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Full Version: Anvil Started, or Trufa and Anvil
The Black Wyrm's Lair - Forums > Released mods - Baldur's Gate II > Improved Anvil
So, I have started Anvil.

The installation is almost the "common" Anvil (Easy-of-Uses, and Anvil), only a few additions, like Dungeon-Be-Gone,NPCKIT-Anomen Priest of Helm if passed the test, Alora 1.02, and Solaufein to get the cool buffing scripts)
I modified Alora to a Fighter-Swashbuckler. It is a bit better than FT, because the Additonal AC,THACO, and Damage, but she didn't go to massacre with the backstabbing Dagger, so not more powerful, rather a bit different. Besides that I "Anvilized" the NPC-s HP-s (getting to 90% of maximum). I played 40 hours at the weekend, and finished the following quests-encounters, and did two very big victory

The party is Berserker-Mage prot,Alora (FSw),Minsc,Jaheira,Anomen,Nalia/Imoen

(Not in order)
Copper Coronet
Slaver ship
Graveyard (not the Vampires, and not Pai'na)
Suna Seni
Baron Ployer's Curse
Rescued Viccy (not joined)
Unseeing eye (without lich, without Teshal)
Fallen Paladin
Buried Alive
Sir Sarles
de Arnise Hold
Jermien's Quest (Ibaratha)
Full Trademeet (without Chaos monster, with improved Crypt)

The Protagonist had a little (150k XP) advantage , because she started anno to a Tutu character, and finished it with a good 252kXP(and a brutal amount of XP, 135, due her 19 CON), so at the beginning I can dual her to a Mage. In the early Athkathla I had a medium amount of luck with the pickpocketing. I get a good low lvlspell (Find Familiar), a medium midlvl spell (Spell Shield), and a good mid-high lvl spell (Tenser), but nothing else, except the Anvil pickpocketing. (Everybody knows that where are they, so didn't need spoilering, and to anyone who didn't knows that, it should be enough, there is mor than one). After doing the non(much) improved quests(Including Improved Anarg and Suna Seni), the PC gets back her Berserker Class. A bit spoilerish question: On which territory is Improved Anarg? Just because I didn't noticed it (It is Possible to Magic Resist, because I didn't used any spell in that combat). Then I went to CC, to deal wit Tabitha, and the beastmaster, and there was the first big victory on that battle. Not, that is too hard, but I managed it without suffering any Damage!!!!! On any earlier Anvilplayes, my parties suffered serious damages. SPOILER!
The PC and Jaheira (the "skinned ones") with fully buffed, included haste rushed in to press Tabitha to the end of the Hall, and the buffed Anomen (including Barrier!!!) the Beastmaster. The PC casted a Breach via Scroll from almost zero Distance on the Beastmaster, and Nalia a Malision, so the Beastmaster has a -4 vs spell to Anomen's Barrier. Jaheira begins Tabitha. The second round the PC joined in, as Nalia. Nalia with Magic Missiles. Anomen was good in one on one with the Beastmaster. To the third round Minsc and Alora finished the Animals, and the PC feeld, that she will to go brutalized.(with VTouch, and Enrage managed a 190 HP). From that it was especially easy, especially because Alora managed some serious damage with arrows on the Beastmaster (It is true, that archery isn't an always good tactic in Anvil, but some Acid,Piercing, and Biting arrows can help)
. After that went to get Lilarcor. That batlles was tough, suffered some damages, especially from the shadow, but nothing more, that Anomen and Jaheira can't heal. Now the time is comed to go to Trademeet. Killed fast Dalok and his friends SPOILER!
(the key was again a breach-Malision-poisoned arrow-hack&slash on the back druid.)
. Now rest, and go on Faldorn. Because I installed multi stronghold from easy-of-use, the PC went to duel, which was long, but not too difficult SPOILER!
A ghost armor-Mirror Image was enough to hold up the bears(only one cca 20HP hit suffered from 145-150 HP...), and with small hits interrupting Faldorn's damaging spells, and with those hits killing her finally.
. I Accepted the stronghold, and went back to Trademeet. On the way killed Adratha alias Ihtafeer, before her pals going to cast spells. Then go to the Ogre Tower SPOILER!
The key was ONLY Anomen, the PC, and Nalia fully buffed including free action a lot, and sp.imm. Evoc-s. Anomen and the PC rush in to the Ghost spider to hack&Slash, before it comes closer. The Spider "Companions" Appeared, and until the PC (with 190-195 HP at this time via Touch, and enrage),and Barriered Anomen keeps occupied the spiders, Nalia opens with two Malisions, and after that Fireballs, a lot, centered on some lesser spider, who has, and was very minor resist to magic/fire, with Every lvl 3 slot she have. With this, and Anomens Barrier with save-4 almost to everybody, and the PC-s (this time) great hits, managed the spiders, without taking some serious damage. To first we must concentrate on the ghost spider, because we didn'want a new wave of spiders. In that battle thanked to my forseeing a lot, because I managed four roll 19 Critical hits via Two Handed weapon style
. Now in Trademeet. Brought back the Head to the Daos, and did the Tiris quest, and after that, I yielded to the temptation, what Improved Trademeet Crypt Provided. SPOILER!
I went down fully, and again FULLY buffed including potions, and the Tenser Scroll. When I went down realized, that the main Skel. Warrior didn't bringed up Mage buffs, but Clerics, so I should have a chance, but wait, my every buffs, including potions disappeared, except the Tenser. Paused the Game. What should we do. Because there was Clerical Buffs there should be expected clerical HLA-s, including Storm of Vengeance. That wouldn't be good. With the 320 HP Monster (PC) rushed, and succesfully pressed the main skeleton to a corner. First Anomen, and Minsc (the second, and the third much HP-s) begins the another Skeletons, the other runned into the opposite corner, hoping that the possibly storm wouldn' get them. We interrupted a long casted timed spell, and did the saving throw against the globe of Blades. The situation isn't that bad, what was expecting, because the PC was uninjured in the first two rounds, and the main skeleton is gone from barely injured to injured. (Long live two handed weapon style....) Third (or fourth???) round... Critical miss, and the skeleton warrior managed a storm of Vengeance. The PC goes down to 295 HP (Isn't Bad), but Anomen and Minsc suffers some serious damage from the storm, and a critical from the last remaining skel. Warrior. They Finished it, and they are substituted to Alora, and Jaheira, who are helped the PC, letting the main skel. go down to near death in 2 or 3 round, until Anomen and Minsc are fully healed via healingpotions, than a re-substitution, and with style, in the last round with a 19critical, the PC KILLED THE MAIN SKEL.
So, the Solution of the second big victory: SInce everybody said, this is doable only in CH6. This is true, except you has a least 150 HP,-10 AC Berserker-Mage(gived every protective item to her) with a Tenser Scroll... A big rest, and then go to the de'Arnise hold, which was paperform. 2 charcter to near death, 2 other badly injured at the end of the Final Battle. SPOILER!
Keep in had Slow poison spells, and Antidotes in the golem Room!!!
. NOw the PC is near to lvl 12, so we must do the Unseeing Eye quest, to get memorized a Tenser scroll. Didn't tried the truly improved battles, and the Ashideena's guardians was an unexpected difficulty, much more difficult, than the Belmguardians, but they are the same. Unseeing eye wasn't that difficult SPOILER!
but maybe the sp. imm con, and sp imm nec helped a lot, but the biggest help was, that I realized, in Tenser I am able to read scrolls!!!, but no Enrage, and the Tenser only duplicates the core HP, but VTouch+Tenser isn't tested yet

So I am stucked at this point. I was succeful, until now, but I managed to evade the trully powerful mages. Should I go to Pl. Sphere, Pl. Prison, Umar, Windspear, Borinall, Pirates, or try to going to spellhold.
I am between 1m, and 1,2m XP. Should a abj,sp. im div, spell shield protect my buffs???

PC lvl 9(Be)/12(M)
Alora 10(F)-12(Sw)
Jaheira 10(F)-11(D)/but near to 10-12/
Minsc 11
Anomen 7(F)/12(Cl)/but near to 7->13/
Nalia 4(T)/12(M)/but near to 4->13/
QUOTE(trufa @ Mar 17 2008, 03:50 PM) *
I am between 1m, and 1,2m XP. Should a abj,sp. im div, spell shield protect my buffs???

Remember in IA SI:A and SI:D cannot be used together...

If you have Spell Shield and SI:A cast, it will take two Ruby Rays to remove - one for the Spell Shield and one for the SI:A. After that you're vulnerable to Remove Magic.

Most high level enemy mages will have at least two Ruby Rays, so alone Spell Shield and SI:A will not protect your buffs for more than a couple of rounds.

If you also cast Spell Deflection (level 6 spell) along with SS and SI:A then you will be able to take another Ruby Ray. Of course there are other (probably more important) level 6 spells so you may not be in a position to do this yet.
It is possible more spellshield to cast before one battle?
You can only have one Spell Shield active at a time. Additionally, in IA, you cannot recast a Spell Shield within two turns of an earlier one being cast. So you cannot simply refresh Spell Shield again and again in the middle of a combat.
Where did you find the "Spell Shield" scroll, trufa? As far as I know, there is none to buy and none to pickpocket that early in the game; no Spell Shield scroll can also be found on random monsters you kill (all intentional of course). Only at later stages of the game you will com across Spell Shield scrolls.
I don't know about ver. 5, but in 4,2 I got one one some goblins in Irenicus' dungeon.
QUOTE(Shaitan @ Mar 18 2008, 12:43 AM) *
I don't know about ver. 5, but in 4,2 I got one one some goblins in Irenicus' dungeon.

That can't happen in v5.
Where did you find the "Spell Shield" scroll, trufa?

In my memories it was before CC, so in Athkathla somewhere. I didn't remember precisely where. Maybe some skel.warrior, maybe some Athkathlan soldier, maybe in the graveyard main tomb, where you can find often a good scroll, I didn't remember.

An another question: Which should be the next quest/encounter?
QUOTE(trufa @ Mar 18 2008, 04:02 PM) *
An another question: Which should be the next quest/encounter?

I think you'll be able to manage the Windspear Dungeon, with the exception of the battles with Firkraag and Samia. I'd go there before the Planar Prison or Sphere.
QUOTE(trufa @ Mar 18 2008, 08:32 PM) *
Where did you find the "Spell Shield" scroll, trufa?

In my memories it was before CC, so in Athkathla somewhere. I didn't remember precisely where. Maybe some skel.warrior, maybe some Athkathlan soldier, maybe in the graveyard main tomb, where you can find often a good scroll, I didn't remember.

Are you sure that you have not confused "Spell Shield" with "Spell Immunity"?
Sikret, I don't think you missed any Spell Shield scrolls. Some of my party is apx. level 20, and I have yet to find any. Does this mystical elusive spell scroll still exist at all? Unless changes have been made, I would have expected Spell Shield to be useful vs the beholders. Considering that you have nerfed its use to once/2 turns, is it necessary to make the scroll so rare?

Then again I have read posts where the spell shield bug has forced reloads for some people. If I recall correctly, it was the spell shield bug that made the Horde so difficult for me in IA4.2.
QUOTE(trufa @ Mar 18 2008, 08:32 PM) *
Where did you find the "Spell Shield" scroll, trufa?

In my memories it was before CC, so in Athkathla somewhere. I didn't remember precisely where. Maybe some skel.warrior, maybe some Athkathlan soldier, maybe in the graveyard main tomb, where you can find often a good scroll, I didn't remember.

Are you sure that you have not confused "Spell Shield" with "Spell Immunity"?

(with very Aerieish accent) OOOOOOh Myyyyy!!!!!!! So fatal mistake. bigcry.gif bigcry.gif bigcry.gif bigcry.gif bigcry.gif bigcry.gif bigcry.gif bigcry.gif bigcry.gif

You have right. I wondered, from what time was able to cast S.I, because I didn't remembered buying any scroll of them...
QUOTE(rbeverjr @ Mar 19 2008, 05:22 PM) *
Sikret, I don't think you missed any Spell Shield scrolls. Some of my party is apx. level 20, and I have yet to find any. Does this mystical elusive spell scroll still exist at all?

Yes, it exists, but it's very rare. A sorcerer can of course pick it normally as one of his 5th level spells, but we have tweaked the spell not to be usable more frequently than once every 2 turns to make it virtually a bad choice for a sorcerer (see below for the second reason we made the spell usable only once per two turns).

This particular spell took a lot of our time when we were preparing IA v5. The spell had two critical bugs in the original game. We successfully fixed one of the two bugs seamlessly, but the other bug proved to be unfixable. You can read all about this spell in the "Fixes and Tweaks" document attached to the mod's readme file.

We eventually decided to deprive the vast majority of enemy mages from casting this spell and to compensate this change, we made the spell's scrolls extremely rare in the game.

We had also read a playing report/walkthrough (in Bioware's forum) in which a player had been intentionally and cheesily abusing the Spell Sheild and its bugs in her game by spamming it over and over during combats. This was the second reason for which we made the spell usable not more frequently than once every 2 turns.

We (Raven and I) put a lot of thought and time on this spell's issues and I believe that we finally made the best possible decisions about it in the current situation. The bug we managed to successfully fix was actually even worse than the other bug which proved to be unfixable (because the currently fixed bug was always present, whereas the unfixable bug is not there all the times, it randomly reappears and the player can reload the game and hope that it won't happen next time). If we had failed to fix that other bug, we would have been forced to remove the spell from the game entirely and replace it with some other spell.
Personally, I'd be fine with you replacing Spell Shield. I hate to reload even once because of a bug.
Has anyone at any other site ever found a way to fix the un-dispellable Spell Shield bug?
QUOTE(Vardaman @ Mar 20 2008, 10:15 PM) *
Has anyone at any other site ever found a way to fix the un-dispellable Spell Shield bug?

This is the unfixable bug I mentioned in my previous post. Fortunately, it happens randomly (not constantly)

The other bug (the one we fixed in IA) is not fixed in any other mod or fixpack (except IA) either. Actually, very few people (if any) were even aware of its existence before we write about it in IA's readme.
You know, it really looks weird to me the way a lot of your explanations of stuff you've fixed go "we found two bugs; we fixed one," and continue in that vein for several paragraphs. It doesn't seem to me that it's be much more difficult to mention what the bugs actually were. I'm guessing you're trying to preserve some sort of trade secret to stop the dreaded G3 Fixpack from fixing stuff you find, but honestly...
Isn't this the same old false accusation that IA is not well-documented?

All details of the fixed bugs as well as tweaks applied to the game are written in the "Fixes and Tweaks" document attached to the mod's readme file.

You could even understand this if you had read the posts of this very thread more carefully, because I wrote in one of my posts above that everything about the "Spell Shield" spell can be found in the mod's readme file and also said that the bug we fixed was unknown to many before we write about it in IA's readme file (which could help you realize that it is documented).

If the G3 folks want to borrow and use my fixes they will just need to send me a PM.
I'm not accusing you of anything except strange phrasing. Stop being so touchy.
QUOTE(Sikret @ Mar 19 2008, 11:15 PM) *
We had also read a playing report/walkthrough (in Bioware's forum) in which a player had been intentionally and cheesily abusing the Spell Sheild and its bugs in her game by spamming it over and over during combats.

As Alesia_BH is not around to defend herself, I feel I must say something in her defense. She broke no rules by playing that way. You did not want Spell Shield used as she did; so, you made that method impossible in IA5. Nevertheless, part of power-gaming is developing optimal techniques within the rules of the game. I think it is smart play not cheesy play to do so while the rules allowed it. I suspect that other people who soloed IA4.2 may have also used this technique. Alesia_BH is one of the finest BG2 players, and I'm sure that she could win IA5 easier than I can.

It reminds me of the time that thetruth used the nymph cloak to charm the Suna Seni group mage and get by that battle when he was playing solo. At that time, you had not fixed that charm spell from the cloak to work as the spell does. Thetruth used whatever he could find to succeed; he too is an incredible player.

Incidentally, I don't really care that you nerfed Spell Shield; I never spammed it anyway. I don't even care that you consider the spamming of spell shield as cheesy, because each person is entitled to their opinion. I just didn't want the implication to remain that Alesia is a cheesy player.

Personally, because of the bug and the potential of it forcing reloads in play, I still support the replacement of Spell Shield with another spell.
Well, I wouldn't compare Alesia with thetruth at all. thetruth is indeed an incredibly good player.

Even though I have plenty of other evidences for Alesia's cheesy playing style (such as running in circles and killing time during combats, etc), I don't really want to start such a discussion about a player here. I agree that she is not a bad player. I just have somewhat strict criteria for what is (and what is not) "cheese". smile.gif

QUOTE(Sikret @ Mar 23 2008, 01:52 PM) *
thetruth is indeed an incredibly good player.

It won't be fair if we forget to mention Raven's name here as well. He is also an incredibly accurate player and a great tactician.
Greetingz Everyone!

I will again start a new Anvil play, and I need some help to create the party, because I can't reduce the partymembers below 7.
In the party wouldn't contain a Vagrant, because I didn't like a "studded" warrior in the front line.
The partymembers will be NPC-s, only edited with Shadowkeeper if necessary, but didn't illegal ones.

The key point is the protagonist, who will be a
Berserker(9)->Mage with 2 handed weapons. Yes I know, that Vagrant, and Necromancer has the most quests/encounters, but the Berserker-Mage is my most brutal killer, of the characters, which are compatible with Anvil.

I will have in the party

1 multiclassed fighter-thief (Alora mod, which is most likely compatible with Anvil, since this mod "only" contains Banters.
2 Plain Warrior (Minsc,Keldorn,Sarah/possible romantic interest, and I didn't found her in the incompatible list/)
1 Druid (my another favourite class. Jaheira as multi F-D /+1 Ring of Wizardry/, or Cernd as Auramaster)
1 Dualclassed Warrior-Priest (necessary. Jaheira, or Sarah as R-P, or Annoyman as it is.)
1 Primary non fighter mage (Necessary. Imoen of course, because she is my favourite NPC, until that Tashia, if she is compatible with Anvil)

Thx for the help
I have already answered on the hungarian forum but repeat it here to allow others to judge it. smile.gif

Imho there are two real options: leave out F/T or druid (in case we do not want to modify your party, only leave out a character). I would choose the druid because of the following reasons:
- your life will be much easier with a thief: more comfortable adventuring and more XP.
- game is playable with one full-time cleric, other cleric is not really necessery
- you will have one additional fighter-type character (especially on higher levels)
- druids are not so usefull on high levels (but I heard different opinions about it)

So, my vote is to remove the druid and keep others.
Would that not make your party a party of 7? Don't forget that your protagonist is part of the party smile.gif.
You will have to combine a few tasks such as the following example.

- Bezerker->Mage (protagonist)
- Fighter/Thief (custom?)
- Plain Fighter (Korgan, Mazzy), Paladin (Keldorn) or Ranger (Minsc, Valygar).
- Fighter/Druid (Jaheira is great) or Auramaster (Cernd)
- Fighter->Cleric, Ranger->Cleric, multiclass Fighter/Cleric or Ranger/Cleric (Anomen or other)
- Mage or Sorcerer (Nalia, Imoen, Edwin, Jan or other)

This setup basically gives you around 5 characters that can fight hand to hand, though some need some buffs.
You have a cleric for main healing and a druid for backup healing. An auramaster can do really well, but you have to know how to play him effectively. He will keep your mage from memorising too many chaos type spells such that you can use more important ones, and they have some nice damage spells available as well like flame arrow.
You have one primary mage and a backup (your protagonist)
You have your thief

I'm on the side of either the paladin or the ranger rather than a fighter due to item choice. Paladins just get really nice gear and rangers do well with those nice boots and some single-class ranger only gear. Possibly rangers would get the best gear....
I would also go with dual classed cleric either from ranger or fighter because you get to those high level spell sooner. Dualled from thief or mage can work too, but you would probably do better not to go with those in IA.

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