Nov 9 2008, 06:29 PM
I would like to try a Riskbreaker on my next run through but I enjoy single player mode as I find that multi buggier with slow downs etc. I like to take either vagrant or mage for the extra quests and I prefer using NPCs for their benefits (upgradable items and side quests) and drawbacks (weaker starting stats).
Is riskbreaker still a work in progress or is he here to stay? I ask this because the jury is still out on him compared to the other new classes (esp. the Vagrant which is a resounding success). The Riskbreaker is a better option for the advanced tactician (which I am not) than the beginner to intermediate player. The one area that Sikret has not expanded in IA is adding new NPCs and I was wondering if he has any plans for this. An NPC riskbreaker could be an excellent addition for those players who want to try one without losing the option of vagrant/mage protagonist in single player mode. He could an entirely new character perhaps from an under utilised area or simply a modified kit from an already existing NPC as Cernd is and Valygar is soon to be. I suppose Minsc is the only latter option. He/She could be a walk on NPC with no bells or whistles or could come with distinct perhaps upgradeable items and backstory leading to new interactions or even quests.
Nov 9 2008, 06:41 PM
QUOTE(Frazurblu @ Nov 9 2008, 06:29 PM)

I would like to try a Riskbreaker on my next run through but I enjoy single player mode as I find that multi buggier with slow downs etc. I like to take either vagrant or mage for the extra quests and I prefer using NPCs for their benefits (upgradable items and side quests) and drawbacks (weaker starting stats).
The issues of multiplayer play (as a single player) such as slow-down and pausing difficulties can be resolved by moving your multiplayer save file from the 'mpsave' folder to the 'save' folder and loading and continuing your game in single player mode. It sounds like you may not have known that.
Nov 9 2008, 08:31 PM
@ Raven
The issues of multiplayer play (as a single player) such as slow-down and pausing difficulties can be resolved by moving your multiplayer save file from the 'mpsave' folder to the 'save' folder and loading and continuing your game in single player mode. It sounds like you may not have known that.
I did not know that - thank you Raven.
I like to try riskbreaker as a flank attacker as I like my main tanks to be more durable.
Nov 15 2008, 06:49 PM
I played Riskbreaker quite a few times now, this is an amazing fighter class. You simply can't go wrong with them, regardless of your playing skill. 20% of their hits are criticals, which is great (thaxilsilya, Firkraag... they go down like flies, not to mention some other very low AC monsters)
Being able to cast imp.haste on self in midst of the battle is great, very useful, especially in Underdark part of the game.
And late game, that's where they get really godly - their special ability (Risk Decrement) is the only mass destruction spell that will do damage to many oponnents, since it does crushing, not magic or elemental damage. It is the only "melee" dmg that bashes through "Apsolute immunity" or pfmws on Liches etc.
Their big weakness is inability to be effective with 2-handed wpns, and the fact that they need a lot of micromanaging early on (but then again, so does a Vagrant.)
They also never have armor/wpns with magic dmg resistance, so keep your mages close for Prot mag energy/fire/cold etc.
They must be humans, which is bad since dwarves are so much better.
My favourite wpns combo for them - max out flails and dual wield at the beginning for FoA and Phosphorous, later on long sword for Judgement (if you have a valid protag) and give it to a Riskbreaker (Vagrant has many powerful wpns at disposal, Axe of Lakesider to name one). My my.. being able to cast "Risk Decrement" while under mage-like protections is a good thing. (casting of Risk Decrement is a bit long. Too long. Not for a mage spell, but since Riskbreakers are front-liners, they get disrupted quite often if you don't micromanage)
Their AC is pathetic for 80% of the game (you'll need rings and cloaks + some def.spells + blur - note that enemy mages don't use TS if only blur is active. But if you use mirro img from Ilbratha, Blur is also gone.), so don't expect much help from that.
Bastard swords (DoTC and Foebane) are also a good combination for Riskbreakers.