Nov 30 2007, 02:37 PM
My suggestion is that you (trufa) play IA v5 with TS or NEJ2 (or both) and send us your reports. Even if you notice something vaguely odd during the game, don't think that it's not important. You can check your progress with Vlad and me through PMs and we will see if any conflict exists and will try to solve the possible problems.
In general, I agree that compatibility between these big and complex mods is a very desirable goal. Each of these mods alone adds so much new content to the game. If we can have them together on a single installation, it will result in the maximum possible modded content for BG2
We have reached the day, when IA 5.0 comes out, so the test shall begin.
My party:
Kachiko (kensai-mage dual wield Dak'Kon blade. (I love it, almost much as Sime Romance) The perfect IA character
Yoshimo (Fighter->Thief dualclass Blade of Night (+4 TS katana for thieves)+ IA assassin dagger It is a neccessary changing, because the original Yoshimo in 4.2, was almost death, at the first blow, and optimalizing his ThS-s
Sime (Stalker-Cleric Maces, Flails, Hammers)The new ItemUpgrades can possibly make Sime same powerful IA character, as Kachiko is.
Immy (Sorceress, and with the TS Mage-Rings she would be a weapon of mass destruction)
Aerie Depend on the PC-s Class could she be Cleric-Mage (think as a partybuffer mage type (Mass invisibility,improved haste, and such spellz)), or a single class Cleric (Think she as a good alligned Viccy. Some strategy, with the cool drow priestess)
PC Male, this is sure, but his class isn't decided yet. Possible options are
Elven Fighter-Mage (Hesperus+TheTruth(Until then Kiss the Gloomfrost (good TS+4 long sword in the mainquest)),another
Kensai-Mage (go to Elemental staff),
gnome Fighter-Illusionist (possibly elemental staff, but halberd is also possible), or
Vagrant (a piercing, a slashing, and a crushing weapon(in that case would be Aerie cleric-mage))
If you have some good tips, or hints, or you will also test TS and IA 5.0, You would have lot's of my thanks (possibly Vlad's and Sikret's too, especially if you post also your experiences with these 2 cool mods
Nov 30 2007, 02:55 PM
Thanks, trufa!
I replied
here (because you had sent that post before this one and I saw this one only after sending that post of mine).
Feel free to send your journal/progress report either here or in TS forum (or both).
Nov 30 2007, 03:58 PM
For the sake of testing as much new content as possible, I'd like to ask you to play the game with a vagrant protagonist. In this way, you will have access to the maximum number of possible new quests a player can see and play in a single IA run-through and will be able to perform a complete test.
Then it would be Vagrant
The weapons are short sword (pierc) to Cutthroat, Longsword (at 90%) to Kiss, and then Hesp or Truth the another 10% is Bastard, or Axe. The Crushing is most possibly Flail (to Easthaven, until than FoA)Sime will be delighted with Phossie and one of the two undeadkiller mace(Mace of Disruption,Selune's Promise (her personal mace)) until Hammer of Thor. Than FoA+Thor
Dec 3 2007, 09:08 AM
I finished the net too improved Quests (Minor Athkathla quests,Ibaratha), and Harper, Thief, and Trademeet quests (without trollmound, Belmtower, and Trademeet Crypt), and killed Beastmaster in CC
-Beastmaster is doable at 4 person party (Vagrant,Yoshimo(dual fighter->Thief),Kachiko,Aerie), but it is very hard, and the Beastmaster cannot be interrupted by casting Creeping Doom
-There wasn't any huge bug
-With IA+TS the most preferrable PC is Vagrant, because in IA that kit has the most quest, and in TS (where you would possibly romance with Sime) the Sime Romance would start after the temple ruins quest, which i haven't do, but reading the stats in SK, this is doable to a 11 lvl party with much luck.
Dec 3 2007, 10:16 AM
QUOTE(trufa @ Dec 3 2007, 01:38 PM)

the Beastmaster cannot be interrupted by casting Creeping Doom
This is not true, trufa!
Whenever the Beastmaster is under the effect of Creeping Doom, he smartly recognises it and doesn't cast spells. His spells are interruptable
if he casts them, but he knows that he is under the effect of insects and doesn't waste his spells.
Dec 3 2007, 10:27 AM
the Beastmaster cannot be interrupted by casting Creeping Doom
Edit: I can't interrupt in 10 reloads the creepy that casts the Beastm
Dec 3 2007, 10:40 AM
QUOTE(trufa @ Dec 3 2007, 01:38 PM)

-With IA+TS the most preferrable PC is Vagrant, because in IA that kit has the most quest
This is true. The second best choice is a single class (non-evil) mage (preferably Necromancer) to see a different set of quests.
As for the beastmaster, I checked again and didn't find any such problem in his script. Sometimes you hit a spellcaster in the same round that he is casting, but since you don't manage to hit him within the exact casting period, he still casts the spell. It's normal.
Dec 3 2007, 11:09 AM
This is true. The second best choice is a single class (non-evil) mage (preferably Necromancer) to see a different set of quests.
not non-evil, GOOD, because it is almost 100 %, Sime's Romance is good All related
Dec 3 2007, 05:36 PM
QUOTE(Sikret @ Dec 3 2007, 01:40 PM)

The second best choice is a single class (non-evil) mage (preferably Necromancer) to see a different set of quests.
Just curious, why not Conjurer ?
Necromancer can't cast many good illusion spells, but Conjurer 's opposite school is useless Divination

Or i missed something and new powerful spells are belong to this school?
Sorry for my english
Dec 3 2007, 06:27 PM
Because without the clone spells illusion doesn't offer that much power anymore. You can get invisibility, but that's mostly it. And there's a special item (or two... whatever) for a necromancer, iirc.
Although you may use other spells like Mirror Image or Improved Invisibility to protect yourself it won't be that helpful. Some enemies see through invisibility, others simply cast a spell to dispel it. Additionally I had the feeling Mirror Image was quite useless against certain enemies. As you can only protect against one school of magic with IA installed you have to choose either SI:Divination or SI:Abjuration for "good" protection. I prefer the latter, especially when enemies using scrolls can target you even with the "blurring" effect of Improved Invisibility.
Dec 7 2007, 10:38 AM
I am in the middle of the Temple Ruins quest.
Shadow Jailor killed (Recommened Tactic: Breach a lot, Tank Spells (Stoneskin,Mirror Image, etc.), and pray a lot to have my luck series (10 damaging hit, and 8 of them was critical)
There is some problem:
I don't know, TS's fault, or IA's fault, or both, or none of them, but the Yoshi-Kachiko romance doesn't started, and I tried it with BoHu Yoshi too.
I will make a little (month) pause with the testing because some other projects (christmas actions, and after that inventories)
If I can't come up to BWL Merry Christmas and Happy New Year for everyone
Dec 7 2007, 03:51 PM
and the same holiday wishes to you
Dec 7 2007, 05:31 PM
Amennyiben nem találkoznánk addig -- kellemes karácsonyi ünnepeket kívánok, trufa!
(I wished happy christmas to trufa)
Jan 3 2008, 09:54 AM
Good Morning, and Happy new year to everyone!
At the new year's eve some shards in my Friends floortile stabbed trough my right heel, and because that, my party ruined, so I have plenty of time to test together IA, and TS, and I can take the final opinion.
As an Experienced TS player, I do not recommend to install togethet IA, and TS, because there are some minor incompatibilities, most of them with the TS weapons (Wu-Jen Katana' Spell immunity someimes egsist, sometimes not, and Sime's personal mace's undead destroyer ability doesn't work on the new species, ande Valygar's Katana is by my memories is slightly improved in TS, so this can cause some bug, which isn't tested))Besides that, the Kachiko-Yoshimo romance (which is the key condition to start the TS main quest) sometimes starts, sometimes not.
There are some roleplaying reasons also, because of it doesn't recommend to install together these two great mods
- Valygar's, and Sime' romance (which are very great ones) starts only if you have finished the Shade Lord quest, and you must go very far in the romance, before venturing to Brynnlaw, and to the TS main quest, so you must do the Shade Lord quest very early (before 500k XP), which is in IA impossible.
- Yoshimo isn't a character to IA, even if you dual him into a fighter(which kills his nasty traps, in which is strong Yoshi), his HP will be extremily low, and if you alter him to dual fighter->thief via sk., this can easily kill the Kachiko Romance.
- Sime isn't a Ranger-Cleric, she is a Stalker-Cleric, which means she has some hindrance to other fighter-Clerics due her armor restriction, which isn't ignored with her good studded armor.
So, IA is a very great, if not the greatest (aside from some not overpowered itemupgrade missings from Itemupgrade mod (Improved Aeger'h Hide, Improved Staff of Woodlands, Incarnadine Elven chain, holy Buckler of Amaunator, etc.) tactical mod in the BG world and TS is the one of the best RPG mod of them, but these two are two very different genre, and doesn't passes to eachother.
Jan 3 2008, 10:26 AM
Hi, trufa!
See my reply
I sent it there to make sure that Vlad will see and will comment if needed.
Jan 3 2008, 10:39 AM
Ryel ril Ers
Jan 3 2008, 12:04 PM
I have one suggestion also
Mar 5 2008, 02:11 PM
Scimitar is an excellent choice to weapon prof, because one of Kachiko's Scimitar (Kachiko's Wakizashi, or Bamboo Spirit) does piercing damage, and the other ones do Slashing, so with scimitar you should have with one skill, a piercing, and a slashing weapon
Mar 5 2008, 02:18 PM
The TS&IA combo compatibility patch will be released in less than a month. Vlad and I are working on it together.
Mar 5 2008, 02:21 PM
I know, just looked Kachiko top to bottom, and find out, one of her scimitar does piercing damage, and the other Slashing
Mar 5 2008, 02:24 PM
QUOTE(trufa @ Mar 5 2008, 06:51 PM)

I know, just looked Kachiko top to bottom, and find out, one of her scimitar does piercing damage, and the other Slashing
Report this to Vlad and ask whether it is intentional or not. It's not related to IA.
Mar 5 2008, 06:44 PM
Don't wakizashis do piercing damage but still use the Scimitar proficiency? Is the weapon in question a scimitar or wakizashi?
Mar 7 2008, 02:13 PM
Each one is Wakizashi, one of them(possibly Kachiko's Wakizashi) does piercing damage, and others, with other scimitars does Slashing
Checked in the Item's Mart, Wakizashi +1, Kachiko's Wakizashi +3, and Yamato does Piercing, and not only in TS (So if you want Sikret, you can move the last 4-5 posts into another topic, because the point is the Scimitar, as skill, can use piercing AND slashing weapon)
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