Nalia, however, wasn't changed in any way except for redistributing her thieving abilities to make her better as a lock-picker and trap disarmer.
I have a suggested change that may have been mentioned before, but really sounds reasonable to me. There's a few reasons why that I'll detail below. This is an appropriate discussion now since we're also discussing Nalia's weapon proficiencies over in the vanilla game bugthread.
The change: convert Nalia to a Swashbuckler/Mage. Swashbuckler level should be somewhere between 5 and 7.
1) As I've seen others mention, I believe that Nalia shouldn't be able to backstab. It's just not a "noble" thing to do.
2) Swashbuckler could be rationalized by thinking of a noble upbringing - dancing, gracefulness, blah blah blah. That sort of nimbleness of movement might translate well into the sorts of combat manuevers that a swashbuckler can do. I'd have to think that Nalia is smart enough to use whatever skills she has for the best possible advantage in combat. She does have an 18 dexterity after all.
3) As for levels, obviously it'd be really beneficial to be at least 5th (swashbuckler, for the +1 to hit/damage and the additional -1 armor class.) Furthermore, it adds 25 more thieving skill points.
Since the 3 remaining NPC thief choices all have differing reasons why they're reallly not very useful long-term, I suggest that Nalia be boosted as a thief (swashbuckler) to level 7. This won't add any new weapon proficiencies nor swashbuckler skills - past what she gets for Swashbuckler level 5 (above) - but it will add some much needed thieving points (75 more than current.) These extra thieving skill points should be used to further help her pick locks (too low currently IMHO) and maybe some on move silently/hide in shadows (she DID 'sneak out' of the fortress after all.)
Even if her Swash level is increased as high as 7, she could still join the party as a 7/8 Swash/Mage (130,000 XP), or even possibly Swash 7/Mage 9 (175,000 XP) depending on how much experience you want her to start with. Anomen, by comparison, is at least a 7/8 Fighter/Cleric at the same point (174,000 XP.)
Also a side note: Thief-7/Mage dual is exactly what Imoen was before she was converted to a sorcerer. I've also heard it said that Nalia is nowhere near as powerful as Imoen later in the game, despite her nice ring upgrade. Giving her a bit more usefulness from her first profession will serve to make her more useful and complete. IMO.
4) Finally, proficiencies. If she's a swashbuckler, she can take ** in a weapon. She got 3 weapons as a Thief/Swashbuckler - assuming at least level 4 but not level 8. I'd suggest Shortsword ** and Shortbow *. Then, as a mage she gets an initial weapon (probably quarterstaff *), and another at level 6, possibly the single weapon style (*) that others have suggested.
What do the rest of you think of this idea? And what does the 'lord of all he surveys' think?