okok.. how about this motive: In BG there are that many weapon profencies.. although probably realistic they are imho boring/ to restricting. Or always develop the same way.. putting 5 points into the endgame weapons.
[Edit end]
So how about changing the weapon profencies, so that they are ...better^^
Small Weapons [Fists, Daggers, Short swords, (Clubs), Darts..]
Grants +1/2 attack at 1 & 3
Medium Weapons [Longswords, Katanas, Flails, Warhammers, Clubs,..]
Grants dextery bonus to damage [capped at current profency level].
Large Weapons [Bastard Swords, Halberds, Spears, Two-Handers,..]
Grants an additional strength bonus to damage [capped at current profency level].
Reloading Ranged Weapons [Slings, Shortbows, Longbows, Crossbows]
Grants dextery bonus to damage [capped at current profency level].
*and +<profency level> to Thaco, +1/2 Attack at 5 points
Exploit Weakness
Each damaging (melee) hit reduces the enemys resistance to it by <profency level>% [the highest reduced resistance is relative to the enemys current hp.
Bsp: enemy 80% resistance currently 50% hp -> maximal reduced resistance by skill 40%]
[or something to do with intelligence the above <profency level> capped by int bonus]
1p all
3p all melee types
5p all rogues
Physical Resistance
Increases your resistance to all physical damage types by [10, 15, 25, 30, 40]
3p all
5p barbarians, monks
Elemental Resistances
Increases your elemental resistances to all types by [10, 15, 25, 30, 40]
3p all
5p druids
Magical Resistance
Increases your magic reistance & magical damage resistance by [10, 15, 25, 30, 40]
3p all
5p mages, sorcerers
Shield style
Allows you to absorb [5 10 15 20 25]% of all incoming physical attacks (maybe absorbing an attack costs you one attack).((Maybe a HLA negates this drawback, or gives a counterstrike))
3p rogues
5p all other shield users
Allows you to avoid [5 10 15 20 25]% of all incoming physical attacks, this bonus applies only while wearing no/light/medium armor, and not during the casting of a spell.
3p all
5p monks, rogues
Increases your run speed by [1 2]
1p melee guys wearing light/medium armor
2p monks, barbarians
Two weapons style
Reduces the offhand penalty by <profency level> * 2. Gives <profency level> to AC.
3p all melee types
5p rangers
<profency level> bonus to damage and thaco for
clerics against enemys of opposite alignment
paladins against evil creatures / dragons undead (mages?)
rangers against favored enemy
5p clerics, paladings, rangers
Allows you to use items that are not meant for your class, level,..
The enchantment level of the item defines its required improvisation level
Spell scroll level allowed to use = (profency level - 1) * 2
3p all
5p rogues
Multiclasses are capped at 4 points everywhere.
What do you think about it?
Is the most likely canditate, I can think of, of beeing able to do that, intrigued in trying to include something like this in the next release of his mod?