Jan 8 2008, 09:46 PM
im in spellhold right now, and my group is above average in terms of lvl (we're about 16 average i think...). i just finished clearing the Ancient Tome, and went to get the Ruby Stone. what a surprise (and a nasty one at that...)!!! i was simply crushed by 3 amber golems, guardian spirits, kobold shaman, and w/e happens to be patrolling the area (it was skeleton lords last time i played). any advice would be VERY welcome. =)
Jan 9 2008, 04:32 AM
Focus on killing the Guardian Spirits first since they're easier. (I didn't have any Skeleton Lords in this fight when I did it but kill them 1st if they're there.) Try to have the Amber golems distracted by a character with Stone/Ironskins/Mirror Image while the rest of your melee fighters finish off spirits and kobolds. Potions of Absorbtion help protect against the golem's feedback damage and even give an AC bonus against their crushing attack. The potions are rare but I felt this was a decent encounter to use 2-3 since you probably don't have Greater Restoration at this point and the feedback damage adds up quickly.
Jan 9 2008, 08:19 AM
Vardaman gives some good advice, however personallly I would not use potions of absorbtion at this point but simply cast protection from lightning spell on your fighters when you come to attack the golems which should be last of all as they are hardest to kill and as long as you dont attack them actually dish damage very slowly and can easily be distracted.
Also you do have at least a couple of +4 weapons at this point otherwise this is going to be a bit pointless as you'll need them fairly soon.
Jan 9 2008, 01:12 PM
Yes, Monkeetroop! You have delayed in going to spellhold and now you have encountered the first (among the two) tougher version of spellhold. Had you delayed a bit longer, you would have seen the second tough level (which is even harder than this version). Didn't you know that if you delay, you will have a hard time in spellhold? I hope (as Clown mentioned), you have at least some +4 weapons with yourself.
What's your party composition? Do you have a Imoen with yourself? She can bombard those golems with Ray of Fragmentation as well as Vampiric Touch spells. Do you have a cleric with Greater Restoration spells? With a powerful party composition and with the right tactics, you can handle the battles.
Jan 9 2008, 01:38 PM
Do I need +4 weapons if I went at level 14?
Jan 9 2008, 01:53 PM
QUOTE(Olbas @ Jan 9 2008, 06:08 PM)

Do I need +4 weapons if I went at level 14?
Jan 9 2008, 05:32 PM
haha yeah, i did know that if i delayed that it would be harder. despite that, i was sure i could handle it. lol. my party composition is like sikrets: vagrant, berserker, valygar, nalia, imoen, and custom f/c (i dont like anomen). off the top of my head, im not sure what lvls they all are (just rolled into work, haha). i only have 2 +4 weapons. also, i do have greater restoration which is awesome. i tried the battle only twice (i had been playing for hours so i needed a break). thx for the advice guys, ill probably give it a go either tonight or tomorrow night.
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