To anyone with suggestions. I am delving into the world of writing my own scripts.
I am using the bg2script compiler and am having a hell of a time getting things to work.
The readme's are alittle vague so not sure if I am following it right, here is my setup.
I installed bg2script in C:\Scriptw, in the preferences when I point the program to the game compiler which is normall in C:\Program Files\Black Isle\BGII - SoA\script compiler bg2script runs what appears to be normally with no errors but does not write the .bs file to the override directory. I found a blurb in one of the readme's saying that the game compiler (aicompile.exe) had to be in a directory with no spaces, so I put it and the batch file in C:\scriptcompile.
This time when I compile, bg2script displays a debug assertion error that comes from aicompile, after it aborts bg2scripts exits as normal saying it wrote the .bs file to the override directory which doesn't happen.
So, any suggestions or does anyone know of a better way of compiling bg2 scripts?
THanks in advance.