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The Black Wyrm's Lair - Forums > Released mods - Baldur's Gate II > Improved Anvil
I have most of the judgement day sword components. SPOILER!
[/spoiler]I thought that I get a visit from the Demons after acquiring Arguvadal but I guess it is when I acquire / upgrade the last remaining item needed to assemble JD. Do they appear immediately (eg in the middle of Cromwell's store) or do you have to be outside or at Watchers Keep, Its not like I am anxious to meet them - I would just like to set up a save and not have them jump in on me after a tough battle.[spoiler]
I believe you can fight the first JD battle even before you have all the components. Just having the Arguvadal sword is enough to trigger it. It takes place in the WK area (walk around the base of the keep).
Thanks Raven , you were right , I strolled around the side of Watchers Keep and there he was. He brought in two Death lords and chased me right back to my party and summons who dealt with him surprisingly easily. I suppose after Orcus and the Orc Horde he is not so tough.
Haha you just wait for the next battle...
How many JD fights are there? I was under the impression there are two - one on acquiring Arguvadal and one after forging the sword. I realise that the big fight is very hard but , given what I read in other posts some people had difficulty with this one. Perhaps some people are doing it at a much earlier stage of the game than me.
I heard that the Death Lords use Unholy Reavers which lower THACO . I killed them fairly quickly so I did not seem to experience this problem , but there were no trace of said swords on the bodies. Do they just not drop them or do they actually not have them until the big fight?
How many JD fights?

After forging the JD sword, go back to Watcher's Keep to face one of the most difficult fights of SoA.

That fight to get demon blood:

was much more frustrating before Soul Reaver was nerfed. And they did not drop the blades. (Note these comments are based on play in IA4.) Before the Soul Reaver was nerfed, the wielders of this weapon were much deadlier than the major demon of that battle.
I have already done the Orcus fight ( loved it - very tough ) and have used his blood to forge hesperus. If I had chosen not to forge hesperus could I have used Orcus' blood for the JD sword ( he is a demon lord ).
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