I'm requiring help about news discovery in matter of animation creation for IE games, and especially for BG series .
Here could be discussed techniques and issues concerning bam editing/creation .
First of all, this is one example of amazing possibility delivered by the works of infamous heroes of various modding community,
adapted by me, in circumstance to Infinity Engine canvas, with Baldur'Gate like sprite :

Then which help, infos , I need ?
Well, could you please explain me :
1) How work the indexed palette system in I.E. ?
2) The limitations Engine about new sprites/animations integration ?
3) How to proceed to integrated new animation via modding pipeline (WeiDu & Co)
Perspective :
I'm looking also animator/modeler/modder than could, would be, give some tips about the original games creation assets (by eg vanilla model polygon structure ...), in the eventually of recreated some of them (cause they're "lost") with all this news animation possibility ...
And of course, need help to spell/fx making, to adjust effect for this new sprites (I'know that some people are very skilled about this, around

T.Y. .

About :
Credit :
Iavatar model by Mr. Lotboss
PS :

Because of a huge amount of .Gif/pictures in this Topic, I suggest you to switch the option board (in the bottom right) to "outline", for your navigation comfort/lag .
Cheers .