Usable By:
Beast Master
Good aligned characters.

Required items:
Cursed Berserking Sword
Unholy Reaver
Soul Reaver +4
Psion's Blade+5
5 scrolls of remove curse

as you have noticed, i took the theme of the 4 knights of apocalypse in the making of it, and since there is a lack for bastard swords in the game i think we should compensate it on it?
Golden Ioun Stone
Silver Iuon Stone
Lavendar Ioun Stone
Cirlet of Netheril
Mask of King Strohm III
2 Star Saphhire
2 Diamond
Manual of Elaboration
50 k gold

Mask of the archamage
+1 Int
+1 Wis
extra 6, 7, 8, lvl spell
+15 % HP
+2 saves
Permanent True Sight or True Seeing 3/day

usable by mages, bards


Wong Fei's Ioun Stone
Indigo Ioun Stone
Scroll of Strength
Scroll of Improved Haste
2 Rogue's Stone
Manual of Elaboration
50 k gold

Rainbow Ioun Stone
+2 Dex
+2 AC
+15% HP
+3 HP regen / 1 round
+1 damage

Helm of the Rock (Improved)
Helm of Balduran
Helmet of Defense
Scroll of Spirit Armor
Scroll of Strength
Sroll of Prot. from Magic Energy
Manual of Elaboration
50 k gold

Helm of the Warrior
+10 HP
+2 AC
+30 % resistance to fire, cold, acid, electricity, magic energy (what does it mean poison resistance btw?)
+1 Strength
+1 saves

usable by fighters, rangers, paladins
Ring of Mighty Regeneration

While damaged the wearer loses one spell of his lowest level, after the successfull loss, the wearer heals 10 hitpoints every round.

Only useable by:
Mages, Clerics, Druids

Ring of Regeneration
2 Scrolls of Summon Nishruu
Permanency Scroll
50.000 gp


Short Sword of Truth +4

Allows the wearer to see and fully attack invisible targets.

Wearer can cast True Seeing 4 times/day.

4 Scrolls of True Seeing
4 Diamonds
Short Sword +4
Permanency Scroll
40.000 gp

Unuseable by:
Mages, Clerics, Druids


Spell Barrier lvl 8

Choose spellschool like Spell Immunity. You are immune to the chosen school but you instantly forget all spells of that school and loose all buffs of that school.
Spell Barrier can be active multiple times.
Some Crossmodic content with IA (If you and Vlad both agreed. Thet will be very-very good, and not only for me, for many.)

True Daikatana
Katana +3 Wu Haltai
Katana +2 Wu Jen
Celestial Fury
Hindo's Doom +3
Blade of Night
Belt of Internal Barrier
Permanency Scroll
Manual of Elaboration
4 Scroll of Greater Malision
2 Scroll of Globe of invulnerability
1 Green Scroll of Prot. from Magic
2 Scroll of prot from mag. Energy
200000-250000 GP

True Daikatana +6

+1 AC / +3 vs. Slashing
2 HP regeneration/Round
Additional +2 Fire/Cold/Acid/Electricial damage
20 % Stun (save vs spell -4 for none)
5% additional +20 electricial damage
Negative Plain protection
Magic Damage Resistance 75%
Missile Damage Resistance 25%
Immunity to harmful Spells lvl. 1-5
With every succesful Hit(not required Damaging hit), lowers the opponent's every resistances by 10%
2 Lesser, or 1 Greater Restoration / day
1 Blind / day
1 Lightning Strike / day
Usable by Kensai (SINGLE CLASS!!!!), Monk, and Samurai (SINGLE CLASS) With Lawful non-Evil Allignment, and ONLY WITH Single Weapon Style

God's Legacy

Ring of Holiness I
Ring of Holiness II
Boots of Forgotten ones
Scroll of Memory Boosting

God's Legacy
+3 Spell lvl 1-4
+2 Spell lvl 5-7
faster movement like Boots of Speed
Usable by Clerics and Druids

The Archmage Ring
Ring of Wizardry I
Ring of Wizardry II
Ring of Acuity
Edion's Ring of Wizardry
Ulcaster Academy Ring
2 Scroll of Memory Boosting
Limak's Brain
100-150 k Gold

The Archmage Ring

+4 Spell/ lvl
Usable by Single class Mages, Specialized Mages, and Sorcerers
QUOTE(trufa @ Oct 6 2007, 11:48 PM) *
Some Crossmodic content with IA (If you and Vlad both agreed. Thet will be very-very good, and not only for me, for many.)

Thanks, trufa! See this post, please.
Just read the new v5 readme for items. The new plates look great! (Green wyrm/Great wyrm)

I know i've mentioned this before, but there are already quite a few universal plate armors (5 if I've scanned correctly)
but only 1 medium armor upgrade. Could we please get medium armor varients of these great new dragon scales?
Scale/Splint mail!

They *are* scales afterall!
QUOTE(luan @ Oct 17 2007, 01:37 AM) *
Could we please get medium armor varients of these great new dragon scales?
Scale/Splint mail!

They *are* scales afterall!

Send me a new recipe using the Green Wyrm's scales and I will consider it. If you need more information about the Green Wyrm (his location in the game, the requirements and prerequisites to meet him, etc...) feel free to send me a PM.
QUOTE(Sikret @ Oct 17 2007, 08:52 AM) *
QUOTE(luan @ Oct 17 2007, 01:37 AM) *
Could we please get medium armor varients of these great new dragon scales?
Scale/Splint mail!

They *are* scales afterall!

Send me a new recipe using the Green Wyrm's scales and I will consider it. If you need more information about the Green Wyrm (his location in the game, the requirements and prerequisites to meet him, etc...) feel free to send me a PM.

Well, it would simply be variants with a weaker AC bonuses (as it is scale/splint mail vs plate).
Perhaps make it slightly less expensive to craft if you think it appropriate.

Green Wyrm Scales
75,000 gp

-> Green Wyrm Scale Armor +4
AC: 0
Immunity to Poison

Great Wyrm Scales
125,000 gp

-> Great Wyrm Scale Armor +5
AC: -1
+75% Resistance to Fire
+25% Resistance to Magic Damage

And perhaps with more personality, you could combine *all* the chromatic dragon scales to make plate and scale variants of a new high-end armor.

Red Dragon Scales
Blue Dragon Scales
White Dragon Scales
Green Wyrm Scales
Great Wyrm Scales (Black!)
Manual of Elaboration
Scroll of Permanancy

-> Chromatic Wyrm Plate +5
AC: -4
+75% Resistance to Fire, Ice, Electricity
+25% Resistance to Magic Damage
Immunity to Poison
Usable by:
Single class Warriors


-> Chromatic Wyrm Scale Armor +5
AC: -1
+75% Resistance to Fire, Ice, Electricity
+25% Resistance to Magic Damage
Immunity to Poison
Usable by:
Single class Warriors

QUOTE(luan @ Oct 17 2007, 02:50 PM) *
Great Wyrm Scales (Black!)

Why black? laugh.gif

Great Wyrm's scales are actually the Ancient Dragon's who is a red one (though probably dark red due to his age biggrin.gif ).
QUOTE(luan @ Oct 17 2007, 10:20 AM) *
Usable by:
Single class Warriors
I don't think that dragon scales have a restriction on whether they are worn by single, multi- or dual-classed warriors. I think you could make it only craftable by Cavaliers (being dragon hunters and all), but that's about it.

I think the recipe could use something else.... maybe a new ingredient called "Chromatic Demon Essence" dropped by the said foe in Watcher's Keep? Perhaps it can be made with lesser versions, similar to the Flail of Ages. That could introduce many outfitting possibilities to the game.
Heh, then I guess the recipe can use the black dragon scales from suldanesselar as well!

Single class warriors was just an idea since F/M already can cast protection from magic energy.
Prevent them from being even more uberific!
True, however, F/M cannot cast any spells using armor anyway wink.gif
Heh, that's right, it's still AD&D 2.0. The only fighter mages i've played were 3.0+!
What I found really lacking, that there wasn't a single upgraded Sling, which is my favorite weapon and no, I'm not a halfling. (Note: These are just ideas, I haven't looked through all of the other posts and I don't know if they've already been posted or not, so you might want to ignore some)

Sling of Seeking +2
Sling of Everard +5
Sling +3 'Arla's Dragonbane'
Manual of Elaboration
2 Bejurils (I think it's spell right)
2 Star Sapphires
15,000 Gold


(This isn't a full description)
Alra's Everseeking Sling +6
(Sling of Seeking's Description)
THAC0 : +5 bonus
Damage: +6 (Missile Damage), plus Strength Bonus, +5 bonus damage to Dragons
Attacks Per Round : 2.5
Doesn't Require Bullets (+ 1 Bullets) ( Don't know where to put this exactly, lol)
Weight : 3 (Due to the gems inserted in to the sling, it's gotta weight something, doesn't it?)
Requires : 6 Strength
(Edit) Almost forgot, only good/neutral, of any kind, Halflings or Elves can use it.

I don't know what 'Speed Factor' is, so I just put Attacks Per Round...


(Full Description)
Ibratha +1
Short Sword of Backstabbing
Shadow Dragon's Tooth
3 Diamonds
3 Black Opals
3 Pearls
12,500 Gold


Ibratha the Backstabber +4
This ancient bronze sword is now set with three diamonds, three pearls, three black opals randomly put into the core of the blade. The original blade was forged for Azoun the First, and saw little use. Now, after for so long of seeing little battle, it has been reforged with a Backstabbing Sword. This is now the perfect Mage/Thief's sword.


Special Abilities: Casts Mirror Image three times a day.
Casts Improved Invisibility twice a day.
Casts Non-Detection once a day. (Don't know where to put this junk)

THAC0 : +3 bonus
Damage : 1D6 +4
Damage type: piercing
Weight: 3
Attacks Per Round: 1.5
Proficiency Type: Short Sword
Type: 1-handed
Requires: 6 Strength
Not Usable By:
Mage (Mage/Thief is allowed)


Boneblade +4
Boomerang Dagger +3
Firetooth +3
10 Bloodstone Gems
Manual of Elaboration
50,000 Gold


Bonetooth Dagger +5

(Firetooth Description)

Combat Abilities: When thrown, dagger returns to the thrower
THAC0: +4 bonus
Damage: 2D4 +5, +1D6 fire damage, 1D4 blunt damage
Damage type: missile/piercing (piercing)
Weight: 3
Attacks Per Round: 3
Proficiency Type: Dagger
Type: 1-Handed
Not Usable By:

(If you're wondering why I did blunt damage, it's because of 'Bone'. Bone = Blunt.)
QUOTE(Selvanus @ Nov 6 2007, 03:15 AM) *
2 Bejurils (I think it's spell right)

Beljurils are the rarest type of stone/gem in the game. In the vanilla game, you can't find more than two Beljurils IIRC.

Three of them are required to upgrade Keldorn's armor! wink.gif

Maheer also asks for a beljuril to upgrade Horn of Valhalla (Maheer's item-upgrades exist in the vanilla game; IA doesn't touch Maheer, though Cromwell now has a new recipe to upgrade the horn one step further).
QUOTE(Sikret @ Nov 5 2007, 11:25 PM) *
QUOTE(Selvanus @ Nov 6 2007, 03:15 AM) *
2 Bejurils (I think it's spell right)

Beljurils are the rarest type of stone/gem in the game. In the vanilla game, you can't find more than two Beljurils IIRC.

Three of them are required to upgrade Keldorn's armor! wink.gif

Maheer also asks for a beljuril to upgrade Horn of Valhalla (Maheer's item-upgrades exist in the vanilla game; IA doesn't touch Maheer, though Cromwell now has a new recipe to upgrade the horn one step further).

Sorry, I've been adding more and more ideas, perhaps you should add a few more Bejurils randomly in the game? Such as one in the Spellhold Gauntlet, or mayhap one with the pirates in the docks inn, can't remember what it is called. After all, the pirates are very hard. (Edit) Isn't there a 'Glittering' Bejuril? If so, use that instead of the two regular Bejurils. I remember seeing a Glittering Bejuril somewhere... And I'm pretty sure the upgrade is the Adamantite Horn ;0

Edit: (Morningstar Idea, there isn't any made yet)

The Sleeper +2
Wyvern's Tail +2
5 Rogue Stones
5 Iol Gems
3 Scrolls of Wyvern Call
10,000 Gold


The Sleeping Wyvern +3
(Sleeper's Description)


Combat Abilities: Victims must make a saving throw vs. poison or take 2 points of poison damage per second for 10 seconds. Any demi-human/human except Elves, must make another save vs. poison with a -2 penalty or fall asleep for 20 seconds.
THAC0: +3 Bonus
Damage: 2D4 +4, +3 vs. wyvern's
Damage type: crushing
Weight: 10
Attacks Per Round: 2
Proficiency Type: Flail/Morningstar
Type: 1-handed
Requires: 13 Strength
Unusable By:
(Is usable by mage because a mage originally created Wyvern's Tail and used it)
QUOTE(Selvanus @ Nov 6 2007, 04:00 AM) *
perhaps you should add a few more Bejurils randomly in the game?

I have done. As I said, upgrading Keldorn's armor requires three beljurils. They are still extremely rare though.

Isn't there a 'Glittering' Bejuril? If so, use that instead of the two regular Bejurils. I remember seeing a Glittering Bejuril somewhere...

Where did you see it? Its file exists if you look for it in an editor (SK for example), but the gem itself doesn't exist anywhere in SOA or TOB (if I remember correctly).

Perhaps its a BG1 item (and perhaps not); there are several BG1 items which you can see in editors but you can't actually find them in BG2. BG1 players can confirm whether it's an item from that game or not. I'm not sure.
QUOTE(Sikret @ Nov 5 2007, 11:56 PM) *
QUOTE(Selvanus @ Nov 6 2007, 04:00 AM) *
perhaps you should add a few more Bejurils randomly in the game?

I have done. As I said, upgrading Keldorn's armor requires three beljurils. They are still extremely rare though.

Isn't there a 'Glittering' Bejuril? If so, use that instead of the two regular Bejurils. I remember seeing a Glittering Bejuril somewhere...
Where did you see it? Its file exists if you look for it in an editor (SK for example), but the gem itself doesn't exist anywhere in SOA or TOB (if I remember correctly).

Perhaps its a BG1 item (and perhaps not); there are several BG1 items which you can see in editors but you can't actually find them in BG2. BG1 players can confirm whether it's an item from that game or not. I'm not sure.

Nonono, I saw it somewhere, I'll look around for it. I remember finding it in the wilderness, perhaps it was Firkraag's Lair, or Umar Hills, though there is a regular Bejuril (SPOILER) in one of the chickens. (SPOILER OVER). I also never saw a regular Bejuril in Baldur's Gate I, nor a Glittering one. (edit) It seems like there is a Glittering Bejuril is Baldur's Gate I, but unfourtently, in Baldur's Gate, it's called Glittering Bejuril Gemstone.
In Baldur's Gate 1, it's required to advance in Durlag's Tower.

In BG2, if I remember correctly, a child finds it inside a (rabid) chicken in Umar Hills.

I see you've updated your post, I was probably wrong then and it's a regular one in the chicken.
Sorry, in Baldur's Gate I, it's called Glittering Bejuril Gemstone, so I guess it's not quite in Baldur's Gate I only.

(Edit) Another item, what a suprise. Sorry, if I seem to be spamming, just tell me, but there's some items that I think need to be made. lol

Cloak of the Sewers
Cloak of the Wolf
Cloak of the Stars
Tome of Amaunator
5 Star Sapphires
5 Diamonds
5 Rogue Stones
25,000 Gold


Hmm...a name for this one is rather hard...ahh...

Cloak of the Hunt (Wolves hunting monsters, wolves usually only come out at night to hunt, hence where I got the name)
(Cloak of the Wolf description)

Special: Allows the user to cast Shapeshift once per day, granting the abilities of turning into several greater creatures.
Weight: 5
Usable By:
QUOTE(Baronius @ Nov 6 2007, 04:38 AM) *
it's a regular one in the chicken.

Yes, the fact that the glittering one can't be found anywhere in BG2 was clear to me (as you can see in my post); what I was not sure about was whether it's a BG1 item or not.


"Cloak of the Wolf" can't be found in BG2 either. (It's with a corpse in the werewolf cave in Shadow Temple Land, which lacks selection circle and there is no way to make him drop the cloak. Again, it's probable that the item was available in BG1. I don't know.)

If you are looking for upgrade ingredients in Shadow Keeper be aware that some of the items you see there are from BG1 and are not practically available BG2. Of course, I can add those items to the game if needed and if I find the suggested recipe an appealing one, but it is preferable that you use only "available" items in your suggestions.

Really? Must be a mod than, because inside the cave of the werewolf in the Shadow Temple/Ruins there is a dead body with the cloak on, sorry, I didn't know -_-. I have a question, what tool do you use to make items? I use an outdated version of Cromwell's Smithy, but as I said before, outdated, so it's rather hard to make items and place them within the game.
BWL has a long-term project which includes a user-friendly tool (to make items too), but usually no one is working on the project so it may be a few years before it gets released -- if it gets released. If you still will be interested (and there will be interest for BG2 mods...), you won't regret it though.

Nowadays most modders use Near Infinity and/or DLTCEP to make and integrate items to the game.
QUOTE(Selvanus @ Nov 6 2007, 06:12 AM) *
I have a question, what tool do you use to make items?

I use DLTCEP v6.7f.

For beginners, IEEP is more "user friendly". Although it's not as capable as DLTCEP, it can what you need to do to make most items. (It can't make new EFF files; so, if you want to make an item with new EFF files, IEEP won't be enough.)

If you want to use DLTCEP, try to find versions above 6 but below 7 (such as mine which is 6.7f). I've heard that newer versions have some problems (though it may have been fixed by now, I don't have updated information about its newest version).
Cleric Staff +3
Shaman's Staff
Staff of Arundel
Staff of Curing
Staff of Thunder and Lightning
Staff of Woodlands
Permanency scroll
Manual of Elaboration
100-150 k gold

Celestial Staff
Permanent Barkskin
AC bonus +5
Once per day Call Lightning,Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning, Summon Shambling Mound, Mass Heal, Cure Critical Wounds, Cure Serious Wounds, Cure Disease and Poison, Goodberries
With every Hit 15 % Save vs spell for stun
Unlimited Charm Animal with -4 save
10% Res fire/Cold
+1 lvl 5, +1 lvl 6 spell

Cleric, and Druid (Single, Dual)
QUOTE(trufa @ Nov 9 2007, 10:15 AM) *
Permanent Barkskin
AC bonus +5
Once per day Call Lightning,Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning, Summon Shambling Mound, Mass Heal, Cure Critical Wounds, Cure Serious Wounds, Cure Disease and Poison, Goodberries
With every Hit 15 % Save vs spell for stun
Unlimited Charm Animal with -4 save
10% Res fire/Cold
+1 lvl 5, +1 lvl 6 spell

Cleric, and Druid (Single, Dual)
Wow, I would love those mods to appear on a buckler (so druids can use it). Maybe a few spells too many though and the AC bonus may be a tad much.

I never found charm animal to be very useful since you have to be in touch range for it to work (or at least my ranger and druids always walk up to the target before casting the spell).
QUOTE(lroumen @ Nov 9 2007, 07:32 PM) *
I never found charm animal to be very useful since you have to be in touch range for it to work (or at least my ranger and druids always walk up to the target before casting the spell).

During one of the new battles in IA v5, your ranger's "Charm Animal" ability will prove itself to be really useful.

You will have to deal with a number of enemy animals while you are almost bare handed with no equipment; and you are alone; NPCs can't interfere or help you; so the only way will be to charm some of the animals and use them against each other. A very interesting battle according to Raven who has tested it.
Wow, I would love those mods to appear on a buckler (so druids can use it). Maybe a few spells too many though and the AC bonus may be a tad much.

I never found charm animal to be very useful since you have to be in touch range for it to work (or at least my ranger and druids always walk up to the target before casting the spell).

My favorite Weapon in all BG is the Staff of Woodlands, and yes, my favorite Class is druid (single, and Dual(Kensai)), and almost every skill is on one of the components.

And another one: With this item, you could not have Lilarcor, because the Shaman's Staff is one of the Components.
Last (?) one: There isn't any "cool" staff for druids in IA, only Clubs.

But of course, it could be less powerful, if the testers feels too powerful, but a good Staff will be nice for Cleric/Druids (Aerie,Viccy, maybe Jaheira, mod druids (Azure,Kari,Hubelpot, etc...))
There are quite a lot of staffs in the game and as noted some early clubs and scimitars... what I really miss in the game are early magical bucklers, darts and spears.
Some not too owerpowered upgrades from ItemUpgrade with some Anvilization

Ring of Air Control
Ring of Earth Control
Ring of Fire Control
Scroll of Protection From Petrification (green)
Scroll of Protection From Fire (green)
Scroll of Protection From Electricity (green)
Permanency scroll
60-120k Gold

Ring of Elemental Mastery
+1 AC, 50% fire res, 50% elec res
Improved Invisibility (once/day)

Quiver/Case/Bag of Plenty +2
40 Bolts/Arrows/Bullets +3
Permanency scroll
120-150k Gold

Quiver/Case/Bag of Plenty +3

Robe of the Good/Neutral/Evil Archmagi
Cloak of Protection +1
Scroll of Spirit Armor
Scroll of Contingency
Manual of Elaboration
100k Gold

Enhanced Robe of the Archmagi
AC 3, 10% MR, +2 saves, memorize one extra 1-4th
level spell

Aeger's Hide +3
Scroll of Protection From The Elements
Permanency scroll
75,000 Gold

Aeger's Hide +5
AC 1, Immunity to Confusion, 25% resistance to
fire, cold, acid.

Buckler +3
Symbol of Amaunator
5 Sunstone Gems
Manual of Elaboration
60,000 Gold

Holy Buckler of Amaunator +3
Negative Plane Protection. False Dawn 1x/day.

Staff of the Woodlands
Staff of Thunder and Lightning
Ring of Protection +1
Ring of Animal Friendship
Permanency Scroll
120,000 Gold

Staff of the Archdruid +5
Old Woodlands abilities. 5% chance of creeping doom
on hit, staff recharges overnight.
2 call lightning, Lightning bolt, 1 chain lightning/day

Red Dragon Scales
Sylvan Chain
3 Andar Gems
3 Fire Agate Gems
Permanency scroll
100,000 Gold

Incarnadine Elven Chain
(AC 0, 25% Fire Res, can cast spells & use thievery)
Ryel ril Ers
Sikret I suggest a new item upgrade and a new tactical content.

Battle of the archmages

In a specific location of the game (there are clues) if you cast a freedom eight lich summoned, and starts to fight with each other and the party. The bet is the phylosopher stone wich use to be the item upgrade last of this post. Two of the liches are dead because in the last battle the diviner and the abjurer crush the illusionist defense and the transmuter finish him. So six lich and two corpse summoned in a circle (their order must be random) and the party is in the middle of the that circle. Very chaotic and dangerous battle.

All of them are level 20 specialist mages and have general spell from level 1 to level 5 and his own school spells from level 6 to level 9.
They are all have immunity againt weapons up to +3, they are all immune the spells up to level 5

1) Abjurer:
Level 6: 5 greater dispel magic what works like the inquisitor dispel magic, he use it to beat his enemys buffs and protections.
Level 7: 4 spell turning, so he very protected against non are spells.
Level 8: 4 protection from energy so he protected against the damage area spells.
Level 9: 1 absolute immunity if he have trouble, and 2 imprisonment.
His tactics is to stay calm and defend himself until only one enemy is alive so he imprisoned his last foe and win. Until that time he dispel lots of effect to make chaos, and shoot minor spells.

2) Conjurer:
Level 6: 3 Nishruu and 2 stalker
Level 7: 1 Djinni, 1 Efreet, 2 Hakaasher
Level 8: 2 Summon Fiend, 2 Maze
Level 9: 3 Gate

He summon a horde of monster and maze the dangerous enemies.

3) Enchanter:
Level 6: 5 Symbol, Persuation (-4 save or charm)
Level 7: 4 Power Word Blind (works on everybody who have less than 200 HP)
Level 8: 4 Power Word Stun (works on everybody who have less than 150 HP)
Level 9: 3 Power Word Kill (works on everybody who have less 100 HP)

She wait to someone summon some beast and try to charm them or the party members. If someone want to attack her, she use her better spells, and she also try it on the others if someone don't have protection, and hurted a bit.

4) Invoker:
Level 6: 5 Chain lighting
Level 7: 2 Delayed Blast Fireball and 2 Mordekahein Sword
Level 8: 4 Bigby Clenched Fist
Level 9: 3 Meteor Swarm

His tactics is simle run, run, run and throw burn everybody.

5) Necromancer:
Level 6: 2 Death spell, 3 Symbol of Fear
Level 7: 4 Finger of Death
Level 8: 4 Horrid wilting
Level 9: 3 Wail of banshee

Throw some malison, and scare or kill everybody and everything, and the skellie warriors do the other job.

6) Transmuter:
Level 6: 1 Tenser, 2 improved haste, 2 disintegrate
Level 7: 3 Ruby ray, 1 Sphere of Chaos
Level 8: 2 Iron Body (You get the resistants of an iron golem), 2 partial tenser
Level 9: 1 Shapechange, 2 Timestop

This is simple minded, buff himself and crush everybody in timestop.

If everybody is finished the philosopher stone is appaer and you able to forge this item. (on the corpses there are some treasure too).

Philosopher Stone
Scroll of spell immunity
Eight ring of protection +1
One silver ring.
One emerald
Permanency scroll
Manual of Elaboration
Powdered body one of the archmage (if not the party kill it the complately destroyed)
200000 gold
Ring of Abjuration/Alteration/Conjuration/Enchantment/Evocation/Necromancy
+4 AC and saves
8% magic resist
Two SI:Opposite school per day
One level 6 One level 7 One level 8 and one level 9 spell per day from the school. (example the ring of necromancer add Symbol of Fear/Finger of Dead/Horrid Wilting and a Wail of banshee spell)
-1 casting time
Negative regeneration.
Usable only the member of the school

If the last ingrement missing the item only a +4 protection ring with 8% MR and -1 casting time and only usable by mages (it is not cursed and not have negative regeneration but the spells are missing also). That item called Ring of Magic.

I think it will be balanced because it is hidden and very dangerous quest, and the item has many drawbacks too. If you like it add to the Mage stronghold quest, and i have some idea for the place too, if you interested pm to me.

Some spells seems to have wrong school and level but in the game too little the list of spells and i only have a 3rd edition D&D players handbook so i catch some spell from that place.
i agree w/trufa. i would def like to see some items from item upgrade. maybe we could have a poll on that?
How about a new amulet?

2x Amulet of Protection +1
Scroll of Protection from Magic Energy (lvl 6 scroll)
Scroll of Protection from Energy (lvl 8 scroll)
Permanency Scroll
50,000 gp

------> Amulet of Energy
AC: +2
Saving throws: +2
Fire, Cold, Electricity, Acid, and Poison resistance: +25%
Magic Damage Resistance: +25%
Usable by: All
i would like to see some bow-improvements and stuff like quiver of plenty+x(anything that usefull against most oponents biggrin.gif )

that would be nice.
i don't want to post my versions of those items because they would surely be imba and encourage cheesy tactics.
there are smarter people who know how to make this game non-cheese thumb.gif
Now that Mace of Disruption +2 is back to being a +2 weapon, it should get another upgrade. There are very few good maces in the game and we should change that.

Mace of Disruption +2
Azureedge (the undead disrupting axe)
the sun gem you get from the snirvneblin
4x diamonds (to focus the sun gem, etc.)
25K gold
Mace of Disruption +4
1d6+5 regular damage, extra 4d6+4 to undead + save v. death -6 or die

And here are some other mace ideas I posted before:

Ardulia's Fall (save vs spell @+3 or slow for 12 seconds)
Scroll of Slow (save vs spell at -4 to negate)
Scroll of Greater Malison
Scroll of Enchanted Weapon
Permanency Scroll
Mace +2
10 to 20K gp

Ardulia's Descent +3
1d6+4 damage
Save vs. Spell @ -3 or be slowed for 3 rounds

The save modifier and duration of Slow can be tweaked but I thought this would be a good starting point.

Skullcrusher +3
Ring of the Ram
Manual of Elaboration
50K gp

Skullstaver +5
2d6+6, +2 to humanoids
Ryel ril Ers
100 garnets
100 horn coral gems
100 aquamarines
100 pearls
500 good berries
30000 gold
Jewelry of Chaos (neclace/ring only forged once)
+10 on the wild surge rolls
+10 hit point
+3 slot on level 1

I suggest this gems because the wild surge gems and berries in the pocket generate this. SO if rolled 100 time you get theese items, and until that you must store these.
cool idea for the wild mage. that made me laugh.
Could you have Cromwell be able to turn Winter Wolf Pelt into Boots of the North? The only place I've found a pelt is in the pits in Copper Coronet. The game is really lacking boots and you can only make so many with the machine in Spellhold (less if you need to save tokens for FoDW or have to get the chain for the improved bard armor).
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