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The Black Wyrm's Lair - Forums > Released mods - Baldur's Gate II > Improved Anvil
Ok, that's it. This Prince and his so called army are... really good. I really need to change my tactics. I read Kerkes's EDE writing and tried a similar tactic, but no avail.(The writing was awesome btw.) My party doesn't seem to be capable of delivering enough damage to golems before they are overwhelmed by rakshasas' ADHWs and DBs. There are just too many of them.

Here's my party composition;

Vagrant Level 36
F/M/T Level 20/18/23
Inquisitor Level 35
F/M/C Level 19/18/20
Auramaster Level 40
Imoen Level 31

I have also a lot of good equipment; JD, FoA+5, FoDW+5, Answerer, Grandfather of Assassins, Staff of Ram+6, Dragon Lord, Holy Avenger, Hammer of Thor, Golem Slayer etc.

-How can i use contingencies and sequencers most efficiently for this specific battle? Or should i use them at all?

-To whom should i concentrate my attacks first?

-Despite her high level, my Auramaster was not much efficient (or i can't use her efficiently), any ideas for her?

-Summons and pre-buffs.

-And everything else that can help..

One strange thing; I keep Imoen out of the battle and cast Wish constantly. However her choices (19 WIS) are much worse than the ones my protagonist (16 WIS) gets (via JD). Did this happen to anyone else? Sometimes i find myself casting a Meteor Swarm on myself.

I will write my thoughts about this in PM.

reload, reload, reload....
Repetition is the mother of Wisdom!!!
Hope you forged Death of a Thousand Cuts, it works very good vs golems here.
Just noticed you didn't.
that's a slight mistake, IMO, since Avenger comes out quite short of it,(for me in any battle) since it does massive damage to golems, unlike Avenger sword.
as for order of killing them, I've mentioned this in my story I believe (it's a bit hidden amongst the story lines as Sikret mentioned, but you can find it for sure.)
Be fast, I always say. Faster the kill, easier the game... 3 times so in EDE... they cannot summon more golems if dead.
I think you miss out on a powerful single or dual-class cleric for Greater Restorations, a f/m/c is a much different matter (I believe you only have 2 Greater Restorations with him) in IA5 than a "real" Cleric type like Anomen.
Rod of Resurrection is also good for healing a single target.
Wish will also heal sometimes, but I used Imoen for many things - pfme, prot energy, most importantly - remove magic. Much better than inq's "dispel" anyway.
Thank you both for your replies!

reload, reload, reload....
That's exactly what i did, but reloading in this battle is really discouraging. After sitting almost an hour to get myself defeated, i usually don't have any enthusiasm to all. So i am taking a break from BG2 but this battle will be the first one i will win when i continue playing.

I think you miss out on a powerful single or dual-class cleric for Greater Restorations, a f/m/c is a much different matter (I believe you only have 2 Greater Restorations with him) in IA5 than a "real" Cleric type like Anomen.

You are absolutely right about single class clerics, i'll certainly take one next time. (oh but not Anomen please!) Actually i am totally done with multiclass characters and i believe IA will be easier with with single/dual class characters.

Rod of Resurrection is also good for healing a single target.

Well i know this one for a while but i don't use it because i think it's not realistic (may be considered as cheesy, or an exploit), a rod of resurrection should resurrect people not heal them. Related to that, resurrecting someone in the middle of battle also sounds cheap to me. Ok i admit, i also do it sometimes but enemies certainly don't. Just imagine Rakshasa Prince (doesn't he have a name?) resurrecting his "golem companions".

As for Death of a Thousand Cats, i didn't forge it because it's umm.. a bastard sword. Who uses a bastard sword anyway? Noone in my party had any proficiency points on that.
QUOTE(Apsis @ Oct 22 2008, 10:17 PM) *
Thank you both for your replies!

reload, reload, reload....
That's exactly what i did, but reloading in this battle is really discouraging. After sitting almost an hour to get myself defeated, i usually don't have any enthusiasm to all. So i am taking a break from BG2 but this battle will be the first one i will win when i continue playing.

it's called "EPIC" for a reason, not because it sounds good thumb.gif

I think you miss out on a powerful single or dual-class cleric for Greater Restorations, a f/m/c is a much different matter (I believe you only have 2 Greater Restorations with him) in IA5 than a "real" Cleric type like Anomen.
You are absolutely right about single class clerics, i'll certainly take one next time. (oh but not Anomen please!) Actually i am totally done with multiclass characters and i believe IA will be easier with with single/dual class characters.

Completely agree bout Anomen. I make him Chaotic Neutral tongue.gif , but am a big fan of Berserker-Clerics so I prefer a custom instead. Multiclasses are very powerful, even with HLA delay. I wouldn't take my only cleric as a triple multiclass however, since a f/m/c is much more of a backup fighter/tank/death ward caster etc. than something you can rely on to heal people.
There's a very poweful enemy which must go down first I believe, and your Cleric will have to cast a ton of "Greater Restorations" to keep your guys alive vs.him.
Congratulations on getting this far without a "real" cleric anyway! well done

Rod of Resurrection is also good for healing a single target.

Well i know this one for a while but i don't use it because i think it's not realistic (may be considered as cheesy, or an exploit), a rod of resurrection should resurrect people not heal them. Related to that, resurrecting someone in the middle of battle also sounds cheap to me. Ok i admit, i also do it sometimes but enemies certainly don't. Just imagine Rakshasa Prince (doesn't he have a name?) resurrecting his "golem companions".

I also dunno resurrect in battle.

As for Death of a Thousand Cats, i didn't forge it because it's umm.. a bastard sword. Who uses a bastard sword anyway? Noone in my party had any proficiency points on that.

Bastards are one of the best choices available IMO. Foebane is perfect (bypass MR! Heal-as-hit! wooo-hoo! even above max HP! yeah! Death of a Thousand cuts (for me at least) - a must have. Massive, massive damage, against everything not immune to slashing. I found it to be even better than FoDaW. Using both is, of course, even better.
I always make sure somebody in party uses bastards, and I forged Avenger once only. Reloaded on that one, I like my sorc to take care of enemy buffs, rather than relying on a sword.

I find that Bastard Swords are mainly paladins weapons though. Keldorn does nicely with them.

For IA fights I generally target the summoners and tough summons first. Then I switch to the main foe and if he is protected in some way (such as hardiness or protection from magical weapons) I switch to the summons again until my mage/sorceress can dispel it or I just sit it out knocking the summons across the rooms.
EDE isn't any different, except that you have to be more careful considering the abilities of your main foe. Other than that, it's as always a mindbreaker to pick and use the right weapons at the right times and use the correct spells at the right times.
I'm also currently stuck in this encounter. I was just currently battling the prince, before the game crashed due to spell overload (too many DB and ADHW's), but I did manage to get the prince down to Near Death. The problem is that I was in that situation for well over five minutes (!), still doing damage to it. Just wondering, is there anything I have to do in order to kill the prince (e.g. how I had to kill the two coin golems in order to kill the WK Demilich), or do I just have to continue hacking away?
The prince doesn't die (you can't kill a greater god). Once he is defeated, he says his final dialogue and disappears (see Kerkes' article in Academy of Tactics).

This is the first time I hear that the prince's final dialogue doesn't start properly (noone else had reported such a problem), but if it happens in your game try giving him some time once he is in "Near death" health condition. Don't keep hitting him.

PS: I just noticed that in one of your other posts you have written about the probability of having installed some incompatible mods. Didn't you follow the installation instructions carefully?
QUOTE(Sikret @ Sep 23 2009, 04:52 AM) *
The prince doesn't die (you can't kill a greater god). Once he is defeated, he says his final dialogue and disappears (see Kerkes' article in Academy of Tactics).

This is the first time I hear that the prince's final dialogue doesn't start properly (noone else had reported such a problem), but if it happens in your game try giving him some time once he is in "Near death" health condition. Don't keep hitting him.

PS: I just noticed that in one of your other posts you have written about the probability of having installed some incompatible mods. Didn't you follow the installation instructions carefully?

I'm actually reading them for the first time right now... unsure.gif

Well, I see from the mods that are mentioned there that I only installed the Solaufein NPC mod, as well as a few item packs, though not Ruad.

I'll try doing what you say, thanks!
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