Thank you both for your replies!
reload, reload, reload....
That's exactly what i did, but reloading in this battle is really discouraging. After sitting almost an hour to get myself defeated, i usually don't have any enthusiasm to all. So i am taking a break from BG2 but this battle will be the first one i will win when i continue playing.
it's called "EPIC" for a reason, not because it sounds good
I think you miss out on a powerful single or dual-class cleric for Greater Restorations, a f/m/c is a much different matter (I believe you only have 2 Greater Restorations with him) in IA5 than a "real" Cleric type like Anomen.
You are absolutely right about single class clerics, i'll certainly take one next time. (oh but not Anomen please!) Actually i am totally done with multiclass characters and i believe IA will be easier with with single/dual class characters.
Completely agree bout Anomen. I make him Chaotic Neutral
, but am a big fan of Berserker-Clerics so I prefer a custom instead. Multiclasses are very powerful, even with HLA delay. I wouldn't take my only cleric as a triple multiclass however, since a f/m/c is much more of a backup fighter/tank/death ward caster etc. than something you can rely on to heal people.
There's a very poweful enemy which must go down first I believe, and your Cleric will have to cast a ton of "Greater Restorations" to keep your guys alive vs.him.
Congratulations on getting this far without a "real" cleric anyway! well done
Rod of Resurrection is also good for healing a single target.
Well i know this one for a while but i don't use it because i think it's not realistic (may be considered as cheesy, or an exploit), a rod of resurrection should resurrect people not heal them. Related to that, resurrecting someone in the middle of battle also sounds cheap to me. Ok i admit, i also do it sometimes but enemies certainly don't. Just imagine Rakshasa Prince (doesn't he have a name?) resurrecting his "golem companions".
I also dunno resurrect in battle.
As for Death of a Thousand Cats, i didn't forge it because it's umm.. a bastard sword. Who uses a bastard sword anyway? Noone in my party had any proficiency points on that.
Bastards are one of the best choices available IMO. Foebane is perfect (bypass MR! Heal-as-hit! wooo-hoo! even above max HP! yeah! Death of a Thousand cuts (for me at least) - a must have. Massive, massive damage, against everything not immune to slashing. I found it to be even better than FoDaW. Using both is, of course, even better.
I always make sure somebody in party uses bastards, and I forged Avenger once only. Reloaded on that one, I like my sorc to take care of enemy buffs, rather than relying on a sword.