Dec 26 2007, 11:00 PM
I was going through revising "Improved Battles" to patch instead of overwriting on a BGT + NEJv691 install and in the "Improved Firkraag" component I noticed all the dialogs are in place for Angelo's Legacy with shartj.dlg, firkra02.dlg, and durbin.dlg, and durbin.cre exists in the game, but nowhere was I able to locate where Durbin is created, either as an actor in an area, or via area script. I would think he should created in AR1202, but I find no references to him other than the dialogs and the .cre file.
Dec 27 2007, 07:25 AM
Durbin is one of the guys in a werewolf lair in Firkraag's dungeon.
You may initiate this quest in Firkraag's dungeon, but won't be able to complete it until Part 3 is released.
Dec 27 2007, 07:42 PM
That's just the thing, the dialogs are there to initiate the quest, but nothing creates Durbin, so there would be no way to talk with him to initiate it.
Dec 28 2007, 09:33 AM
I don't have NeJ2 installed and at my hand at the moment, but either he already exists or created through one of the existing scripts. I remember that there was no a problem.