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Full Version: Doubts about compatibility
The Black Wyrm's Lair - Forums > Released mods - Baldur's Gate II > Improved Anvil
Hi! I think that this question is mostly for Sikret but if anyone has the same doubt than me he/she will be glad to read the answer here and that is why I did not send a pm to our master-torturer-but-forever-admired-Sikret.

To the point: Why is this mod incompatible with Amber? I did not play Amber fully but I know that Cromwell has some weapon to improve related to one of her items. I think that the Blade of roses is not upgradble in IA, so why the incompatibility? Correct me if I am wrong, of course, but I mostly ask this because I want to install Blacksheepclan's Sir Nehtaniel and his sword can be upgraded by Cromwell. Is this mod incompatible too? It will be a pity because Neht is a very good tank with very good abilities (not overpowered though, he cannot be healed at all), and I want him to help me destroy Sikret goons.

If noone knows about that mod (I doubt but who knows), Sir Nehtaniel carries a custom sword which can be upgraded, iirc, without any component, only paying gold to Cromwell.
I believe it's because of dialog structure. Different mods will clash here.
It is anticipated that the next version of Amber will take this incompatibility into consideration.
The incompatibility with Amber has nothing to do with Cromwell; it's because of the Slaver ship's building battle.

There are no compatibility issues with NPC mods which add item upgrades via Cormwell.
Ah, thank you very much Sikret! I didn't realize that it was the Slavers building which made the two mods incompatible. I will try Sir Nehtaniel anyway and if it proves incompatible I will tell you, so you can add it to the readme for next version.

I'll will try not to bother again about npcs-IA incompatibilities, he, he, it's just that I want your mod to be installed always (as official patches) on my computer and it's a pity to not be able to play some npc-mods with it because of that. I know that there is life beyond Improved Anvil, but this mod is so wonderfull that it deserves to be played and known for all the people in the whole Baldur's community.

Thanks again.
I found this issue with amber and the slaver ship. Amber is one of my favorite NPC mods and adds something that the game is missing, a thief with a bite.

When I ran thru IA V3.0 I did not have an issue, actually thats probably because I finished the slaver ship prior to ambers kidnapping, therefore when the amber mod spawned the new slavers in the ship everything was fine. The problems came because as the difficulty in the slaver ship increased I could not complete it before the kidnapping, hence there was a major collison between the mods, actually if I remember right there were slavers from both, the original ones and the ones that amber added. The entire encounter was broke as things just wouldn't die.

One thing I never found out, probably because I couldn't finish the slaver ship at the lower level, was that if you did finish the slaver ship prior to the kidnapping would it work? Not sure but when sikret checked on it he found that it was certainly broken and the mods were not compatable.

Hopefully then will fix amber for the next run through. I will have to break with tradition and run one of those ranger dudes, ha ha.

May i use this tread for my question about compatibility? wink.gif Or better create another one?
I'm intrested in Divine Remix. Readme says: "for those players who want to play the new ranger kit, Divine Remix is INcompatible with Improved Anvil". Ok, and if i don't wont to play vagrant kit (it looks a little boring - sorry Sikret smile.gif ) - can i install Devine Remix in this case? If yes, then what about order of installation, IA still must be the last in weidu.log ?
Yes, if you don't intend to play the new ranger kit, you can install Divine Remix (though I don't recommend it even if you don't want to play the new ranger kit -- see below). And yes, IA should always be the last mod you install (no exception).

As I said, if you don't intend to play the new ranger kit the two mods are most probably compatible, but it is still recommended that you do not install Divine Remix with Improved Anvil (even if you don't plan to play the new ranger kit), because Divine Remix deprives some clerics from some important spells while those spells may be really needed while playing Improved Anvil. Moreover, Divine Remix also modifies some spells which are used by enemy clerics. Modifying those spells may cause hidden bugs or may break IA's scripts. These kinds of bugs will never be noticed by the player. You will fight against a cleric and will easily win the battle. You may think that what you saw was normal without knowing that the cleric was supposed to cast and fight much better than that, but Divine Remix has probably modified/corrupted some of his spells. So, in general, I strongly recommend not to install Divine Remix with IA.
QUOTE(Romulas @ Apr 27 2007, 07:05 PM) *

I found this issue with amber and the slaver ship. Amber is one of my favorite NPC mods and adds something that the game is missing, a thief with a bite.

When I ran thru IA V3.0 I did not have an issue, actually thats probably because I finished the slaver ship prior to ambers kidnapping, therefore when the amber mod spawned the new slavers in the ship everything was fine. The problems came because as the difficulty in the slaver ship increased I could not complete it before the kidnapping, hence there was a major collison between the mods, actually if I remember right there were slavers from both, the original ones and the ones that amber added. The entire encounter was broke as things just wouldn't die.

One thing I never found out, probably because I couldn't finish the slaver ship at the lower level, was that if you did finish the slaver ship prior to the kidnapping would it work? Not sure but when sikret checked on it he found that it was certainly broken and the mods were not compatable.

Hopefully then will fix amber for the next run through. I will have to break with tradition and run one of those ranger dudes, ha ha.


Yes, it's my intent to do something about this issue for the next release of Amber. However, it might not be very soon.

Oo, Magnus_025, I'm also planning to play IA with Neh'Taniel. An awesome NPC, isn't he? I'll be eager to hear if they're compatible. smile.gif

My whole package consists of the Banter Pack, Ease of Use, Refinements, Neh'Taniel and Improved Anvil and, if possible, perhaps some odd components from the Quest pack, Oversight or Unfinished Business. Shouldn't be problematic, I hope. happy.gif
Sorry Peeter but I had to stop playing because of exams. I don't know if I will be able to play BG in a few months. I hope both mods are compatible but I really don't know. Nehtaniel adds a new alternative to deal with Bodhi and her minions and I suppose that IA changes that part, so don't know. Try it yourself, I hope that it works.
And yes, Nehtaniel is very very cool. If only her author finish it fully...
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