Sep 4 2007, 03:44 PM
Arghhh so frustrating, I've been in this maze for almost two hours; is there any logical solution to the entrances/exits?
Sep 4 2007, 03:57 PM
Yes. I recommend:
1/ making a map with pen & paper, and
2/ dropping different items in each area so you can identify them.
Those were the two things that got me through.
Sep 5 2007, 01:29 AM
Dropping items and mapping works the best.
And don't forget to check the attached room that branches out to the right. I didn't realize it was there on almost all the rooms until I fought those spiders.
I solved it like Coaster said in the previous post.I numbered all the rooms with droppong equalivent number of
potions and made a map.You have to go through all of the rooms and search where you get
to the place where the different entrance its.
End spoiler
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