Aug 2 2007, 01:08 AM
Random thought that came to me. I'm sure this has been considered in the past but...
How difficult would it be to script enemy clerics/druids to resurrect their fallen comrades?
Consider the sewer party for instance, or any other well-balanced enemy group.
In the more difficult encounters, many a time I have done on the fly raise dead/resurrections to change the tide of battle!
Hell, you could even just give some boss NPC's rods of resurrection! (Nishruu/Haekashar summons become necessity?)
Implementation of this is a possible venue for IA to grow exponentially more difficult
Naturally, if you kill the boss he can't be resurrected. Just like if the protagonist is killed, game over
It's only fair!
Resurrections return the ressurected characters without their equipment and near the one with the rod
of ressurection so they would have to go to look for their equipment making them easier target.
Aug 2 2007, 08:58 AM
And it will make the game slower, no? The resurrected enemies would have to go to their equipment, take it, wear it (not being able to wear armor, as your characters) and then attack you. And then, if you kill them again, you will gain the XP again? I thin that could be a little cheese, at least in some battles.
But, obviously, in terms of role playing is more than logical for enemies to resurrect their fallen comrades.
If the enemy is like spellcaster or has innate weapons (ie beholder, warewolf etc) it would be incredibly more difficult, but yeah it wouldn't be the best on human fighters with the whole not having weapons thing. Even without their items at least they'd be a target - even bare fists are better than dead people.
And yeah, killing enemies multiple times...if it were a rod of resurrection then your missing out on item charges and but if its from a spell slot then by having the spell they won't be casting other spells of that level, making the cleric less of a nuisance..which yeah, would make battles longer, easier and give more xp (probably not an objective). So yeah, is it possible to make enemies only resurrect spell casters/fighter that dont need weapons type thing (so you have to earn the xp a second time)
Aug 2 2007, 09:32 AM
Multiple XP and gear problems (slower battles) wouldn't matter too much if resurrection only occured a few times. It could make one or a few battles more interesting. ("Wow, the enemy resurrects its companions too!")
Aug 2 2007, 10:23 AM
You could resurrect monks just fine. They need neither weapons nor gear. Spellcasters is different. Do they get resurrected with their spellbooks set as when they died or just having it all cleared? I don't recall...
Aug 2 2007, 03:12 PM
If the enemy is like spellcaster or has innate weapons (ie beholder, warewolf etc) it would be incredibly more difficult, but yeah it wouldn't be the best on human fighters with the whole not having weapons thing. Even without their items at least they'd be a target - even bare fists are better than dead people.
Yes, these are good points and I agree. It would work well on creatures with innate weapons.
It could make one or a few battles more interesting. ("Wow, the enemy resurrects its companions too!")
Exactly, I think it would be a real eye opener for a boss battle or so. Unexpected, exciting, and scary to the player the first time they see it!
Aug 2 2007, 08:29 PM
I agree with that. But I still think it would be a hell to code, no? Well, I don't know coding at all but...
Aug 2 2007, 10:49 PM
Mhm... a powerful divine caster casting Mass Raise Dead when half his party is dead or maybe something like a Ressurection Contingency could be interesting... but have a rather limited use. As others have said you would gain more exp (except the resurrected enemies don't give you exp for whatever reason) and they would be naked which could be a problem for fighter types. If the battles found in WK level 5 (the sigils just before Demogorgon) had some feature like this it could still be a nice addition. Or a powerful Demon Lord type enemy resurrecting his minions if he isn't slain fast enough (instead of simply gating in more.. and more... and then some more ever so often)... has some nice touch.
Although spell casters wouldn't suffer as much as fighters they would encounter another problem: used up spell slots, no buffs -> fodder. If they *suddenly* had all their buffs refreshed just *after* they're resurrected that wouldn't seem fair to me.
This isn't hard to code at all, in a general sense.
As usual, I probably have a sample mod laying around somewhere, but it's probably linked in to a dozen different things.
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