QUOTE(Valiant @ May 8 2007, 02:48 PM)

Seif, did you read all in-mod dialogs with Gulin and Pandaira properly? If you did, then it should be clear to you that you must hurt the Astral Shard with great fire, e.g. Fireball or something like that. Astral Shard itself is immune to evertything else, including weapons that add fire damage, except area fire-based spells...

BTW, what about the areas you wanted??
Thanks for putting together a nice mod for higher level characters, or maybe I just need higher levels to survive it.

I had a lot of fun, and I to missed the conversation that told me about the fire AOE working against the shard. I mean I read it, just didn't pay attention.
I like the custom portraits, especially Gulin. I will admit this is the first time I met a lizard shaman smart enough to cast time stop, I wasn't ready for that. The movie of the tower was pretty cool.
Again, thanks I really appreciate you guys that add content to my favorite game.
Bravo! Good Job!