QUOTE(Sikret @ Apr 26 2007, 11:27 AM)
Yes, Vadek has one Absolute Immunity and two Improved Mantles. So, once his stoneskins are removed (you need to attack him to remove the skins), he will be invulnerable for a maximum duration of twelve rounds. After that period of time, he will be vulnerable to your attacks. (BTW, why did you go to chapter 4 with such a low level party? You will probably have more problems later.)
I think I recovered 3? scrolls of improved mantle when I cheat-killed him to check him out. In one of the several reloads, I noticed the read out saying he was using a scroll. Any way, 12 rounds seems a long time when a powerful wizard is attacking. I wonder if I can cast area of effects that won't kill or turn hostile the courtesan I'm supposed to "rescue?"
In all my previous games, I usually head to the underdark at this level. Although without Improved Anvil, I go with unnerfed Celestial Fury, Ring of Gaxx, Carsomyr, Staff of Magi, Daystar, Azuredge, Belm, Flail of Ages, and Mace of Disruption 2. (And find the game extremely boring and quit shortly thereafter....) Playing on Insane with Fixpack improved AI, Tactics toughest random dungeon encounters, etc. doesn't help raise the challenge enough. Then the other end of the pendulum is IA4.1. I'm struggling, sometimes floundering.
I headed to the Underdark because I've finished all the unimproved quests and some of the "slightly" improved quests and want quick XP. The Underdark quests give a bunch of XP. I'm hoping for quick levels to get Ruby Ray. I have a much easier time with the golems than the casters at the moment. All in all, I think 4.1 is MUCH tougher than 3.0.