Jun 23 2010, 12:26 PM
Hello folks,
I wonder which mods are modifying the random encounters during your travels in Athkatla? Because I want to remove one area from the list of random encounter areas, and, if some mod out there is using exactly that one particular area, it would be broken... I know all random areas are using the same script (perhaps with a few minor changes like actor positions, but that´s all), so I guess it won´t affect encounters at all, if I cut out one area and substitute it with another (in wmp)...
Anybody knows about some??
So far I know about Swordcoast Stratagems and Tactics... anything else??
Jun 23 2010, 12:42 PM
Hi, Valiant!
IA uses those areas too. So, if you are planning this modification to be added to ToD, I suggest that you do it only for the non-IA version of ToD and leave the IA compatible version intact to keep the compatibility between the two mods in that version of ToD.
Good luck
Jun 27 2010, 07:45 PM
Ajoc's minimod uses one of those areas and I know Deeper Shadows of Amn mods all of them for more random encounters the same as Sword Coast Strategems II just with different encounters. The only one I know of that has a particular quest script is Ajoc's and is only for AR0042.
Jun 30 2010, 08:13 PM
Thanks Hoppy, will take a look on these mods...
Jul 25 2010, 12:51 AM
QUOTE(Valiant @ Jun 30 2010, 04:13 PM)

Thanks Hoppy, will take a look on these mods...

Or you may just add another new area to the worldmap encounter areas so yours stays by itself. Check the Bodies does this but it gets overridded by another mod I noticed

. Not sure what it is yet.
Aug 4 2010, 09:18 AM
I will, but my area is derivated from existing random area art, so I must disable this particular one in worldmap and subtitute it with another city one...
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