ARCHIVE: My saves are missing, because my winchester thought that he die a month ago.

So, I started the IA v5 yesturday. Because I want to play the game only the tactical challange, i started a multiplayer party.
1) PC Human Vagrant
18/93; 18; 19; 11; 18; 12 (I was very lucky

Long sword ++; Flail + ; Axe +; 2 weapon style +++
This guy is awsome. Someday he will be indestructable (unless somebody breached his hardiness). The poison immunity and the elemental resistant is very, very useful, like the bonus hp from the constitution. The disadvantages are nothing. I feel this class is overpowered a bit.
Sikret i suggest for disadvantage the following two:
-Cannot use helmet (they travel a lot, the helmet is unconfortable)
- 20% Vulnerability to magic damage (every hero has a weak point)
I know you like this kit very much, but with this weaknesses it will be more balanced.
2) Half-orc Kensai
19; 18; 19; 11; 8; 6 (the first roll)
Haldberd ++; 2H sword ++; 2H weapon style ++
I though a lot about this character. First i want a kensai mage, but i want a very powerful offensive fighter, and i don't want two dual so i choose the pure class.
3) Human Berserker
18/82; 6; 18; 6; 18; 18 (this one was the most difficult)
Spear +++++; 2H weapon style +
She will be druid, because i want two healer, and a good conjurer (I always argue wint Trufa on the bardur's forum of that the druid or the cleric is the better healer or the arcane fighters or the kensai druids is the better tanks, so i think i try a rare combination). The druid is easier dual becaus the level 9 fighter must have 250k xp but the level 10 druid only have 150k xp so she regain back his fighter skills before the kesai level up to 10.
SPOILER!If you don't level up this character until she gain his 150k xp, you can put all the two profiency point like a fighter, so after the level up i have 3 point on the quarterstaff and one on the sling

It is difficult a bit but don't impossible.
4)Half-elf Blade
10; 18; 16; 16; 17; 9
Katana +; Scimitar +; 2 weapon style ++
He must be the cannon fodder who rush into battlefield and nothing hurt it until somebody destroy his protections. (Mirror image + Stoneskin + PfMW + Improved invisible + SI:Divination was a very effective protection in my v4.2 game) Everybody knows that the blades sucks in the early game, but after the new level up sytem they are very weak. They have weak thac0 (I think i choose wrong weapon profs), poor hp, and poor spell slots.
I hope sometimes he will be a superhero.

But his steal and lore skill is very comfortable.

5)Gnome Thief/Cleric
15; 18; 16; 11; 17; 5
I want two healer and a thief. First, i though to a swashbucker->cleric but the classical dual after 10 level is very slow because he must have 725k xp to regain his abilities, so i choose the multi class and the gnome race because the good saving throw bonuses.
6)Human Sorcerer
10; 18; 16; 18; 18; 9
level 1: Magic missile; Identify; Minor drain; Shield; Spook
level 2: Acid arrow; Mirror image; Resist fear
level 3: Haste; Skull trap
First i want a wild mage PC but i want to try the ranger stronghold. Next time i start a wild mage, but now i choosed a sorcerer.
I know there are weaknesses my party:
-Late greater restoration, and not too much free action spell.
-Small arcane spell selection
so i think i change my blade with a kensai(9)->mage with grandmastery in quarterstaff or i collect lots of scroll for him.
PART1:So the game is started:
I don't use Dungeon-Be-Gone because:
I wanted to try my party, and...
SPOILER!there is a container in the corner of the mephit portal's room where always generated a high level scroll (unfortunetly i dont like the Incendiary Cloud so i sell it for 800 gold later)
After the first dungeon i go directly to the tent, and after it i sell my goods and go to the temple to raise my reputation to 14 and after i speak with the guard i had 15 reputation and my berserker have 18 charisma

I bought some weapon from Ribald (spear +2 and flail +2) and after i found an interesting bug so i regain some of my money and a ring of charm animal (if you are interested i wrote it on the original game bugs topics) so i buy some scroll for my blade, but that bullshit failed it all. No problem that was free money.
After a sleep i got to the graveyard where i loot all of the grave and killed the crypt king (get the Namarra and i found a spell trigger scroll

I surprised because i ambushed some nasty monsters.
SPOILER!Two killer and one ghost spider spawned in front of Paina's lair. Fortunatly, the last battle i use haste and my blade has stoneskin so, after the surprise i run back because the web and my blade cast mirror image and wait the border of the web.
Behind my blade, the fighters prepared against the spiders, my vagrant cast call upon holy might from ability, my berserker go into rage, and my kensai step back because he wait a barskin from the gnome.
The first spider is attack my blade who go to defensive spin. My berserker use the bard as a shield and attack the spider. My sorcerer start cast emotion and i pray. Fortunatly two spider attack the blade and one the vagrant who immune to poison, and have cure poison ability. My kensai helped him.
The first emotion is sucks all of the spider make the save, but the dice is with me and my blade is alive so cast another mirror image.
One of the spider attack my berserker, and poison she, my pc is injured but okey.
The second emotion was a lucky one two of the spiders fail their save so only one can attack so everybody attack that except the berserker who drink a potion. A kai and a critical hit solve the problem so i cure the potion and finish the helpless spiders.
After that incident i ran away from that place. I go back the copper coronet and avange the killed boy and bring back his teddie bear, after i go to sleep. After a sleep i think i leave the city but some bandits ambush me.
The blade cast mirror image, and stay in the crowd, my casters run away two direction, my fighters attack the cleric, and my vagrant try the silence ability of his new blade, but its only effect the blade and the fighters.
My casters in safe distance start to cast hold person and emotion, but the enemy casters is start a spell too. The result is all enemy except the mage and the thief is hopeless or held, but my fighters too only the blade throw the save, and my orc attack the thief under confuse. My blade go into offensive spin and attack the wizard, the sorcerer started throw skull traps and hope we have more health and better save. My thief is go near the mage to detect his illusion.The enemy wizard trying eleminate my blade who drinking healing potion and try to destroy her physical defense with brute force.
My sorcerer kill some enemy but seriusly wounded my vagrant, so he stopped it and i risk a dispel what is bring back my vagrant luckily, who after drink a potion kill every living enemy.
The second battle was terrible, i was very lucky to none of my character died. at that time my pc was only level 8. After this battle i go back to copper coronet and rest a day to heal.
The next few days was very boring. I do the following quests:
-Skinner murder
-Buried alive
-Pay for Galean Bayle
-Harper quest
-The first shadow thief quest
At that point my party is
Vagrant 9
Blade 11
Kensai 9
B->Druid 9/10
T/C 9/10
Sorc 10
I see the companionship, and that nasty troll.
So i decide to free the gladiators.
SPOILER!First battle: Copper Coronet Guards
That was simple i rush to the room and when the wizards appear, my blade attack the center guard, my vagrant and my druid attack the upper guard and my kensai go directly to the down mage, and my sorcerer breached him, so he died in one turn. The next turn was the upper mage dead but my blade and my druid is confused. The battle overed the third round but my druid attack my blade so i try a dispel, what works only on the druid so i can keep on the buffs the bard.
Second battle: The beastmaster
I love this battle.
Before the battle i charm the winter wolf, the panther and the grizzly with my ranger, and i summon a nymph for cannon folder, and i hasted everyone.
The bottle was very easy. First turn i cast silence, chant, greater malison, and everyone else attack tabitha, except the blade who use magic missile because the place was too narrow (thanks to the god my fighters have long weapons).
The beastmaster failed his save so he is silenced.
In the second round tabitha knock up the grizzly and go in one of the room, so everybody follow him except the animals and the nymph, and the sorcerer, who cast emotion again.
The third round every enemy lay except tabitha soo i started bomb it with magic missiles. Two round later everye enemy is died.

After my gnome loot the evil innkeeper's body, the new owner ask me to free the other slaves, so i go to the sewers. My sorcerer done the dirty job with the shield+invisible+skull trap combo so nobody hurted in my party. My fighters kill all the jellies, and i collect the signs, so i want to explore the mistery of sewers.
I go to the pipes and after i put the hand to one some very nasty rats rush me. My vagrant who don't fear the disease and the poison keep the front everyone else run away, i can't hurt these beasties so my sorc cast greater malison and after that a emotion. Every rat layed hopeless so my fighters can slay them.
I see this is sa dangerous place so my druid summoned 2 nymh and they call some dog guardians. I put the lover's ring to the first pipe, and an confused wraith appaered, i try to talk with it, but it was useless, so i try everything to beat it. Every warriors buff themselves with kai, rage, offensive spin and draw upon holy might. My vagrant was deadly hurted so he surrander to heal, the others finish that moster. Every character is alive. The blood of a friend is missing so i explore the area, and i find a madman and a big worm.
After i talk with the madman, i attack his monstrous "friend". My druid strike it with her spear +2 but that weapon isn't enough, it doesn't hurt the monster. After my magic missiles was useless too and the beast paralize one of my nymph follower, i run away. I go back the inn, and i talk with Joluv, he has some nice high enchanted magic weapons from north so i buy a spear to my druid avange her comrade. I go back to the sewers the other nymph say goodby and unsommoned, so i buff my druidess and my vagrant to kill that unnatural thing. They put on many protection ring and cloth and my sorc cast spirit armor on they, they rush the beast and my thief follow them. My druidess go to rage, and my thief heal them with some searious and minor heal. I can hurt it to badly injured when my druid reach the drawback so she step back and drink healing potion. I have luck so every save is made and the beast is dead. My druid and ranger heal themselves and my party return to pipes in a bad mood. The next pipe also contains some nastier rats, but i can cast one more emotion what is made two rats hopeless. All of my fighters use their last buff and my sorc throw all of his magic missile, and my thief is cast his last healing spells but they deafeat the beasties. Everybody except my vagrant and my kensai leave the room because we prepare the surrunder. Thank for the gods the last pipe only contains a dancing sword, and my kensai take it, and with it he deafeated the mushroom king and two of his comrades.
After i take the mad sword what is my third +3 weapon i go back the inn and i rest a day to heal.
My party is:
Vagrant 9 Namarra+Club+3 or medium shield +1 (he put one more point to club)
Kensai 10 Lilalcor+3 (he put the third point to haldberd)
B->Druid 9/10 Spear of Kuldahar +3
T/C 11/9
Sorcerer 11
He discovered some usefull spell (vocalize, invisible; dispel, slow; greater malison, spirit armor; breach)
PART2I try to done the second shadow thief quest but my vagrant murdered all the three times.
SPOILER!First time i level drained from the vampire, so i decide to my druid with the amulet of power guard the entrance.
Second time my kensai is stunned, so my thief cast a free action on my pc, but it is too late and my pc murdered again. My druid was great and she slay the vamp.
Third time i prebuff but that not enough, because the free action my fighter attack too slowly, only my blade was fantastic with his minute meteor, he can do ~45 damage per round. But the contract attacked too fast so when he is on injured my two fighter was badly injured so i must step back an he regenerating back his life and killed first my kensai after the druid in one round and the next round he slay my vagrant with a critical hit (
i decide not use helmets
I see Ribalds stuffs and the Dak'kon blade is very beatiful choice because it meant my blade could have one more magic missile + mirror image + minute meteor + stoneskin, but the 27k gold is very spicy, i only have 13k after i buy the spear of kuldahar. I need more reputation and gold so next time i think to go umar hills and trademeet. I have three +3 weapon (one slashing one piercing and one crushing) in my party and my kensai have thac0 1 and my druid thac0 3 and my vagrant thac0 7 and they have ~110 Hp so i can hurt a lot of type enemy. I think to try the rakhasha's too.
PART3I travel to Umar hills to save the village. After i speak with the major i head north to see that ogres. They are innocent so i go to the cabin, and i read Marvella's journal. I speak with the major and i go rest because it is too late and my charaters are tired. In morning i talk some villagers and i find a cowled wizard who ask me some mimic blood to raise his stupid golem. I go to a walk and i find a lair, after i check it i have a mimic blood so i return to wizard and i get my reward. We must kill his golem because he started raging.
The major talked with Mandulf so the village is safe a bit.
I head my party south, to the city, Trademeet. After i speak with my current boss i travel to the druid grove. My party easily kill the trolls, spiders and shadow druids at the way. I challenged Faldorn with my berserker druid.
SPOILER!First round:
Faldorn start cast something so i grab the staff and hit she twice, and i cast ironskin. Faldorn attack me. She is injured and i am okey.
Second round:
Faldorn cast an iron skin, and i summon a fire elemental.
Third round:
Faldorn cast something but my elemental's fire hit she so casting failure and i cast my last needed spell a nymh.
Fourth round:
I summon two bear but my nymph finish herr first spell a hold person what paralizes faldorn and one bear.
5-7 round
We hit down faldorn defense and killed her.
PART4:After the druid duel, i go back trademeet. The major was very happy because i solve druid conflict. He give me another job to solve the djinni embargo. After the djinnies tell me there are a rakhasha in the town i think she hide near the fearsome druid grove, so i come back to the old hag, and i hope she know something. When i arrive she change back her shape and she attacked me with her two son.
Their ice rain don't hurt very much but i run into the corner with my weak characters and my druid counter the cloudkill spell. They die easily after i rush they with my hight enchanted wepons. (i use mirror image with my pc and with my blade, behind them my druid and my kensai attack with their two handed weapons).
After that glorious fight i am Slade the hero of Trademeet. I earn lot of money and my reputation is increased. After the skin dancer quest my reputation is 18. I see the stuff of the merchant but i not need any item from them (i like the blackblood but i have already +3 blunt weapon, i like the robe of good archmage but i guard him so i don't buy anything).
I go back athakala and i done the fallen paladin. My reputation is 19.
SPOILER!This is an easy fight. If you don't pay to the cowled ones you can't cast any arcane spell, but you don't need any. I summon some nymph and skellie and a berserker warrior and when anarg start the fight my cleric and the nymphs cast hold person on the paladins and my blade rush anarg and in melee range he cast defensive skin (he has stoneskin also). After my fighters buff themselves they also rush anarg. All of the fallen paladins held except one so i concentrate anarg and my summons on the paladin. My blade defense was enough so anarg attack my PC so i cast a mirror image with ilbratha. When he is on injured he attacked my kensai, but i don't care, so i hit him with all of my character when he was on badly injured my kensai get a critical hit so my druid start a heal spell and finished it before anarg can kill my half-orc, i can slay anarg before the hold spell runs out so i slay them all.
I decide to free the slavers, but we was tired because the long travel so i rest a 8 hour and i memorise some spell. (i rarely variate my spell list i always use same spell and i have some spell for special things (2 death ward, 2 free action, zone of fresh air, 2 chaotic command etc.))
I think the guard are near the sewers entrance because the dangerous creatures, so i use the main door. Before that i cast a sanctuary with my thief.
SPOILER!First battle: the first mage
After i kill the first to guardm an assasin tried to backstab my pc so and i see a wizard who come to welcame our group. So my druid and my thief cast chaotic command on my kensai and my PC and the druid go into rage, and my thief cast another sanctuary and detect illusions because the assasins. After i see the fireshield my vagrant and my druid cast level 2 prot from fire on my kensai and on my blade. After that my druid cast another one on my pc. After my sorc cast a haste in the beginnig he hide because the enemy have SI:Abjuration, and he doesn't have chaotic command. My blade use minor metero what crush his spell turning in lighting speed (every missile count as a level 3 spell) and after the stonskin. The mage cannot hurt us because we have good protections or saves.
Second battle: the second mage
the second mage was pity because he doesn't have spell protections so my sorc cast a acid arrow and after my fighters finish him
Third battle: golem
This is easily too because my blade go with minor meteors and my fighters kill him easily.
Fourth battle: the priest.
The stairs are very narrow and they have many archer so i decide to kill then one after one and i fight like the spartan. So i summon some ally who go against the enemy and surrander. The enemies attacked one by one so i slay them, the priest also slayed easily after i cast breach.
Last battle: Captain Haegan
He is very touhgty so that was a very hard battle. He has too good saves and he regenerate very fast, and if this is not enough he has lots of healing portion.
My blade was the tank so he rushed him with stoneskin, mirror image and spirit armor, and when the captain switch to melee he cast defensive spin. I summons also attacked him, and my buffed fighters too. After he see that he cannot hurt my blad he killed my summons and after that he attacked my pc. I see my melee capacity not enough so i started him bomb with magic missiles (my sorc and my blade), and i cast a holy smite and flamestrike too (with my thief). Several time when he on badly injured he drink a potion, but we hurt him faster speed than he can heal. He hurt my pc and when he was on injured i cast heal (when i finish the spell my pc had 16 hp

), i run out my spell so when he was badly injured i cast a vampiric touch with my blade (from scroll) and the ruffian died (he drop a star garnet but i don't need it so i sell).
After i free all of the slaves and i sell all of items, i have 20 reputation and lots of gold, so i bought the dak'kon blade (18k) and a halberd +2 (only 1k after i sell two halberd +1). I go to the watcher's keep but after a fanatic spirit attacked me i run away. After i sell some loot, i have 45k gold.
My party is:name level favorite opponent killXP(chapter) killXP(game)
Vagrant 10 Greater Crawler 25% 29%
B->Druid 9/11 Beastmaster 19% 25%
Kensai 10 Shadow lover 39% 30%
Blade 12 Dalok (who is that) 6% 6%
Sorc 11 Meavar 7% 8%
T/C 11/9 Sword spider 0% 0%
My first 3 character are real slayer all of them has good thaco (Vagrant 5/7 Kensai 1 B->D 3) and several attack/round (3, 2.5, 3) They all have ~120 hp.
My blade is also good with strength spell or minute meteor, and his magic missiles was life saver in several cases.
My sorc is awesome, i like the haste spell in battle that means 4 bonus attack/round and after several battle we go home fast. (we all have at least 166 con so we will tired only the third haste).
The T/C the buffer. In battle he use his detect illusion and several time the holy smite is very good, he also can summon skeletons, and the hold person is works in the beginning. His fighting potential is zero but he is a support character and he is good.
PART5:We go to Windspear Hills because we need lots of xp and gold. After i kill the paladins, i do the nymph quest, and after i head to the entrance of the lair. The hobgoblins died by my sorc's skull traps, the first level was easy so i rest a bit near the lake. The second level was more difficult.
I attacked by one coin, one clay, one stone and one bone golem. My blade was the tank against the coin golem, because that think attacked first. With the defensive spin, spirit armor, and some protection rings and cloak my blade has -24 AC, and with stoneskin and mirror image, he never hurted. I tried several wepons and in the end the end my druid and my blade killed the coin golem (spear, minute meteor), my vagrant and my kensai done the job with the other golems. I was lucky because my sorc don't panicked by the bone golem so he can cast resist fear. The second group in the end of the level was easier because i cast remove fear before the battle and i know who attack wich enemy.
my blade have the power amulet and he cast a fireball from scroll, so he only get two hit what absobed by my protections.
I slay them with bruteforce tactics.
he was very though, i cannot kill him with 8 try, because he hit very hard and i think he has magic blocking potion because after i lower his resistence and cast malison and doom on him he roll all of his saves against 5 emotion, 2 hold person and 6 spook.
That was the first try. The bad news is the potion halved all of the spell damage and he roll the saves so some of my spells only hurt him on 25%.
4 times i try tank him with my bard, but i always done mistake and i run out from portections because when the def spin runs out he hit down all of my protections. After that i try tank with my buffed kensai or vagrant but he always hurt me faster than i can heal my tank with two healer and potions so he killed me easily.
Because i was very close to the level 12 with my sorcerer i try some rest and i have luck because almost every time i attacked by monsters: skeleton warriors (4k xp random treasure, i get a summon fiend and a mislead scroll, and a laeral tears necklace) shadow fiends(4x2k xp) or crimson death(9k) xp.
I also slay the warewolfs outside so i leveled up to 12 level. I choose the improved haste so after i tanked Tazok i hurt him faster than he drinked his potions and he regenerating. After i lower his resists my sorcerer casted magic missiles, and my bard used some vampiric touch in that rounds when he don't need recast his portections.
I go down the level 3 and before conster's teleport i can steal his key, so i cast a haste and my vagrant saved the girl and my summons (nymph, skeletons, berserker warrior) distracts conster and we run out from the dungeon.
We have lots of gold (~70k) now and i get some very good item like the helm of defense and the dragon helmet.
PART6First i give up the helmet restriction with my vagrant because the criticals was very dangerous with my PC so i use the helm of balduran with him.Finally we are strong enough to kill the guild contract.
Guild contract:
With improved haste this battle is easy. My blade attack 10 with minute meteor and if all of them hit it cause 85 damage avarage, or i choose offensive spin instead and i do 60 damage with 6 attack. He has bad thaco with it (9) but his potencial is increased a lot. With improved haste i can buff all of my fighters so i do it and we had 26 attack per round and 4 had max damage because the kai. So i summoned some guard to the entrance and i killed the traitors (my kensai never was good in speech and buffing). When the contract appaered i attack it with all of my party except the thief who summon more against the vampire. He lay down very fast and the vampire aso die in one round.
I don't like the vampires they suck our blood and they use dominate, the level drain is very nasty so i need more power to do it. I remember there was a strange spider nest in the graveyard so i think i search it.
We prepared the battle, so before the nest i cast spirit armor on every fighter (we need good AC and/or save) my casters get free action and my fighters buffed up with improved haste, i also cast prot from evil 10 radius because i hope the spider web is evil source of magic and the spiders are evils. My druid go to rage.
When we arrived the humans in the nest explosed and lots of spiders attack me as i think, so my sorc casted malison to the center my blade and my thief waited my druid cast a defensive harmony, and my vagrand and my kensai rushed the drow directly, in the second secundum my blade started slow (because the malison 3 sec with the amulet of power and the slow is 3 sec), when the malison activated my thief casted greater command. In the 5th secundum all of the spiders are slowed or lay on the floor included the spirit and the killer spiders. The second round fighters catched by the net except the blade who casted minor meteor, my sorc in that time breached the drow's protection so i go her down injured. The third round my druid flee from the net so she heal my injured vagrant with one of her heal spell. At the end of the round Pai'Na and my vagrant was badly injured but my vagrant get heal in time. In that time my casters needed defend themselfes because a killer spider attack them but the sanctuary and the invisible protect them.
In the 4th round i was lucky because all of my fighters done their save so they slay the drow and attacked the slowed spiders. When one of my character paralized i cast cure paralize with my thief, so that was good battle and after one heal spell on my vagrant we are unhurted all.
My thief get a spider figurine so he has one more item what he can use in battle and the egg is very good too but i don't decide which character will use it. My blade need better thaco and the +6 hp also good, but my kensai get +12 hp from it so he has 141 with it, and he really need defensive equipment. Temporary i equip my kensai with it.
Char | Level | Kills in the game
Vagrant | 11 | 142
Kensai | 11 | 161
B->Druid | 9->12 | 169
Blade | 13 | 47
Sorc | 12 | 48
T/C | 11/10 | 7
PART7I play a bit before i sleep so i go to the temple sewers because some nasty monsters and good treasures there.
Horrid rakhasha:
After the drow spider druid i had got little amount spell selection but i didn't cast any in this battle, when i go down the sewers i summon some allies and cast haste. When he saw my party he started with Horrid Wilting. We lure the beast out his pit so i don't need fight in narrow place. We damaged him injured state when he cast his second horrid wilting. We run because only the stupid or dead people stay in the area of a very dangerous damage spell. He follow my fighters so we fight him near the entrance of the sewers. He tried the survive with absolute immunity but that wasn't enough because he cannot hurt my peoples very, but when the protection end, we slay him.
I get my reward: The Cloak of Sewers.
PART8Lots of things happaned from the last post. After the rakshasa i though that i am enough strong to the d'arnise keep so i travel to it. After Nalia said that lots of troll and yuan-ti in the building we rested and we sneak in the keep. The trolls was easy victory because my fighters kill them easily and my sorc finished the job with an acid arrow. Near the gate i attacked by dogs but i charm them and send them to rest. We opened the gate but it was very dangerous:
First gate battle: Killer spider
I had lots of experience with the spiders. Theese nasty creatures easily die if the party has good saves and good luck so when he appaered i cast buffs with may fighters and an improved haste with my sorc to my kensai. So the spider died in two round but my sorc confused.
Second gate battle: Greater Yuan-ti
After the spider died a great snakeman come to welcome me. This fight was very long and all of my spell runs out, because he was very nasty. I don't remember every part but i can only do it after the third load. My saves was good but he can enchant some of my characters every time. When i see him my blade casted SI:Abjuration and after a small retreat a minor globe of inverubality, and after he tanked the yuan-ti. My vagrant join him after a resist fire/cold and resist lighting spell, my sorc armored the orc with spirit armor and when he run in the battle he cast improved he also. After i attack him three of my fighters my druid and my thief started summon creatures to distract some attack of that monster because he can hit hardly. My sorc breached him every time but he had lots of stoneskin.As i think he had damage spells too so when my orc hurted i retreat with him and i cast resist spells on him and i healed him a bit. I have luck because i always cast the Heal spell in a good time and i can save my PC-s butt when he was near dead. After a lots of round i run out spells and he runs out stoneskin and SI so my sorc cannot do anything so he started bomb his spell turning with minor draining, and my thief with hold person. My fighters slowly hurt him and with my last two improved haste , rage and kai i could kill him.
We had a pair spell but i go to the second level of the keep and i killed all the trolls. The last monsters remain in the library so i cast all of my remaining buffs on my PC and rush to the library. The librarian easily die after i cast my last breach on him. We were badly injured so when i find a secret room i rest in it and i heals my character (i memorized lots of them). In the depth of the secret rooms i found the traitor.
He is a good fighter but he couldn't handle my blade. He rushed him with stoneskin and mirror image and after the first round i go to defensive spin and that was enough. My sorc casted improved haste and some spirit armor on my vagrant and after a another spirit armor on my orc so we attacked him. The only difficult was when he attacked my vagrant but i save his butt with the ilbratha's mirror image. The solve of the hardiness was a breach.
I save Nalia's mother and i loot the tresury of the keep. When i saw the golems i killed them all with minute meteors and haste. The real guardians was tougter:
SPOILER!First guardian: Keep Viper
I hate this monster because we fight with him a lot and he able to poison some time so i run out cure poison spells. I waste another two improved haste and the other Heal spell, but i can handle it.
Second guardian: Spiders
I am very prof to the handle of spiders so that was easy victory.
I get a new weaponry for my vagrant: Flail of Ages +3 and Frostreaver+3 WOW. That is so cool.
The basement was ease. I heard about the umber hulks but i cannot do the dog stew, because kill innocent animals is cruel. So my thief sneak in the room and use his helmet abilitys (Yes he has the vhailor's helm with death spell

This is the end of the road but instead of rush in the trone room i hide and refreash my party before the last battle. We don't know what is in the room so i prepare against trolls, yuan-ti too, and i memorise lots of cure poison against spiders or snakes. That was the liberity of the Keep:
Last battle: Tor'Gal
I buff with resists, spell protections improved haste, i try lay some trap but i failed. My plan was that my protected blade run into the trone room, say goodby and when he go out the monsters follow him. This worked. First the a gem golem appaered so my vagrant with blunt and slashing weapons attack it.
Torgal and the trolls followed my blade who run into an another room where my orc waited. Together they attacked the trolls. My druid go to the door between the two room and waited and my thief and sorc waited in the prison. The trolls killed by my kensai but Torgal hit trough my stoneskin so i retreat in the corner after cast a new. I get a small time to drink a healing potion. When he summon bears i try to charm one of it but my ring of animal don't worked in this time so we killed them. I have a luck because i roll the save against greater command. My druid casted a heal on the kensai when the storm of vegeance appaered. I prepared against yuan-ti so everybody had prot from fire, resist cold and prot from lighting. In that time the thief healed my vagrant and a nymph also. When the golem died we go to help the others. So finally my sorc appaered casted a breach and died from the storm, when i resurrect him he was one hp but he run out from the storm and cast the breach. TorGal cannot do anything against my four fighter so he choose the die.
Nalia only give me 650 gold so we go back Athakala sadly (not true we get some very cool item, and lots of money).
After a rest we started the purge of Cult of Eyeless, but this is another story.
Comment: I don't have any time in this weak so i can only follow the story next week or one more week after that.