Dec 8 2007, 04:51 PM
I've encountered a problem while playing IA although I'm not sure it's caused by the mod I was hoping you would be able to help me. Whenever I kick a character out of my party they leave without asking me if they should stay or go and then when I try to talk to them again it says 'X - has nothing to say to you'.
I originally thought this was intentional by IA and so kept on playing. Now I've run into a problem when Jan left for his quest to help a sick girl and when I cured the girl he won't initiate conversation with me to complete the quest and get him back into the party. I read that this is sometimes caused by installing incorrectly and so I re-installed and the problem is gone from my save but only for current party members not ones that already left. I have no save from before Jan left.
Please could you tell me if there is a way to use the console to force the conversation with Jan to occur?
My install order was:
Official ToB patch
Baldurdash Fixpack 1.12
Ease of Use
Dungeon Be gone
I am not sure how the problem came up from those.
Dec 8 2007, 04:56 PM
You don't happen to have the "Multi-Player Kick Out Patch" from EoU applied? It's supposedly incompatible with IA, but I don't know if it would affect NPCs so they'd react in such a way... but I suspect it might.
Dec 8 2007, 05:00 PM
I made sure I didn't install that or any other incompatable component from EoU.
Dec 8 2007, 05:12 PM
if you have installed unistalled a lot without doing a clean installation it might be your problem...
Dec 8 2007, 05:36 PM
I did a completly new install for IA so I don't think thats the what caused it.
Dec 8 2007, 06:35 PM
I remember there is a such a game bug, but it should be fixed by the official patch.
I found
this topic in google. The player, as written in the last post, had some "dialog fixes and alterations" installed. Don't you have the Game Text Update of Baldurdash installed? IA only requires the main Baldurdash file. (Just a guess about BD Game Text Update, never heard it would cause this phenomemon.)
EDIT: I suppose my guess is wrong after all, because "dialogue fixes and alterations" refers to DLG changes, which isn't done by the Game Text Update I guess (and changes in dialog.tlk cannot cause such phenomena). In that topic, it was probably just a collision/bug of G3 Tweaks and G3 Fixpack, I suppose.
Dec 8 2007, 06:40 PM
I also have the game text update installed, but in my game everything is fine.
Dec 9 2007, 09:41 AM
Welcome to BWL!
Your problem doesn't seem to be related to IA. Nonetheless, I'll try to suggest a console solution when I find the time; though, I won't guarantee success as we are not sure of the real cause of your problem.
If you have not gone too far in the game, consider starting a new game as the best solution. Once you start a new game, test to make sure that the problem is not there immediately.
You said that you have the text update of Baldurdash installed. Do you also have the wrong descriptions problem for some items similar to what olimikrig reported
here. His problem was solved after dismissing the Baldurdash game text update.
Dec 9 2007, 02:22 PM
I've seen his screenshot of the description of the Flame Tongue before you or whoever deleted them and yes its the same inconsistence for me.
Do you recommend to uninstall the Game Text Update? Are there any risks, because i dont want to mess up my game.
Dec 9 2007, 02:53 PM
I managed to fix the problem by enabling cheats and then Ctrl-Q Jan into my party and kick him out again which forced him to say his lines. I should be able to do the same with the other characters who also say nothing. Thanks to everyone who helped me try and fix this problem.
Dec 9 2007, 04:32 PM
QUOTE(Spike @ Dec 9 2007, 06:52 PM)
I've seen his screenshot of the description of the Flame Tongue before you or whoever deleted them and yes its the same inconsistence for me.
Do you recommend to uninstall the Game Text Update? Are there any risks, because i dont want to mess up my game.
I didn't delete them. He edited his own post. The game text update of Baldurdash has never been part of IA's installation guidelines. I don't know why you have installed it. The inconsistency will be in items' and spells' descriptions only.
Dec 9 2007, 05:27 PM
QUOTE(Olbas @ Dec 9 2007, 06:53 AM)
I managed to fix the problem by enabling cheats and then Ctrl-Q Jan into my party and kick him out again which forced him to say his lines. I should be able to do the same with the other characters who also say nothing. Thanks to everyone who helped me try and fix this problem.
Greetings, it has been my experience that when having to go to such lengths to fix things generally means that other areas are messed up as well and you will find these later. So the previous suggestion of restarting the game and ensuring that problem is fixed is the way to go in my opinion. It would suck to get deep into the game or nearly done to have things blow up and that you can't recover from.
BTW, I remember a long time ago having this issue, it may have been in the time before IA but I wrote it off to a ciorrupt game installation. I don't remember is the baldurdash dialogue thing was involved, as I said it was along time ago.
Dec 9 2007, 05:32 PM
Sikret, since this kinda deals with kickout issues I have a question that I will ask here, feel free to move it if you want.
Did you do anything with the kickout sequence when you find imoen? I ask because always in the past if you kick someone out to add imoen in your party the only option for the kicked out person is to wait right here and as we know that part of spell hold is inaccessable later on unless you use the console.
A better way would be to allow the kicked out person to "follow" you out and meet back on the mainland, much like imoen does if you do not take her out of spellhold, just a suggestion, what think ye?
Dec 10 2007, 07:44 AM
QUOTE(Romulas @ Dec 9 2007, 10:02 PM)
Sikret, since this kinda deals with kickout issues I have a question that I will ask here, feel free to move it if you want.
Did you do anything with the kickout sequence when you find imoen? I ask because always in the past if you kick someone out to add imoen in your party the only option for the kicked out person is to wait right here and as we know that part of spell hold is inaccessable later on unless you use the console.
A better way would be to allow the kicked out person to "follow" you out and meet back on the mainland, much like imoen does if you do not take her out of spellhold, just a suggestion, what think ye?
It's not a bad idea, Romulas, but it seems to be somewhat redundant and unnecessary. Players who want to pick Imoen in spellhold typically kick out a party member before sailing for the island. You can do the same.
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