We are glad to announce that a new feature is added to BWL forums.

Tactical reputation is a new piece of information or parameter you will see in users' info section below the username. The Tactical reputation will be shown only for those users who have a positive reputation. Zero Tactical reputation won't be displayed at all.

The ways a member can add to his Tactical reputation are as follows:

1- For every published article in "Academy of Tactics", you will gain 1 reputation point.

2- IA testers gain 2 reputation points for their first completed testing run of Improved Anvil. Testing a new version of IA (not the same version twice) will add 1 more reputation point. Testing IA v4.2 or newer versions will be counted. So, for example, if someone has tested IA v5 and IA v6 thoroughly, he will gain 3 reputation points (2 for IA v5 and 1 for IA v6); whereas, if someone has been in our testing team only for IA v6 (but no other older versions) will gain 2 reputation points.

3- Suggesting a new and ingenious tactical quest or encounter to be added to IA with all of the details (dialogues, tactics etc...) will add 1 reputation point.

4- Finding an ingenious tactical method to win any of the difficult battles of IA will add 1 reputation point. However, the suggested method has to be submitted to the academy and being published there. Hence, this method to gain Tactical reputation is not actually a different method than what described in the first item above.

Other notes:

1- Anyone who reaches a Tactical reputation of 5 will receive a gift. The nature of the gift will be discussed with its winner at its own time.

2- Anyone who reaches a Tactical reputation of 8 will gain a second and more important gift.

3- We hope that adding this new feature will encourage players to pay more attention to the tactical aspects of the game and will also help them to find tactical experts more easily in the forum for their questions regarding tactical advice and reliable information not only about IA, but also about the vanilla game.

PS: It's needless to say that I'm the only member who won't have any Tactical reputation shown in his user info.