Model/Animation ModLab .
Model Ripping
Modding Tools, Instructions
Ripping Model How to,
Support Versions Platform sorting,
Files Explorer/Extractor/Viewer
Model Format vs Model Export
Model Viewer vs Model Importer vs Model Exporter
Constitution of Workflow Model Editing vs WorkStation Configuration/OS (PC, Win 32/Win 64, Microsoft (XP,Vista, Seven, etc.)/Mac/Linux)
Looking for alternative Workflow/Debugging/Issue resolution
Case of Study
Soul Calibur 2Hi Nico.,
Detailed/Recapitulated Process, here,
a) Source used :QUOTE
How can i open the pkg files with any 3d modeling program? I can't find any plugin around...
Precisely : Its depending, a bit/ the source of Soul Calibur game .iso using (is it a GameCube, XBOX first one version, PS2 version, HD Online XBOX360 ... ?)
You are right, there exists PKG_Packer/_Unpacker tools (*) & others alternative, but I would like to propose to you this guideline :
b ) Models Assets files Identification/Exploration :I've provided a link/model importer in the precedent Post, here :, in the attachment you have a .VMX 3dsmax plugin importer
c) Alternative :You have also one MilkShape 3d .VMX files plug-in import alternative . to/Issues :Firstly you need to mount your Game Iso in an virtual disk or /Console Games Files Explorer/Emulator to explore/arboressence files to find :
VMX are the model files
By E.g :
For GameCube :
DolphinEmulator (open your Iso then : right-click on game image bander/Properties/Files System/root.olk -> extract files)
Then :
[Use]OLK Explorer to Extract Files from SC2
Expand any PKG to look for VMX files
Here you have an extract of concordance table about Models Refs. :
437, 445: Nightmare (P1)
438, 446: Nightmare (P2)
439, 447: Nightmare (P3)
453: Soul Edge (P1)
454: Soul Edge (P2)
For Information (for some of our SC FanBoys readers ^^) : some special guests are used in different console games version : attire your attention that the 3ds max .Vmx importer it's apparently a WIP version (animation importer would be very welcome), indeed some skeleton/mesh fixing issues remains, & often the Milkshape plug-in don't import/export the skin correctly also, moreover you need to reconstitute the texture on the model, hopefully the UV are not broken .
In substance to animate the model correctly in this workflow & to integrate it in Infinity Engine : it's seem you must :
Re-assign the Texture, in most of the case re-skining properly or fixed some weight issue on it .
Tedious task or interesting job, depending your motivation in CG 3Dmodel creation.
Enough, in my case (in case of animation purposes), animated the model with IK/FK method, and/or convert it in Iclone Pipeline (via .FBX export, with some possible issue between 3ds/Milkshape compatibility in case of Model Editing/Tuning/Transfer) for animation/motion re-injection purpose as I've to try to demonstrate in this topic/project.
Take care about the fact that those plugs-in, softs, games are too much vintage for modern configuration, then by experience XP in 32 bit it's the most stable config. to enjoy this retro-modding hobbies .
But you guys don't worry, here your are maybe in the most difficult case of import Model ripping (except maybe ripping game "in live" from emulator).
To make your debut, I suggest to everyone to try/use Noesis (the tool could import a huge amount of 3d model, to visualized them, animated in some case, & export it in various usual format) : it's really a fantastic swiss-army-knife in matter of asset explorer, and lot of more (apparently you can use Kinect MoCap inside/model, what could be interested me a lot to create some hand-made motion for more Infinity Engine animation/reconstitution possibility) .
For identification/testing/model issue it's an indispensable utility/tool also.
Work Flow Screen (MilkShape 3d/Iclone 3DxChange):
Issue :![](
Resolution :This is the mostly mesh/skin/importing Issues encountered in this Case Study with .Vmx importer script in 3ds & with .Fbx format export used in Milkshape/3DxChange .
In 3ds the rig is not properly imported on the mesh, in MilkShape/Iclone3DxChange the skin it's not properly assigned on the Weapons Arm, it's seems that some weight information are lost in the .Fbx export transfer from Milkshape to 3Dx .
But Astaroth Model imported most better in 3DX (something to deep search here/issue resolution) .
In some case with hard issue or because it's most convenient/yours skills, it's could be better to re-rigged/skinned the model mesh (on .obj by e.g.), or try various Model Format export combinations with various 3D Soft, or find some people/community that have rebuild always the model (as Xnalara model Nightmare Version that I've converted in animated sprite, but in this case the rig could be quite different/originals, such as no hand/clothes rigs = no hand/spring effects animation possibility) .
Textures are loaded/exported via VmxTEX Editor (*) .
Tips:You can observe that I use some transveral tools like IrfanView Image viewer (that can read .dds), & DeskPins "Always on Top" windows a very handy widget, as-well Greed Xplorer/SC Viewer (*) that help me to reassign texture properly in 3d soft used .
(*) : : :
About various questions that I haven't not the time to answer before /
Infinity Engine Advanced Animation Project,
I will provide an
Q/A Post soon (about my ethical/organizational/timelines/Mods projects approaches) .
Happy Modding ...