The quest order I saw, and it is good and I follow it, but there are no more easy quests. Everywhere I go my party dies quickly. Even Lilalcor fights are tough. I will win this sword, but no one in the party has stars in two-handed swords.
Well, the fights are tough but with some thinking and implementing an appropriate tactics you should have no problem with the Lilarcor fight, Slaver's Stockade and the quests of this range. If you can't beat them at all, I can suggest some hints. Pirates are a bit tough for you. When your mage have six-level spells to memorize Improved Haste and Protection from Magical Energy, that would be a good time to try out the pirates battle. This is also a good point for taking a sorcerer aboard. They can easily get access to the useful spells when they level up, so you can buff your fighters appropriately to the situation.
You might want also to lower the difficulty of the game. For tactical hints you can read some journals here on forum. Kerkes's ones are good, but be wary of spoilers in there.
Two handed weapons - are useful or crap?
They are extremely useful. IA has some very cool weapons to forge like Poseidon's Wrath. They are worth having a two-handed weaponry specialist in party. I recommend to take Minsc or Keldorn. They will get better exp, more closer to your party, since you are already made some progress with the game.
I think that Anomen is good with flails.
His a very competent fighter in SoA when under clerical buffs, but you will find that his usefulness as a melee fighter will grow weaker later in game due to the lack of warrior's HLA abilities.
Isn't it cheating to make a multiplayer game and mighty custom characters?
No, it's not. Why would it be? Cheating is if you CLUAing yourself a big amount of money right away or experience or something else.
I want to see the good stuff from item text file. Jan Jansen, Anomen, Valygar and Vagrant have very good items later. And I want a thief in party. Why is Imoen better?
I am afraid thieves are somewhat weak in IA. Only swashbucklers could be useful. Traps are nerfed greatly since they are a cheesy way to win a fight, and thieves aren't exactly the best melee characters. They won't stand a chance against tougher IA enemies. Of course, backstabbing still has its uses, but one should use it more wisely. Not every enemy is killable via backstab. Imoen is a sorceress and having a sorcerer in IA is extremely important. Jan is a good supporting character (I've played with custom-made thief/mage myself in my first IA run), but he won't be as useful as a single-class sorcerer because he won't get to really high levels in a mage class which will leave him with a less amount of spellslots.
Nalia looks weaker than Edwin. She can memorize very few spells.
Well, there are several points in favor of Nalia. First, she's dualled from thief, so she can handle routine thievery stuff like traps and locks very effectively. Secondly, indeed Edwin may seem to have more spellslots right now, but look at Nalia's ring upgrade
Third, Edwin has very bad stats, which makes him very weak in terms of hitpoints and otherwise. And the fourth, Edwin is evil, and I would strongly suggest to go for the highest reputation to see all of the new content the mod adds, including special quests for the Vagrant protagonist. Of course it is not the issue if you are using "Happy" patch from easy-of-use.
To summarize the party stuff. You should definitely take a 2H-weaponry guy or some other kind of fighter. As for mages, one could win the game with Edwin - Jan combination, but it's not the most easiest one, I'll tell you honestly. The best combinations are Nalia + Imoen, but you can also play with Imoen + Jan (since you want a thief in your party).
How about the rings +2 and cloaks +2? Do I save money or make one-two? And where to make some money?
You can make one-two certainly. When you return to Athkatla make sure you make some +3 cloaks for you warriors, for better saves mostly. Don't bother for your mages. Later, in ToB, when you made all other armor and weaponry upgrades, you can spent the gold to make ring upgrades. Saving-throws are always important, but there are plenty of other means to improve them or make your characters immune to different nasty spells like Finger of Death, for instance. You just have to learn to use them efficiently. Money is made via the usual means: selling stuff, picking up from strongholds. Make sure you use the most charismatic member when shopping (put him as a leader of the party temporarily), make use of "Friends" spell.