Jun 20 2007, 07:38 PM
Hi guys! I'm finally having some time to play this nice mod, and now I've come to a point where I would try the royal family in the druid groove. I badly need tips for fighting them as the seem to hack & slash my party in a very short while.
Jun 20 2007, 09:19 PM
I waited a long time, until I had around 3 million XP per character and still struggled. My summons were key. I forget if they Death Spelled the first couple of summons, but I expect as much as let them waste them on cheap summons like MS I/II and save the good stuff until later.
Jun 21 2007, 06:41 AM
Shaitan what's the level of your party?
Sturmvogel is right, this battle is difficult even for a mid-level party.
Jun 21 2007, 07:20 AM
I have around 1,2 million xp. my party is:
custom berserker->cleric
I still haven't touched the following quests:
mage stronghold
pally stronghold
the spidernest in graveyard
the tomb in trademeet
the bard stronghold
the liches and the rune assasins
the ranger stronghold
the sewer party + rakshasa
mencar pebblecrusher
Should I move on to one of those or go to talk to Gaelan about the main quest?
Jun 21 2007, 07:42 AM
Yes it is a bit early for those Trolls.
What about the other quests? Unseeing Eye, MaeVar, Planar Sphere and other?
It would be better if you reached at least 2M of XP before going to Spellhold (but anyway you could start ch.3 for the XP and some nice items).
Jun 21 2007, 02:38 PM
I think I might try the planar sphere next time I'm playing. I listed the quests I haven't began yet in my former post. I'll wait with Spellhold untill I reach the 2 mill xp - if it is possible with a 6 person party??
Jun 21 2007, 03:40 PM
QUOTE(Shaitan @ Jun 21 2007, 10:38 AM)

I think I might try the planar sphere next time I'm playing. I listed the quests I haven't began yet in my former post. I'll wait with Spellhold untill I reach the 2 mill xp - if it is possible with a 6 person party??
Well, all things are possible with thetruth

, but I had great success taking a level 13 party to Spellhold (6 members).
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