To those who are interested, here are some damage calculations for dual wielding vs 2 handed weapons. Hopefully it will be helpful to those deliberating between the 2 different styles
Assume grandmastery patch is installed, and ignoring all additional elemental, save or die, effect triggered upon strike bonuses
Assume 22 str (+10 dmg)
Scenario 1
Ravager 1d10+6
str bonus + 10
GM bonus + 3
2 handed weapon style + 1
3 1/2 APR at lvl 13
Over 2 rounds = 7 X (16+10+3+1) = 210 dmg
Scenario 2
Dual wielding the truth / angurvadal + 4
Main hand
the truth 1d8+5
str bonus +10
GM bonus + 3
3 1/2 APR at lvl 13
Over 2 rounds = 7 x (13+10+3) = 182
angurvadal 1d8+4
str bonus + 10
GM bonus + 3
Over 2 rounds = 2 x (12+10+3) = 50
Total dmg = 182 + 50 = 232
If using belm in offhand
The truth dmg over 2 rounds = 8 X (13+10+3) = 208
Belm dmg over 2 rounds = 2 X (10+10+3) = 46
Total = 254
As can be seen, dual wielding trumps 2 handed weapons in dmg. The dmg disparity widens if you consider extra dmg factors like kensai bonuses, elemental dmg berserker bonuses etc etc, since the extra dmg is applied 1 extra time each round. Not to mention you get bonuses from 2 different weapons when you dual wield. And I'm not even using the best longsword in my calculations
Hope this has been useful, and will perhaps emphasize my idea that 2 handed weapon style needs to be improved =)