Please don't take my feedback too personally this post is meant to be constructive.
I began using mods for Baldurs Gate 1 year ago starting with the G3 fix/tweakpack + tactics + several random mods, it was very enjoyable especially the increased difficulty from tactics. However after improved anvil i can honestly say that this mod is far better, at least if your looking for a challenge. It was almost like a complete new playexperinece, i had to think new strategies, about the "economy", like i was playing baldurs gate for the first time again. unlike the aforementioned mods.
which brings me to my first topic:
The difficulty.
i consider myself an above average player but had to lower the difficulty to core. I found certain fights might be better of being a tad more easier. my top 6 hardest fights
1 the drow encounters.
it took 2 reloades until i grasped the concept of this fight but many,many more were needed to actually win this fight, with that many stuns, confusion, chaos, dispelling, it seems sooner or later your saving throws will fail. At which point your more or less depending on luck. I hate depending on luck. that being said on my second replay it "only"took 5-6 reloads for each encounter
2 Your first (Grand)skeleton lord encounter
Here i had to learn to retreat and leave certain fights for later,something i had never done before in a baldurs gate game.
Still after postponing these fights these creatures are usually harder then the boss you actually fighting with the conster or shadelord encounter.
mid game however there fine.
3 The Shadelord
i wanted to do this before going to the underdark but he was simply to hard for me, the skeletonlords were the main reason, just counld't kill them fast enough, rest was fine. with a custom created party it was much easier however. this was also a very fun fight prioritizing targets using unique tactics( i had to use summons, arrows of piercing chargeable items, ect) and yes i did get owned by his abi-dalzim barrage .
4 Dracolich
It took me 2 reloads to realize that he had the essence of both a lich and the dragon and all of the immunities associated with these creatures. This is fine and even fun fighting against. its the Wail of the bansee type attack that is causing me problems. it killed my lvl 14 protaganist 7 times 3 of those times just 1-3 sec after my deathward expired. and yes i also used spritarmor to counter malison and even used magic immune potions( the yellow ones). My second replay was much easier partly do to custom multiplayer created characters. but that wail still was responsible for 5 reloads. If suspect i was very unlucky with my saving throws.This is a lengthy fight in a dungeon that offers no retreat. I spent many frustrated hours here. please note that all other dragons except firekraag caused me 0 reloads.
5 gityanky room in watcher keep (supreme commander)
simply because of to many golems coming to fast, and not being able to cause enough damage fast enough to those golem creators. usually i am able to let my character survive long enough often up to 10 min realtime. but then there are ridiculous amount of golems/githanky and massive lag.this was a game stopper for my first party and thrust me i don't give up easily. (15+ reloads)
6 Twisted Rune
Hard but fine seeing how this a optional battle. Furthermore i gather it is supposed to the the hardest( or second hardest) fight in the game. It is an enjoyable fight but simply very, very hard (11 reloads)
It should be noted that i lost interest in somewhere in Throne of Baal expension, but started right again with a new game
I could also list all the enjoyable battles (torgal, firekraag, ect)but there are to many to list. Overall a few more low or mid lvl battles/encounters would be nice though.
The classes
Basically all non ranger/mage classes could use some more love. as i understand eventually in IA v8 and higher they might get some. at risk of stating the obvious this means:more items for druids, more quests for fighters, better stronghold for thieves,ect,ect. Especially the thief class seems neglected * random item suggestion: tomes or potion witch increase backstab multiplier, this would definitely make the swasbuckler my new favourite class
In one word Excellent, basically all i wanted from a mod focusing on items
Most items seem balanced and need little or no tweaking, although some more class specific items would be nice, as well as some more low/mid game items followed by a price reduction. Take rings of protection for example lvl 2 or 3 rings could use a price reduction. With all your melee char using lvl 2 or even lv 3 rings would make the underdark battles somewhat easier, especially the due to the increased saving throws, the lvl 4 and 5 could i turn be made more expensive to balance things out. Being able to make 1 weapon and 2 or 3 rings (or other low/mid items or weapons for that matter) before going to the underdark would not be unbalancing imo.
Also a new larger gembag would be nice for all those gems consuming recipies.
Character tweaking
This is more of an suggestion/idea, but seeing how u already changed the stats of valygar and anonem, and the class of imoen, perhaps its an idea to expend this some more.
Much of the fun from this game comes from the massive amount of classes and kits, many of which are more powerful and more fun then those which are being used by the standard Baldurs gate npc's.
That why people make custom multi-player games/characters(btw i had a much more easier time using such characters playing IA).
My suggestion: make most NPC's be able to change there class in an certain(but early) part of the game.
For example in Trademeet there is an gypsy who already has some lines for each NPC's after you ask her to read your future.
After a quest she grants you after powerful reward. Not only can she see the future she can actually change the fate of your NPC's
So the next time Minsc talks to her she offer new dialogue options "changing" the class of Minsc.
changing minsc into any of the melee classes is not much of an stretch
so he can become a:
Likewise jaheira can become a:
any druid
any ranger
Eventually every popular class and kit can be used with every existing NPC
-finally being able to uninstall shadowkeeper, you main source for cheating
-massive re-playability
-making sure you more inexperienced player doesn't screw up this game by making these changes manually
-another money sink( she wont change your fate for free)
-excuse to lower there experience (as part of the price) which in turn can lead to more low/mid lvl battles or quests
-custom party like these are much more powerful (and fun!!) giving you an excuse to make even more (optional)battles
-if you change your class you might as well lower the NPC to lvl 1 allowing you to choose you own weapon specialization. This would allow even more re playability and customization
-Npc items might become overpowered or useless depending on class. at the very least your you'll need to change many of these items
-With that many possible chanches and custimizations your bound to run into bugs and error's, which leads to:
-A lot of work/ testing / balancing
Still i believe this would make IA a lot more fun.
More computability with other mods.
i understand this needs to come from both parties/modmakers, but i can not shake the feeling that there still is some bad blood between certain modmakers/communities. I could list all the interesting/fun mods but u get the picture, i wont waste to many words on this subject, it has been disscused many times before. Consides this a friendly reminder.
More in-game hints
Some of the post here on the forums should be required reading for new players
why not introduce these subtly into the game.
for instance the recommended quest order:
As soon you enter the copper coronet you'll find a new character, lest say an experienced adventurer, he'll warn you about an group of powerful bounty hunters are hunting you (suna seni) and that you have at most 5 to 6 "moves" before they will catch up to you, and that you should be save outside athkatla. Later you can ask him if "you are ready" for certain quests after which he'll look at your lvl's and respond simply with yes or no.
Or the fact that thiefs are nerfed and cant steal from shops:
have one shop be able to be stolen from including one nice magical item. however after 48 hours have a shadow thief party (mob style ) group explain that all thiefing busyness is forbidden in athkatla and that u need to pay for that item you stole, or fight them. (or give it an curse costing 10000 gp to uncurse at temple)
Just nice little quest explaining why you cant steal with this mod
i could come up with more but this post is already much longer then i planned
So let me end this post by saying keep up the good work, and good luck in the future.
Gonna plan my 3 run now