Dec 16 2007, 05:18 PM
I was just reading the description for the potion of absorpson, and noted that along with the electrical resistance it gives -10 to AC against crushing damage. The question is this, will AC be capped a -24, which I believe is a game limit, there are a few things that can make your AC better than that, -26 I think. If that is so then at the higher level or AC the benefits would not be that good, even though the electrical resistance is good.
Dec 16 2007, 05:30 PM
There is no cap on AC modifiers which are specific to a particular weapon type; if your AC is -24 and you drink a Potion of Absorption, your AC against blunt weapons is then -34. The AC on your inventory page is still -24, but if you scroll down on your character record you will see 'Crushing -10' under alongside any other modifiers.
Also the -10 stacks with additional blunt modifiers. So if your character was wearing the Girdle of Bluntness and then drunk the potion you would see -14 as the modifier.
So Potions of Absorption are extremely powerful against certain enemies, but they are very rare (there are only a few in the game).
Dec 16 2007, 08:11 PM
Someone else said that the absolute limit in AC was -30, imposed by the game engine. So, you could go down to -30 vs crushing. That's helpful, but a mighty damage resistance is very desirable too.
Dec 16 2007, 08:28 PM
Well, I have just tested this and have not found such a limit.
I had a character with AC -24 from her equipment drink a Potion of Absorption. I then attacked her with a character with a blunt weapon and looked at the 'to hit' figures shown in the dialogue box. They were consistent with an effective AC of -34.
Dec 16 2007, 09:55 PM
QUOTE(Raven @ Dec 16 2007, 12:28 PM)
Well, I have just tested this and have not found such a limit.
I had a character with AC -24 from her equipment drink a Potion of Absorption. I then attacked her with a character with a blunt weapon and looked at the 'to hit' figures shown in the dialogue box. They were consistent with an effective AC of -34.
Thanks for the info, my they are powerful, time to remember where I saw some and go get them. Another question, how does one know if the potion effects (any potion) is dispellable? Is there a listing, the obvious reason I ask is that many IA bad guys dispel or remove magic at the start of battle, would suck to waste such things.
Dec 17 2007, 07:31 AM
The effects of all potions (except "Barbarian Essence") are dispellable.
Dec 17 2007, 07:44 PM
QUOTE(Sikret @ Dec 16 2007, 11:31 PM)
The effects of all potions (except "Barbarian Essence") are dispellable.
Thanks for the info, so the timeing of when to use them is important.
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