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Full Version: Request for Baronius post to be stickied
The Black Wyrm's Lair - Forums > Released mods - Baldur's Gate II > Improved Anvil
I found his post to be a useful explanation of the arguments, so to speak, and I would like to see his post stickied/pinned.

Do you mean the "Dreaded fixpack" thread (including my first, very long post)?

I'll have to ask Sikret about it. If he wouldn't like it pinned on his forum, we can move the topic to another forum. If he would like to keep it here, I can just copy the content of that post.
Correct. Waste not want not.

I see it as useful because it leads to a couple of conclusions on my part that might be important to people installing mods and what not. For one thing, having to install a Fix Pack at the beginning, where you can't easily uninstall it, and then have it break other quests is not... optimum for me.

One of the reasons why I didn't like installing those "script fixes" for BG2 Fixpack in the first place was because I could envision some problems later on; problems that would require me to uninstall/reinstall a gigantous amount of BP and regular mods. I ended up installing all of the BG2 Fixpack stuff, including beta content, because the recommended install order/weidu log on Spellhold Studios had it for one of them.

When I played Vlad's mod and IA, I used Baldurdash 1.12 weidu. So it is nice to know what potential problems might crop up that can be prevented by not installing some fixes at the beginning. Personally, it helps me to know since I really don't think these "small fixes" are worth uninstalling/reinstalling my whole install.

Everyone gets a different benefit from things. For me, I like to know the exact compatibilities (or lack of) because I like tweaking my install to my specifications.
Well. Um. While obviously I'm always the first person to jump at the chance to deride someone else's mod, I tend to think there's something at least a tiny bit disingenuous about stickying a thread about how much you hate it on your own forum. It's like me going and stickying "Look guys, IA sucks!" on the Quest Pack forum--somehow slightly uncalled for.
When I played Vlad's mod and IA, I used Baldurdash 1.12 weidu.

Which of Vlad's mods did you play? I might have missed something earlier, but as far as I know, no one has reported yet that NEJ (or TS?) and IA worked in practice -- you would be the first, if I am correct. (They are assumed to be compatible, just no one reported anything yet.)

Your experience with BG2 FP and those nice big mods also confirms the theory I partially introduced (which simply some people pretend not to understand, or just throw it out.) I promise I'll make a more solid text from it as soon as I can get enough time.

So why all this had to be discussed here? Their usual practice, i.e. that people are quickly sent to the G3 FP forum, is unsatisfying for most people. Why?
  • You get 10 replies / hour...
  • ... they explain to you how they are right OR how you can solve your problem by replacing 259 lines of TP2 in 19 different positions
I don't blame most of these posters, because they are really confident. A problem (well, it can be an advantage as well as a disadvantage) at FP at G3 is that too many people rely on too few people's knowledge, unconditionally. As I've said in the other thread, even the best modders can be wrong sometimes. It's not good if everyone closes his or her eye and only listens to a few people unconditionally. (On a side note, I was against Tutu a few years ago, I supported BGT. I refused to consider the other side's viewpoint, and it was a mistake. CamDawg was one of those persons whose arguments convinced me eventually. Now I equally support BGT and Tutu, though my time usually doesn't allow to ensure compatibility with both.)

OK, I'll now contact Sikret to ask him where I can pin the "The dread fixpack" topic or whether it should be splitted.

[EDIT] Sorry Ymarsakar, I just realized I should close this thread, or tens of replies will arrive very soon. Sikret closed the other thread, and I've no right to override his decision.

[EDIT2] SimDing0, I didn't notice your reply because I was posting (and went away for some time). However, my post probably gives an answer to your doubts as well. On a side note, I don't think it's "disingenuous" to talk something on a public forum that can be read by everyone. Everyone knows it very well that G3 FP developers got informed about it in minutes, considering today's communication possibilities as well as the fact they were online. So it isn't like speaking behind someone's back; it's just not going to the house in question to discuss the own problems of that house. And I must really add this: it's not about "how much I hate it"! It's about "It should be corrected, because...". I spent several hours to write that post, do you think I would have done it if I hated the mod? I would have just made a pinned topic "G3 Fixpack may break mods". Do you think I spend my limited time because I enjoy this much?!

On a side note, when jastey implied there are users whose accounts are suspended and can't react in BWL forum, no such suspended account existed. Not after she said: before that time, even.
Well, I don't agree with pinning that thread, because it is not (mainly) about IA and there is no need for it to be pinned in IA's forum. Even the first poster had not even asked about the fixpack's compatibility with IA (as it is already mentioned in IA's readmes). It was mainly about *why* BG2 fixpack is a bugged mod and why it's not recommended and I answered to both questions.

However, since IA is also mentioned several times in that thread, I don't agree with moving that topic to another forum either. It will remain in IA's forum but will not be pinned.

My suggestion is that if Baronius has the time and interest, it's better that that he writes a comprehensive article about his theoretical points (including my warnings about the dangers of the sort of attitude which mistakes players for testers and will cause a mod to remain bugged forever and even after its 100th version) and uploads the article in the site's page of articles along with a link in an announcment Black Wyrm Community News .

If Baronius wants to write that article, I can give him more theoretical details about the very serious and bad consequences of the sort of mentality which makes a modder or a team of modders think that they don't need to test their mod (let alone a fixpack) before releasing it for public download.

I'll send you a PM now, so we can discuss more details.
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