I just seem to find IA to be to enjoyable not to post here again, so...
Regarding my previous post "last words" - I decided to disregard "the off-topic anvil discussion" completely for several reasons (beside the above-mentioned), the main being this:
People there seem to be quite experienced BG2 players. They probably find the vanilla game too easy (and it is) and Improved Anvil great(and it is), but too hard. So they want to make it easier, which won't happen. So now they fret about it endlessly. Good for you guys and gals! Enjoy.
I wanted to make a post of some of the best moments in IA experiences for everyone to read or/and submit their own posts.
To start with an example, I'll submit 3 very enjoyable battles:
1. First time ever with Dracolich
The party was : f/illus protag, Anomen, custom berserker, Haer'Dalis, Imoen and Valy. Relatively low levels, we waded in through the maze to find the oh mighty Draco. Reloaded. Prepared different spells. Died to vail. Repeat 7 more times. Rewrite spelbooks, Haer'Dalis - all 3.lvl slots with remove magic. None worked, reload. Try same tactic again, reload 2 more times, Haer'Dalis can't dispel him. Rewrite spelbook - all 3.lvl spell slots meteors. Anomen only healing, death ward and sweet air. Goes good this time, for a while. Imoen gets her defences killed asap. First vail, Imoen dies. Next vail, Valy and Anomen are both dead. Some time after, Draco is badly wounded, soon near death. protag is out of spells, but stoneskined with 30hps left. Pray Draco doesn't have PW:kill. Berserker gets level-drained and has 60hp left, Draco is attacking him. Haer'Dalis casts his final imp.haste on himslef, hits the Draco with melfs meteors 3 times in a row. Draco dies. Haer'dalis lvl 19 - most powerful vanquished - Dracolich. I couldn't believe my eyes.
2.First time Ancient Dragon
_Hard battle, no doubt about it. Same party as above. First try - fully buffed, we entered area. Die. Next try, my protag reads TimeStop scroll when wyrm appeared. Reload. Try again, got burned before I got to do anything. 4th time, I'm more careful. A misty creature attacks my prot, so I cast pfmw. I do the battle, kill mist with berserker, protag and Valy and Haer'Dalis and Anomen finish of the salamander and all together we go for the Efreet who dies soon, while Imoen spellstrikes and breaches the Dragon + kills his MR - he does pretty much the same to her. She gets silenced and dies, but the dragon is open to both breach and spells! Great!
My protag attacks the dragon, who kills his protections and breaches him. Crap! I try to cast "pfmw". I have no spells in my spelbook but 2x magic missile! WTF? I survived with uising wand of spell striking and sequencer/trigger and expending a lot of pfmw scrolls. Valy nailed the beast with his +5 katana. It was a great battle.
3.Suna Seni. For 80th time, perhaps

Vagrant, kensai, jester, ranger-cleric. a custom sorc. We were on our way to Trademeet, got ambushed in woods by Suna goons. (wanted to try this with no prebuffs). first round - jester fires magic missiles on cleric to disrupt his command spell, succesfully. Sorceror moves away a bit and reads a scroll of "chaos". Kensai and prot went to attack cleric. my rang-cler (didn't hit dual yet) starts hold person on a fighter. Suna wizard casts chaos (or confusion, don't remember). All in the battle (both my party and Suna goons) failed their saves vs "chaos", hold person affected the fighter and thief also. Cleric died next round (prot killed him). my sorc was not affected by confusion (he was out of area-of-effect), and Suna wizard was immune, turning this into one-on-one wizard duel while everybody else were battling each other. Pure chaos! Luckily (wisely!) I bought 3 "secret word" scrolls in Alkathla for my sorc! Jester was killed when my confused kensai hit him for 30+ hp with a critical hit (she had swrd of chaos+2). Only my prot and sorceror survived the battle! (Suna killed my kensai) Brilliant, pure fun!