Bereth Darkides
Mar 15 2009, 05:52 PM
The Wizard that Hires you to get into the harpers stronghold gets killed yes by the spy, but,,, in my case he doesn't/hasn't come back. ( like he normally does)
Next, The warrior who is supposed to be in the cells is not there, at all and nor are the whining dudes outside talking about how they were beaten by a girl..
I only intalled T.S 7.02 and baldurdash
Wasssup wit dat?
Why are core game factors being overwritten or removed?
I mean I could CLUA them in, but this might damage further sub-quests,, "seen it before".. any idea's?
Go to last reply.
Mar 15 2009, 06:24 PM
What you describe looks much like TDD content.
whining dudes outside talking about how they were beaten by a girl..
Isn't her name supposed to be Shar-Teel by chance? If yes then you definitely confuse TDD's content with vanilla's.
Bereth Darkides
Mar 15 2009, 06:27 PM
Other missing sub-quests:
Fatherless child in the graveyard district
Harpers Recall for Jeheira (when they insist she answers for accompanying me)
Bandits Threaten Jaheira
I'll make note of others as they come along.. Any idea what is causing this?
(Installed games: SoA + ToB + ToB official patch + Baldurdash-WeiDU v1.66 + TS v7.02 )
yes in that order
Bereth Darkides
Mar 15 2009, 06:28 PM
QUOTE(Ardanis @ Mar 15 2009, 06:24 PM)

What you describe looks much like TDD content.
whining dudes outside talking about how they were beaten by a girl..
Isn't her name supposed to be Shar-Teel by chance? If yes then you definitely confuse TDD's content with vanilla's.
Right,, I forgot she was TDD.. but the others are core quests of baldur's are they not?
Mar 15 2009, 08:35 PM
I've played TS 3-4 times and I'm 99% certain it does not affect in almost any way any vanilla quest. And I highly doubt that it have changed in later versions of the mod.
I'd suggest having Dan Simpson's walkthrough at hand for a reference whether or not something is wrong with game.
Harpers Recall for Jeheira (when they insist she answers for accompanying me)
Bandits Threaten Jaheira
If you romance her, then the bandit encounter won't happend until the lovetalk variable reaches somewhere ~25. Consequently, her quest won't start till then as well.
Fatherless child. The only child I can think about is the little spirit who wants his teddy bear back from his murderer and appears only at certain night hours.
PS Just in case. Speaking about TDD I meant the part with Xzar not getting up as well.
Mar 15 2009, 09:00 PM
I don't know what you are talking about. Neither BD nor TS intereferes with the original quests. So, please check your installation.
Bereth Darkides
Mar 16 2009, 12:27 AM
QUOTE(Ardanis @ Mar 15 2009, 08:35 PM)

I've played TS 3-4 times and I'm 99% certain it does not affect in almost any way any vanilla quest. And I highly doubt that it have changed in later versions of the mod.
I'd suggest having Dan Simpson's walkthrough at hand for a reference whether or not something is wrong with game.
Harpers Recall for Jeheira (when they insist she answers for accompanying me)
Bandits Threaten Jaheira
If you romance her, then the bandit encounter won't happend until the lovetalk variable reaches somewhere ~25. Consequently, her quest won't start till then as well.
Fatherless child. The only child I can think about is the little spirit who wants his teddy bear back from his murderer and appears only at certain night hours.
PS Just in case. Speaking about TDD I meant the part with Xzar not getting up as well.
the fatherless child orphaned... and the Paladin that takes her in....
Mar 16 2009, 12:39 AM
The orphan child is there during certain hours in the day. Either check the district frequently or simply rest there and wait for the child to spawn. It's such even in the vanilla game.
Mar 16 2009, 12:45 AM
Ah, that one. They don't sit at the graveyard all the daytime, only at 7-9 and 13-15 hours. I had trouble finding them once or twice too.
So, it's pretty straghtforward that you have everything working fine, just don't remember correctly every detail

PS Sikret has beaten me, while I was checking up the time.
Bereth Darkides
Mar 26 2009, 07:11 PM
ok,, update.. Core game features managed to fix themselves in time so all ok in that part. Now I'm off to the Island, and after the first few battles i see the old habits rehashing of over balance.
Since when can not a +3 Katana harm a basilisk, or even a greater basilisk?
Also, I can't find the entrance to the other portions of the caves.. next point,, Traps that CANNOT be disarmed?
I actually have a good question next. What is the point of creating the game with extreme conditions and super monsters that are
NOT core game creatures nor
follow core game rules when you yourself play core game?
Point is, people will come on here looking for answers to beat the scenario basically making your efforts moot!
I'll find it, I don't want any answers, that is the way I play. I like knowing I solved it by myself, but this
is taking the fun right out of playing it

! The quest starts with a 24hour deadline to save the girl, and in order to beat the creatures I have to sleep at least 4-5 times to replenish spells etc.
I refuse to cheat, in fact I never cheat in any game!! But if Katchiko dies because of this, you'll be hearing from Yoshimo because he'll be wanting your ass!
Mar 26 2009, 07:43 PM
I can't find the entrance to the other portions of the caves
It can be problematic at times, yes. If you're having troubles with the cave level that contains chests that spawn elementals when you open them, then in it's SWern part there's a passage to the rest of location. It's undistinguishible from the impassable walls, so you have to move the cursor around the NE corner of that SWern cavern, eventually you'll notice that it doesn't change to 'impassable' type.
If you mean 'how to get to another level', then I can't be of too much help, since I've played TS long enough to forget the details. Try CTRL-4, it highlights traps' and entrances' locations.
I actually have a good question next. What is the point of creating the game with extreme conditions and super monsters that are NOT core game creatures nor follow core game rules when you yourself play core game?
Wasn't it already talked about in NEJ subforum? Same author generally makes the same (or similar) content. That being said, the policy of modmakers hosted at BWL was 'don't play it if you don't like it' last time I heard. Not that I personally agree, but that's another matter.
Mar 26 2009, 07:47 PM
Once again we have the same story with this particular player. He didn't know some very simple facts about the vanilla game (such as the fact that the orphan child is not always there in the graveyard) and started to shout "bugs, bugs!". Once he was corrected and advised, he left and returned later just to pretend that he is a veteran player to give us lessons about the game's balance (and all this only a couple of posts below the one in which he proved himself to be a novice).
The funny part of the story is that TS has never been considered too difficult by players. In fact, if we want to be nitpicking about TS, we can actually say that the mod's battles are probably a bit too easy compared to the powerful items it introduces to the game.
I don't want to sound harsh, but this is not the first (or even the second or third) time this player behaves in this way regarding Vlad's mods (false bug reports plus hilarious comments about difficulty of a mod which is not difficult at all). Had he barked at IA's difficulty, I wouldn't have reacted in this way.
Mar 26 2009, 08:06 PM
The quest starts with a 24hour deadline to save the girl, and in order to beat the creatures I have to sleep at least 4-5 times to replenish spells etc.
Really? May be you need to change the difficulty of game or your tactics? Try normal level, for example
Mar 26 2009, 09:52 PM
difficulty of a mod which is not difficult at all
Well, let's say that while it may be not too difficult for you, me, Vlad or Senka, there can be people to whom it's hard. I remember playing BG1 for the first time and swearing every time that wizard on the FAI's stairs sent me to hell.
What I'll say next isn't related to TS directly, it's a theoretical outline.
he left and returned later just to pretend that he is a veteran player to give us lessons about the game's balance
I've read the thread in NEJ's forum. And I can firmly say that he does make a very solid point regarding balance.
It's probably more a matter of what every one of us understands as 'balance'. As far as I can tell from what I've seen, for you, Sikret, that's 'how hard a fight should be'. That is legitime definition when we talk about exclusively tactical element of game. But
roleplaying game doesn't consist of fights only (otherwise we have Diablo), it should be a self sufficient world with it's own logic (not necessarily explained to a player at the game start). And there is already a world predefined in BG - Forgotten Realms. Breaking it's logic too much often breaks immersion, breaking immersion breaks expectations.
BTW I've happened to read DnD's guideline for highlevel campaigns - one of the most interesting points was not to introduce tougher opponents, who'll strip the feeling of PCs being actually strong, and alongside will yield more XP, escalating the process even further. Instead it suggested to make enemies smarter, like preparing battleground to their advantage and such.
Combat is just a one single piece of game design, and shouldn't dominate the other elements. As long as the goal is to make an
Mar 26 2009, 10:06 PM
QUOTE(Ardanis @ Mar 27 2009, 02:22 AM)

BTW I've happened to read DnD's guideline for highlevel campaigns - one of the most interesting points was not to introduce tougher opponents, who'll strip the feeling of PCs being actually strong, and alongside will yield more XP, escalating the process even further. Instead it suggested to make enemies smarter, like preparing battleground to their advantage and such.
I do both.
Tough (as long as it stands legitimate within
the mod's rules) and
smart (as much as the game's engine permits).
Combat is just a one single piece of game design, and shouldn't dominate the other elements. As long as the goal is to make an RPG.
He was talking about the difficulty of combats in TS.
For most people, adding a word or two about the 'rules' is just a means to hide their tactical incompetence. As I've said elsewhere, all D&D rules are just optional guidelines for the DM. There is a (meta) rule which says that the DM can always modify those rules if he sees that the change fits his goals and expectations.
Mar 26 2009, 10:29 PM
I do both. Tough (as long as it stands legitimate within the mod's rules) and smart (as much as the game's engine permits).
Yes, I remember from v4

adding a word or two about the 'rules' is just a means to hide their tactical incompetence.
Now, I can't speak for Bereth, as in my opinion that's a rude thing to do but was there a phrase "I'm can easily beat every 99% resistant golem with my single finger"? You often seem to put much emphasis on 'tactical competence'. Good, but don't you think that's not everyone's goal? I could be missing something but afaik TS != IA, one is a quest while another is mostly AI and tactics (yes, I know about new content). So, I think it's not correct to put a blame on someone's combat skills when they intend to play a quest.
There is a (meta) rule which says that the DM can always modify those rules if he sees that the change fits his goals and expectations.
It's normal once, twice or thrice. But when it happens at least 50% of times then an explanation about the reasons is due. Otherwise, like I've said, it breaks immersion. You give a warning in IA's readme about mod's difficulty, so you're clear in this regard. In case of TS it apparently came as surprise.
Mar 27 2009, 12:13 AM
There's a significant difference between creating something of one's own and expanding an existing creation (be it a game of a house building). Former has no other limits but creator's ability (and resources), latter applies certain restrictions - as one can't really put blasters and space battleships into fantasy setting. Well, technically they can, but does it need to be said what a result would be? Likely not.
Same with proverbal balance. For a mod (which is an expansion) to not stand out much and blend with the rest of content it has to be made in the same manner as the game is. And BG itself isn't even something original, it's DnD's expansion of sorts. Putting emphasis on mod's needs rather than the original game's can indeed have a reason - "I like it this way, so either accept it or ignore". Thing is, that's not professional to do (and yes, if I'm to be blunt and honest then I do think that the vast amount of mods, especially old ones, are done in a very amateurish manner).
That being said, I myself have absolutely nothing against TS or Vlad, just am trying to clarify the situation.
Mar 27 2009, 12:33 AM
As I said, the problem is that some people have a too strict reading of those "so called" rules of D&D. There is a (meta) rule which says that all those rules are
optional and it's the DM who defines the world's setup. I think we are falling in repetitions.

Moreover, TS is not
that difficult to require a warning in the readme. Only a player who doesn't know even the most basic tactics may say that TS is too hard. It doesn't require outstanding tactical skills at all.
Mar 27 2009, 07:11 PM
Guys, it's not necessary to argue with such intonations. We all have different points of view. I suggest if you have some personal insults, do this through IM, thanks we have it here. As regards, myself, well, I accept the critics with respect to ballance. Bereth, your objection is clearly justified. I agree also with Secret that TS is one of the easiest mods here. Do you remember the "ballance" in Severed Hand, then you sure feel the difference!

As I said many many times, I do the mods for my own enjoyment. If I feel something is too easy for me, I do it harder. Since most of my NPCs first take over NeJ2, and only then come to BG2, I feel the serious lack of ballance in my game. That makes me introducing such modifications like Copper Coronet, and probably more in the future. My game is now based on both NeJ2 and TS, so for the group of Hrothgar, Dar and Shar-Teel, the whole Island is a piece of cake. My next play will include IA for sure. All in all, I want to say that "ballance" does not have an absolute meaning. Bereth, in your very core game, TS monsters are difficult for you. In my very core game they are not. In Sikret's IA, it will be different. So, this is very individual, and I don't see any base for discussion here. We all simply have different games of different difficulty levels, different NPCs, different rules etc. My mods are aimed at certain players who are tired of core BG2 game and want something different. Sikret has his own community with the most tactical and challenging experience. Eventually, as Senka suggested, you may try lowering your "core rules level" in the game configuration settings. Then all the monsters will make half of damage and you'll be twice stronger.
Good luck!
[EDIT] Bereth, as I said before, I accept any help. If you have some additional material you wish to share, I'll be glad to review it. Thank you.
Bereth Darkides
Mar 27 2009, 08:48 PM
Well, got to Katchiko, and now she won't resurrect. Yoshimo says cast the scroll but I wasn't given one... What is next, do I simply stare at the corpse?
Mar 27 2009, 08:53 PM
Didn't you speak with her mother? She should give you the scroll. May be you used it already?
Bereth Darkides
Mar 27 2009, 08:55 PM
QUOTE(Senka @ Mar 27 2009, 08:53 PM)

Didn't you speak with her mother? She should give you the scroll. May be you used it already?
yup I spoke to her and nope she didn't give me anything!
Mar 27 2009, 09:00 PM
But did you agree to help?
Really, I don't understand your problems...
Bereth Darkides
Mar 27 2009, 09:07 PM
yes I agreed, but she gave me nothing. What scroll was she supposed to give me?
Mar 27 2009, 10:35 PM
The Scroll of Ressurection. You need to bring her back to life somehow.
Mar 27 2009, 11:05 PM
did you rest after the battle but before yoshi ? I had the same problems years ago. maybe I am not remembering correctly it has been years after all.
Mar 28 2009, 12:43 AM
Kachiko wakes up after Raise Dead spell - either from scroll (Najoko gives one, it can be bought in any temple as well), or by priest - is casted upon her. There've been someone about couple of months ago who had troubles with the scroll, so I've checked the mod and discovered that.
It doesn't explain why she didn't give a scroll in the first place, though.
Bereth Darkides
Mar 28 2009, 02:02 AM
I tried Raise Dead twice. nothing she's just lying there, and yes i had to sleep 3 times just to get through mazes. I didn't cheat at all, so you count the 3 potions of mirrored eyes I had and one wizard who could memorize protection from petrification (3 slots) times the number of basilisks there are in the game.. + the many other nuclear dudes I had to constantly heal from despite having 3 characters at -10AC and one at -13AC.
So yes,, I slept!
Mar 28 2009, 09:06 AM
So yes,, I slept!
You lost time I believe.
May be you should replay whole island from the very beginning. Knowing about all problems...
so you count the 3 potions of mirrored eyes
It's enought for all basilisks. Give them to one of your character and he/she will kill them all.
Mar 29 2009, 06:00 AM
I suggest that you talk to Kachiko's mother nicely, promising to help, and then she will give you the correct scroll. If this scenario doesn't work for you after you pass the dungeon, try loading your saved game before meeting Kachiko's mother for the first time, and again talk to her nicely. This problem you report originates mainly from the fact that you did not wisely choose your answers in the dialogue with Najoko. You should really be polite to get this scroll. Also, some of the regular cleric spells or scrolls, like Ardanis said, should work, if not modified by other mods. Did you install something along with TS?
Bereth Darkides
Apr 6 2009, 03:55 PM
O.K. I just saved before the last fight with the king and I have agreed to give him the fake heart. Now I have killed him 3 times (easy battle) and here lies the end of a slew of bugs or problems.
They start at:
1) On Saemon's ship, he gives me two blades not just one, then the Gith stays red and starts attacking my entire party. Saemon doesn't kick into his, "wait we're aBout to be boarded speech", which in turn starts the conversation of the gith looking for the blade in the first place.
So I tried talking to Saemon again during the battle, and it goes back to the speech we had in Brynlaw, and again the Chapter story comes up again and then Saemon gives me yet another two blades. Only then does the Gith Captain go into his "Need to seach me for the Blade speach" before Saemon dissapears and the sahaugin's appears as well..
2) Wave blade is nowhere to be found in the city!
3) Receive two treasury Keys, and two magic Ropes, and the new King Stays red (attack mode) and we have to bolt to the pit after he thanks me and I guess decides he rather eat me.
4) When I do get to the pit, nobody is there to receive me in a farewell.( I seem to remember this was the case before).
Not sure but I think other default treasures are missing as well, including in the undead pit!
Full of holes..
Apr 7 2009, 06:10 AM
QUOTE(Bereth Darkides @ Apr 6 2009, 08:25 PM)

1) On Saemon's ship, he gives me two blades not just one, then the Gith stays red and starts attacking my entire party. Saemon doesn't kick into his, "wait we're aBout to be boarded speech", which in turn starts the conversation of the gith looking for the blade in the first place.
So I tried talking to Saemon again during the battle, and it goes back to the speech we had in Brynlaw, and again the Chapter story comes up again and then Saemon gives me yet another two blades. Only then does the Gith Captain go into his "Need to seach me for the Blade speach" before Saemon dissapears and the sahaugin's appears as well..
This is a bug of the vanilla game which sometimes (not always) kicks in. It should be reported to the Baldurdash forum here at BWL (not to TS forum). For now, the solution is to reload and try again; as I said, it doesn't happen everytime.
2) Wave blade is nowhere to be found in the city!
This is not a bug. You find the Wave blade if you don't betray the king and fight with the prince. It's how it works in the vanilla game as well. As I've told you before, you should give a high priority to get familiar with the vanilla game before anything else; otherwise, you will keep sending false bug reports, inappropriate criticisms, invalid comments about the game balance, etc, etc...
I don't remember what new content and features TS has added to the Sahuagin City; so, I won't comment about the other problems in your list.
Apr 7 2009, 09:35 AM
3) Receive two treasury Keys, and two magic Ropes, and the new King Stays red (attack mode) and we have to bolt to the pit after he thanks me and I guess decides he rather eat me.
Two ropes seems frequent, I often end up with two as well. Angry King - no idea, really.
4) When I do get to the pit, nobody is there to receive me in a farewell.( I seem to remember this was the case before).
If you kill the Prince then right before leaving you get a 'farewell' from a priestess. Appears to be tied to red King, as you first get a talk with him,
then the priestess pops up.
Anyway, I can't recall TS doing something to other parts of game, save dialog interjections (which doesn't appear to be a possible case here).
Bereth Darkides
Apr 7 2009, 04:26 PM
QUOTE(Sikret @ Apr 7 2009, 06:10 AM)

QUOTE(Bereth Darkides @ Apr 6 2009, 08:25 PM)

1) On Saemon's ship, he gives me two blades not just one, then the Gith stays red and starts attacking my entire party. Saemon doesn't kick into his, "wait we're aBout to be boarded speech", which in turn starts the conversation of the gith looking for the blade in the first place.
So I tried talking to Saemon again during the battle, and it goes back to the speech we had in Brynlaw, and again the Chapter story comes up again and then Saemon gives me yet another two blades. Only then does the Gith Captain go into his "Need to seach me for the Blade speach" before Saemon dissapears and the sahaugin's appears as well..
This is a bug of the vanilla game which sometimes (not always) kicks in. It should be reported to the Baldurdash forum here at BWL (not to TS forum). For now, the solution is to reload and try again; as I said, it doesn't happen everytime.
2) Wave blade is nowhere to be found in the city!
This is not a bug. You find the Wave blade if you don't betray the king and fight with the prince. It's how it works in the vanilla game as well. As I've told you before, you should give a high priority to get familiar with the vanilla game before anything else; otherwise, you will keep sending false bug reports, inappropriate criticisms, invalid comments about the game balance, etc, etc...
I don't remember what new content and features TS has added to the Sahuagin City; so, I won't comment about the other problems in your list.
I see! Where is one to find posts about vanilla games? Perhaps you could point me in the right direction. I don't like using walkthroughs (a.k.a. cheating) though so if this is what you are suggesting, seeing all the changes before playing them has no interest to me. What is vanilla, a person, an add-on, a pet name? I've seen lots of references to it, but no specifics!
Holding my tongue here Sikret. Yours was an uncalled for reply
"etc. etc.". Think about it this way, if something is going wrong, how is this my fault and where is the directory of vanilla game bugs?
Stop attacking me and making this personal. My comments about game balance are NOT invalid, you just don't agree with them or "understand" the validity.
Remember all I have installed here is TS and Baldurdash, nothing else! BTW one last point, the Wave blade is missing even from the prince!
Apr 7 2009, 07:36 PM
I don't like using walkthroughs (a.k.a. cheating)
Might be just a personal preference, but I avoid using them only on the first play. BG2 is a typical linear story driven game, so what more can be found in walkthroughs after beating the game once?
where is the directory of vanilla game bugs?
here, for example.
Are you using a fresh install of BG2? Sometimes uninstalling mods doesn't go as peacefully as one would wish for.
Apr 8 2009, 10:29 AM
QUOTE(Bereth Darkides @ Apr 7 2009, 08:56 PM)

BTW one last point, the Wave blade is missing even from the prince!
As I wrote previously, You find the wave blade with the prince if you don't betray the king and fight with the prince. The blade is not with the prince always and under every condition.
If you read your AD&D texts in the same inaccurate way you read simple posts here in the forum, there is no wonder you infer invalid conclusions from reading them.
I told you that you need to become familiar with the original game before speaking
words bigger than your mouth, but you simply refuse to listen (not only to me, but to
others as well).
Apr 8 2009, 12:33 PM
Remember all I have installed here is TS and Baldurdash, nothing else! BTW one last point, the Wave blade is missing even from the prince!
If you didn't read walkthroughs, in what way you know about Wave blade? BTW, you can steal it from prince if you betraed the king...
Bereth Darkides
Apr 17 2009, 07:01 AM
I have only played the original game 7 times so I've no idea what is in it!
But I do know when something isn't working right! For the other people actually trying to help without being exceptionally rude thank you, and yes this is a fresh install!
Sikret, last warning, stop attacking me. I mean it!
P.S. The first sentence is called sarcasm, just in case you didn't get it! (not directed at Senka though, right Sikret).
F*** I was the 1st person in line when it was released in Ottawa, no kidding!
Bereth Darkides
Apr 17 2009, 07:12 AM
QUOTE(Senka @ Mar 28 2009, 09:06 AM)

So yes,, I slept!
You lost time I believe.
May be you should replay whole island from the very beginning. Knowing about all problems...
so you count the 3 potions of mirrored eyes
It's enought for all basilisks. Give them to one of your character and he/she will kill them all.
No it's not, the potions run out after each set and that was when my one character was hasted x2. So no, your wrong!
In the end, it came down to me using the rod of resurrection. It was strange though, I cast the spell and it took about 5 minutes to take effect. Very weird, but thanks for trying to help Senka
Apr 17 2009, 08:03 AM
OK, I played TS more than 20 times but I'm wrong... You cannot beat it and say shitish things about mod auther and other players who can. Why you ask question if you want only to abuse all of us?
Apr 17 2009, 01:37 PM
QUOTE(Senka @ Apr 17 2009, 01:03 AM)

OK, I played TS more than 20 times but I'm wrong... You cannot beat it and say shitish things about mod auther and other players who can. Why you ask question if you want only to abuse all of us?
Because thats what he does, not only here but other forums in the past!
Apr 17 2009, 04:18 PM
Because thats what he does, not only here but other forums in the past!
I think we just should not answer him in future. He is typical troll
Bereth Darkides
Apr 18 2009, 08:44 PM
QUOTE(Senka @ Apr 17 2009, 08:03 AM)

OK, I played TS more than 20 times but I'm wrong... You cannot beat it and say shitish things about mod auther and other players who can. Why you ask question if you want only to abuse all of us?
Senka I just tried using the three potions on one character. Buy the time I killed one set of basilisks (double hasted) the potions effects run out. plain and simple. There are 5 sets of basilisks and only 3 potions and everything in between. Are you suggesting that one guy does the entire level alone? The potions only last 5 turns each! I'm not abusing you! Too many people here take things way too personal.
I don't recall ever calling you a name like you did to me just now!
Bereth Darkides
Apr 18 2009, 09:11 PM
You know what, I'm giving up on this childish board and most of the people here. Most of you aren't mature enough to take and criticism at all and instead turn it into some kind of derived personal attack on who you are as a person. This board and many of it members severely lack maturity. Vlad is one of the few nice people who can take criticism and one of the only reason why I have remained.
I simply started this post in what I thought was a favor in pointing out mistakes or glitches in the game. Now because I don't know the content specifically of the mod before hand I am ridiculed?
Heaven forbid anyone making one single complaint about game content or questioning the balance, OMG what a taboo! I mean the personal insult I made to call it overbalance, Oh the slander! I'm at such a loss of words of apothegm I can't contain my mistake!
(For all but very few; GROW THE F*** UP)!
And Senka, he started on me first, I suggest you read the posts, any or all of them! My intention was not to be unappreciative, it was to question the manner and reasons for breaking AD&D tradition in breaking the rules, a.k.a. cheating!
Not my fault he couldn't take it or even understand the simple concepts whilst he lies to himself about knowing the first thing about actual AD&D, (which I though that this game was based on pardon me for pointing that out).
Good bye!
Apr 18 2009, 10:13 PM
I just tried using the three potions on one character. Buy the time I killed one set of basilisks (double hasted) the potions effects run out. plain and simple. There are 5 sets of basilisks and only 3 potions and everything in between. Are you suggesting that one guy does the entire level alone? The potions only last 5 turns each! I'm not abusing you! Too many people here take things way too personal.
Well, I think many people here merely can't understand why a few basilisks can be so much trouble at 12-14 level and moderately decent equipment. Try backstabbing them (you do have Yoshimo after all, else you wouldn't get there) then drink invis potion. Fry/disable them with magic. Summon some monsters and send them in front and safely shoot basilisks from afar.
Apr 19 2009, 09:30 AM
Well, I think many people here merely can't understand why a few basilisks can be so much trouble at 12-14 level and moderately decent equipment
He never play BG I believe or didn't kill basilisks being on 2 level
Apr 19 2009, 06:33 PM
I don't see any point to continue this thread.
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