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Full Version: Vote to choose the new sixth level spell
The Black Wyrm's Lair - Forums > Released mods - Baldur's Gate II > Improved Anvil
Here is the final poll for the new spell to replace Mislead. Vote for your first choice and also tell me your second choice if you have any. Comments and suggestions for revising any of the spells are also appreciated.

Description of the spells:

Giant Strength (Alteration):
Level: 6
Range: Touch
Duration: 2 turns
Casting Time: 6
Are of Effect: One creature
Saving Thorw: None

This spell grants the strength of a giant type to the recipient for its duration. A 12th level mage can raise the recipient's strength to the strength of a Hill giant (19); a 14th level mage can increase the strength to that of a Stone Giant (20); a 16th level mage can create the strength of a Frost Giant (21); an 18th level mage can increase the recipient's strength to that of a Fire Giant (22) and a 20th level mage can create the strength of a Cloud Giant (23). The strength granted by this spell won't be dispellable for its duration.

Premonition (Divination)
Level: 6
Range: 0
Duration: 1 turn
Casting Time: 6
Are of Effect: 10' radius
Saving Thorw: None

By means of this spell, the mage can foresee the possible dangers of the immediate future to some extent. The mage can even vaguely share the sensation with his or her allies in a limited degree provided that they are within a certain distance of the mage at the time he or she casts the spell. Allies who are within 10 feet radius gain +1 bonus to Armor Class; the caster gains +2 bonus to Armor Class and +1 bonus to THAC0 and saving throws. These effects will remain for the spell's duration and won't be dispellable.

Note (this is not part of the spell's description): In intend to add an 8th level new divination spell to the game called "Foreknowledge" which will be more powerful than this one (see this topic). Hence, making this 6th level spell remarkably more powerful than what I have described here can be hardly possible. However, I believe that it's already a useful spell specially because it's not dispellable. Nonetheless, if you have any suggestions to change it, don't hesitate to write.

Monster Summoning IV (Conjuration/Summoning)
Level: 6
Range: 40 yards
Duration: 2 turns
Casting Time: 6
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None

This spell is much like the 3rd-level monster summoning I spell, except that this spell summons 6 HD monsters. There is a 60% chance of receiving one monster and a 40% chance of receiving two monsters. These monster(s) appear within spell range and attack the caster's opponents until the spell duration expires, or until they are slain.

Note (this is not part of the spell's description): This spell can be an interesting addition by opening the oppotunity to add newer and more powerful types of summoned creatures to the game. Since we already have "Invisible Stalker" and "Wyvern Call" spells in the collection of 6th level spells, I will use new and different monster types for this spell which have special abilities to make this new spell different and a valid option. Consider it in this way before voting. But yes, the monsters summoned by this spell will still be vulnerable to "Death Spell" and "Death Fog".

Mordenkainen's Lucubration (Alteration)
Level: 6
Range: 0
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 6
Are of Effect: Self
Saving Thorw: None

This spell enables the caster to recall two spells of 5th (or lower levels) that have been previously cast. If no spells have been cast yet, then nothing happens. The spell will first try to bring back 5th level spells into memory; if no 5th level spells are cast, it will try to bring back 4th level spells, etc.

Note (this is not part of the spell's description): This spell is taken from 2nd edition with two changes: The pnp spell brings back 1 spell (rather than 2) of the caster's choice and has shorter casting time. (This spell can be very useful in certain conditions to recall important 5th or 4th level spells such as SI, Breach, Ray of Fragmentation and Stoneskin)
I voted Giant Strength. My second choice would be Premonition. In the end I didn't vote for this because I think it would be best to add a similar spell at 8th level (Foreknowledge).
I voted for Mordenkainen's Lucubration. It seems to be a very potent spell because you get a lot more spells as a Mage and have a much more tactical choices as a Sorc.

I probably would have voted for Premoniton but since there should be a 8th lvl spell thats about the same I voted more diversity in spellcasting.
Vote for Giant Strength. My second choice would have been Mordenkainen's Lucubration.

EDIT: I would like to see Lucubration fit in later. I like the idea of managing what spells you cast right away and being able to use a higher level spell slot to 'store' them. Or in a pinch, you can cast it in the middle of battle and hope to get your Breaches or Stoneskin back.
Ryel ril Ers
I voted Premonition. That spell adds good boost so with a defensive harmony and a prot from evil 10' radius the party gain -5 armor class for a shorter time. This spell very nice for bards who lacks thaco, ac and saves so this is a correct replecament of the mislead (not as powerful but good). The best feature is this is a divination spell so one of the worst spell school will be stronger with the level 8 divination spell.

Monster summoning: there are hundreds of conjuration spells, i don't want another one.

Giant strength: this spell weakens the clerics, rangers, paladins and barbarians usability. These class has the ability to cast draw upon holy might or barbarian rage what increase the strength. The half-orcs lose their only unique ability to have the strength of a hill giant. This spell lower the value of the strength potions, now these are a rare and expensive potions and some needs item upgrades so the players try to spare them. The stregth items also lose their value. The high strength add lots of thaco and damage so i don't like this spell. If we want another alteration spell why don't make cat's grace (add 18 dexterity) or bear's fortitude (adds 18 constitution) that spell raise the usability of some bioware npc.

Mordenkainen's Lucubration: very good spell but there are lots of good alteration spell in the game, and the level 7 limited wish can do similar effect but not above level 4 and all of the party members. I think if somebody wants versalitily use sorceror or wild mage. All of these two class pay the good value for it.
QUOTE(Gorwath @ Feb 3 2008, 08:25 PM) *
I voted for Mordenkainen's Lucubration. It seems to be a very potent spell because you get a lot more spells as a Mage and have a much more tactical choices as a Sorc.

Yes, this spell is excellent for mages; but I think it may be a tad too powerful for sorcerers. They can spam it to exchange 1 6th level charge with 2 5th level charges constantly. I had not thought of this possibility. What do you think?


Draw Upon Holy Might is dispellable. It will be gone with the first remove magic spell enemies throw at you. It's the same with Strength Potions. My suggested spell's effect is not dispellable and this is what makes it a worthy 6th level spell.


I guess there are a few more pointless 6th level spells in the game (those elemental summoning ones for instance). We may even think of implementing more than one new 6th level spell, eh?
Sikret, I think summon elementals and summon demons are traditional mage summons in fantasy and D&D. So I would vote to keep at least 1 spell for each of them.
For example Summon Elemental can summon a random type elemental(s), which are most useful than now they are. But 4 spells at level 5 and 4 at level seems too many. Keep 1 spell at lavele 5 and level 6, and replace others with these spells.
Similarly with summon demon spells, 1 or max. 2 spells (not 3), but those demons should be in pair with enemies... To tell the truth even a simple swanmay seems better to me than a demon, deva or planetar, but greater swanmay surely it is. What else, demon should be the hardest from all summons, because you need prot. from evil to keep him in bay, and you cannot use other summons beside the demon, unless you cast prot. from evil on all summons.
I woted also Premonition, and the Reasons are very similar to Ryel, only I use dualclassed Fighter(kensai/berserker) mages in place of bards

To new spell to lvl 6? Maybe a medium sequencer 2 or 3 spells up to lvl 3, to HD, and the other bards could good remove magic-ing, and/or fighter-mages ghost armor-blur-mirror image_ing
And the monster summoning spell would be good in place of one of the Elemental Summonings
QUOTE(Sikret @ Feb 4 2008, 09:20 AM) *
Yes, this spell is excellent for mages; but I think it may be a tad too powerful for sorcerers. They can spam it to exchange 1 6th level charge with 2 5th level charges constantly. I had not thought of this possibility. What do you think?

That was the thing which really confused me. I'm sure that you could abuse this spell extremely well. With this Spell sorcs will be extremely powerful. What you could do is that a sorc can only cast it lets say every turn/hour so that he cannot spam them in one fight or sth like that.

QUOTE(Gorwath @ Feb 8 2008, 06:40 PM) *
QUOTE(Sikret @ Feb 4 2008, 09:20 AM) *
Yes, this spell is excellent for mages; but I think it may be a tad too powerful for sorcerers. They can spam it to exchange 1 6th level charge with 2 5th level charges constantly. I had not thought of this possibility. What do you think?

That was the thing which really confused me. I'm sure that you could abuse this spell extremely well. With this Spell sorcs will be extremely powerful. What you could do is that a sorc can only cast it lets say every turn/hour so that he cannot spam them in one fight or sth like that.


I really don't understand the concern. I voted for this spell because I think it is the best option. However, I don't see it as being an overwhelming advantage. There are TOO many good level 6 spells for my sorcerer to ever end up spamming this spell. Now if there was a level 8 spell that I could trade for 2 level 6 spells, I'd spam that in a heartbeat. wink.gif

Incidentally, in the PnP games I play, sorcerers can cast any lower level spell that they know in place of a higher level spell that they know. For instance, if the sorcerer knows mislead, has used up all his level 6 spells for the day, but has a level 7 spell, he could cast mislead in place of the level 7 spell.
It'd be giant strength if I was to decide.
QUOTE(Shaitan @ Feb 9 2008, 04:17 PM) *
It'd be giant strength if I was to decide.

Giant strength would be my second choice. Premonition does not give enough to interest me at level 6.
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