Apr 23 2007, 07:39 PM
Just a question for those who have either tested or completed IA. What are the levels of difficulty between dragons. For instance how does the shadow dragon stack up to firkragg? I am not looking for specific stats, abilities, and so forth. In the dungeon and dragons monster manual you could get an idea of the hierarchy (sp) of dragonkind.
I actually beat the shadow dragon last night but due to my own moronic memory I lost one of my sorcerers to energy drain. I will be replaying that one but I did beat him.
Apr 23 2007, 10:50 PM
So far Ive beaten both the Shadow Dragon and Firkraag, in that order. Firkraag was more difficult, but not radically more difficult, than the Shadow Dragon. Once you get him breached the melee classes can take him down, or once you get his spell protections removed and his resistances lowered, the mages can take him down. But it did take me three reloads to get it right.
So far neither of the dragons has used SI:Abjuration, which makes the fights a lot easier.
Apr 24 2007, 12:07 AM
Thanks for the info. I learned some things from mister shadow dragon and how to survive the wing buffet.
Apr 24 2007, 05:33 AM
The hierarchy is more or less something like this: (thetruth can correct me if I'm wrong):
1- Shadow Dragon (the easiest)
2- Firkraag
3- Black Dragon
4- Saladrex
5- Dracolich
6-7 Draconis and Abazigal (hard to say which one is tougher)
8- Ancient Dragon
End of spoiler
Apr 24 2007, 01:56 PM
Yes I agree with Sikret's order, though I would put Saladrex at the 5th place and Dracolich at 4.
Also for me the Shadow Dragon was harder than Firkraag but only because I faced him quite early in the game.
The Ancient one was the most difficult Dragon-battle in IA.
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