I'm starting to finalize my mod (first beta, first review...) that's very exciting and sometimes hopeless.. That's why I need your help. I've created a new area and I would like to show an area with a permanent night.
I've tried to use extended night parameter but I had a crash. Have you any idea about the reason of this crash ?
Jan 24 2010, 04:50 AM
Not sure why it crashes but you might want to try looking at AR1400 form the normal game, if not already. That has an expended night parameter as well. What is the error when you crash?
Jan 24 2010, 08:37 AM
Most of the times CTDs of new areas are due to Ambient voice files (.WAV files). If you have used the game's own exisitng Ambient files, make sure to copy them in the override folder (even if the ambient file already exists in the game, you also need to have it in your override folder; so use COPY_EXISTING command to create a copy of each ambient file in your override folder as well).
To test whether (or not) the CTD has anything to do with the extende night flag, you can simply remove/unset the flag and test if it sill crashes.
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