I’m an item collector myself. Regardless of the items that I am using, I am learning how to deal with Sikret’s monsters! This post is to encourage the experts to share their tactical knowledge with me to increase my skill level quicker than me learning alone. And I’m sure it will benefit other people who read this and are similarly skilled as I am.
I gave my opinions of some out-of-mod items – bloodbane and boots of preserving in their respective threads. Because I don’t think they make an overwhelming difference in IA and because many people regard them as big cheese, I’m going to sell them. (And because Sikret suggested losing those boots...) Basically, I will only use items that Sikret or the original game makers have made. I hope ToB isn’t too inhospitable for me!
I have also used Sikret’s items from The Four mod. Each item has its advantages and disadvantages and is guarded by Sikret’s monsters. There’s a ring, helmet, cloak, and pair of gloves. Except for the cloak (which has deadly disadvantages), I consider these items useful. Of course, they are not required for success. The one I like best is the pair of gloves because they give immunity to insects. It also gives immunity to remove magic, but my sorceress who wears them always has that with immunity-abjuration + spell shield any way (the most important buffs for major battles to me). Of course, immunity to insects is very rarely needed, and I may get more mileage out of some bracers of armor.

Although the items from The Four are sweet, the item that I have found to be most beneficial by far is the flail of defending and wounding. This weapon rocks big time. I’d say it is clearly second to the judgment day sword among the choice weapons, but it is a mighty offensive weapon. It has easily been the item that I feel has contributed most to my success. (Of course, my sorceress’ magic is even more valuable.) I don’t reload very often now, and it is because of this item more than any other. Once I get to the skill level that I can make it through the game with 10 reloads or less, I’ll have to try to convince myself to give up the flail

I’ve also used the boots of improved haste. This is mostly an irritation saver. The less buffing I am forced to do before each fight, the more I like it! (The Sola auto-buff is very nice pre-battle script. Using it in battle is not allowed by me, because it gives a short term Improved Alacrity. As the bad guys get the same thing for their buffs [or it seems so to me], I don’t mind pre-battle use.) I bought Cernd a circlet and cloak upgrade. I recently got the belt of cloud giant strength. And that’s pretty much it. I’ve got some money now and am thinking of other upgrades. I like each of these upgrades, but I suppose, as with all balanced items, I would consider that they give me an edge – not an overwhelming got-to-get-it edge but a slight advantage that can make the difference. Now, if I could get an item to gate in Sikret golems for my team every 5 rounds, that would be a big advantage.

It has been emphasized several times by Sikret that party of the strategy in IA is deciding which items to upgrade. So, what do you feel are the cherries of Sikret’s offerings? This is an open ended question considering that you can have whomever you desire on your team. I realize that some of his items are NPC-specific.