1) It seems like the use of spellcasters is different in IA, and some of the spells have been tweaked. I was wondering if an IA veteran would be willing to make a "recommended spells" list. I don't want anything that will say "at level x pick spell y", but rather maybe a list like "these are the level 1 spells that are very useful in IA, these are the level 2 spells that are very useful in IA, etc." so that I can choose my spell progression myself, yet at the same time I won't be worried about picking worthless spells or missing powerful IA spells that aren't so good in standard BG. This is especially important for sorcerer, of course.
I am by no means an IA veteran but i can tell something about spells based on my not-so-much experience
1st lvl Essentials: Magic Missile, Identify(if you don't have a bard),
Chromatic orb: is not so good;you deal little amount of damage with some side effects but the ones you would want it to affect will most probably save or be immune to its effects. Plus magic missile makes MR check for every missile while chromatic orb is only does it once.
Larloch's minor drain: bypasses MR in IA; even though it does little damage it can disrupt spellcasting.
Shield: protects against magic missiles but will no longer in IAv6.
Find familiar: Apart from RP issues, its hp bonus is priceless if it makes your hp greater than 59
2nd lvl Essentials: as follows;
Blur&Mirror image; both are very good spells but afaik blur does not triggers enemy's true sight spells while mirror image does. Mirror image also (partially) protects against aoe spells such as ADHW, Cloudkill, Fireball etc.
Melf's acid arrow: can actually be pretty useful since it can be considered as a miscast magic spell if you do the timing right.
Resist Fear: Especially against dragons
Vocalize: There are different types of silence spells in IA which has huge penalties and sometimes bypassing silence immunity. You should keep vocalize scrolls on each of your spellcasters
Knock: also essential if you don't have a thief
3rd lvl Essentials: Remove(dispel) magic, Haste, Prot. from fire
Skull trap: is nerfed in IA as you probably know and will be replaced by another spell (don't know what) in v6
Vampiric touch: also bypasses MR, good against golems
4th lvl Essentials: Stoneskin
Emotion: this spell is incredible, just try it along with Greater Malison.
Enchanted weapon: You may need +3 weapons before you acquire any. It will be nerfed in IAv6 to be cast once a day
Spirit Armor: must have if you have party members who can't wear armor (excluding Riskbreaker who is immune to it)
Ray of fragmentation: does little damage but still..
5th lvl: Essentials: Animate Dead, Breach, Lower resistance, Spell Immunity
Sunfire bypasses MR in IA; very useful
Spell shield: I think there are some bugs about this spell, i don't use it much and its scrolls are *very* rare.
6th lvl: Essentials: Pfmw, Pfme,Improved haste, chain lightning
Death fog&spell:
sometimes can be useful, keep some scrolls around
Mislead: will be no more in v6
True sight: let cleric or inquisitor cast it if you need..remove magic is much more efficient if you are high level and only way to get around SI:divination
7th lvl: as follows
Ruby ray of reversal: the only spell that can remove SI:Abjuration. Sometimes fails against Spell Shield, then you are pretty much stuck with an impenetrable enemy.
Mordenkainen's sword: very good summon even if it can now be damaged physically.
Spell Sequencer: sequencers are good
Spell Turning: To tell the truth, this spells' only function is to buy you some time before your SI:Abj is dispelled
8th lvl: Essential: Abi Dalzim's Horrid Wilting
Spell Trigger: sequencers are good
Hand of Undoing: a bit slow, and you need to touch the target: not so efficient
9th lvl: very very essential: Improved Alacrity
Chain contingency: will be nerfed in v6 to be cast once a day.
Pw:kill: is the spell you need to watch out for; once your hps are less than 60 and you have no death ward on, then you are dead
Spellstrike: is the only spell that consistenly brings down Spellshield
Time stop: now there are more creatures immune to it (but not that much)
Dragon's Breath: bypass MR+lightning speed casting time+huge damage+wing buffet=pricelesss..
Wish: the ultimate ultimate spell, will be nerfed in v6 but don't know how
You probably know all the things i have written, but i just wanted to highlight some IA issues with them. Maybe i shoud also do it for divine spells
5) Are there any balanced, well-regarded quest-adding mods which are not incompatible with IA? The only one I could think of was Tower of Deception, which I do plan to install. Note that I'm not interested in NPC mods.
I'm sure you meant compatible
I recently played with Dungeon Crawl mod and it was quite fun (better if you read the comics) albeit a little short. However it introduces some items that can ruin IA's atmosphere, notably:
Boots of speed: for sale in one of the mod's stores however in order to have one in IA you should first kill a mini-boss, and use one precious permanency scroll along with some obscene amount of gold
Robe of arcane might: +3 casting speed, even memory of the apprenti gives +2
Robe of fire resistance: a component for an IA item and it's well guarded ..Not sure if you can really forge something using it.
Assassinations is also another very good mod. There are no items, no excess xp or gold, just a good and intriguing storyline.
Tower of Deception also works with IA as i played recently. Improved guardian was a little tough for my party, i had to lower the difficulty and did not yet encounter Ustrain.
The Four is (of course) compatible with IA. Even if you don't want to use the items it's good to have a challenge, although most encounters require some sort of prerequisites.
As for NPC mods, even if you are not interested, i think Keto is compatible. Although i would have moral issues with bringing her into a world full of mad golems and brain-devouring spiders.
Any glaring omissions here? The one obvious thing is the lack of a thief. Whether I need a thief will depend on what Sikret says about the "no traps/locks" component. If he says that there are major problems with the "no traps/locks" component, I guess I can replace the Blade with a Swashie.
Sikret also suggested using a Swashbuckler->Mage instead of a Bard/Blade since bard class will be killed in v6.
Speaking of the blade, it looks like stealing from stores is allowed now in v5 if I'm not mistaken. I wonder if it would be worth it to use a plainclass bard or jester instead of a blade for higher pickpocket value?
I don't remember any store that allows stealing, are you sure it was v5?
Also, what about weapon proficiencies for my party? IA changes the weapons so much that its hard for me to decide, especially since I have no way of knowing how many new weapons I can expect to be able to forge. I know it is a good idea to have varying damage-types, but beyond that I have no idea.
Now, that is a question that deserves an extensive answer.