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Full Version: Item Randomization Question
The Black Wyrm's Lair - Forums > Released mods - Baldur's Gate II > Improved Anvil
Sikret, could you offer some details on item randomization? Not spoilers, but rather how it works. For example, will important or powerful items be randomised into baskets in the bridge/dock district? I'll hate to have to search every nook and cranny...

[edit] I just had to run from my first random city encounter. My multiplyer created f/m and r/c just couldnt handle it. Not to mention my lack of equipment and party members...
Well the readme seems to suggest that the only things that are randomized are very strong treasures that were previously available from stores early in the game, and they are randomized to go to strong enemies or areas. I think that the mystery is supposed to be part of the fun! biggrin.gif It doesn't seem from the readme that things are going to be randomized to be thrown into random crates in areas with no enemies around.

If you really want to know though, I think you could probably deduce most of the items that are going to be randomized from the readme.

My one hope with the randomization program is that it does not randomize things to parts of the game that are inaccessible in the same part of the game that you'd normaly be able to get the item. The staff of rynn, for instance, is normally available in chapter 2, so I would think it would be sensible to have it randomize to a chapter 2 enemy and not some enemy in the underdark, ToB, the asylum, etc..


The weapons/items in the Randomization program have been given only to random enemies (no baskets or containers).

My one hope with the randomization program is that it does not randomize things to parts of the game that are inaccessible in the same part of the game that you'd normaly be able to get the item. The staff of rynn, for instance, is normally available in chapter 2, so I would think it would be sensible to have it randomize to a chapter 2 enemy and not some enemy in the underdark, ToB, the asylum, etc..

From what I have seen in my game, I can tell for sure that weapons/items of the SoA part of the game will be given only to enemies of SoA and not ToB.
But this includes also the W.Keep (since it is accessible in the SoA part of the game).

Sikret could give more info about how it works, though one thing is sure: luck now is a very important factor in IA wink.gif
Caution: Spoilers ahead

It was prolly just a random occurence, but I just hit the jackpot in the troll mound: Tansheron's bow, sling of everard, barbarian essence, spear of unicorn, protector +2, and ring of human influence. It would be interesting to see if a different set of items drops in a different game.

But for you treasure hunters out there, be prepared for a helluva fight. The troll queen was a biatch, even for my level 14-15 party. I spent 5 ruby rays on her, and her SI: abjuration still didnt come down. That exhausted my memorized ruby ray spells and scrolls, so I had to wait out her other protections. She killed two devas, six skeleton warriors, two earth elementals, and several lesser summons before she was softened up and ready for my melee fighters. In the mean time she blasted my party with dragon's breath and firestorms. Anything but the devas, she just death spelled them into oblivion, and in fact the devas couldnt touch her. Lost three party members in that fight, but fortunately they werent chunked, and were rezzable. Great stuff!
QUOTE(angiras @ Apr 21 2007, 06:11 PM) *

Caution: Spoilers ahead
but I just hit the jackpot in the troll mound: Tansheron's bow, sling of everard, barbarian essence, spear of unicorn, protector +2, and ring of human influence.

Wow that was quite impressive!

My best was Robe of Vecna, Boneblade +4 and the shield of Reflection in the Mind Flayers lair in the sewers.

Generally the randomization program was a great idea, it makes the game very interesting and you can't make plans based exclusively on the weapons of the game.
Like the Defender of Eastheaven; I was searching for it during the whole game and finally found it only in ToB and in the 5th level of W.Keep mad.gif .
hehe, except for the Barbarian Essence potion and the spear everything else you found in the mound have been there randomly (i.e. determined by the randomization program), which means that other players may not find them there.
Reflection Shield is not in the randomization program in the publicly release version of the mod. It was there in the version you tested, but later I removed it from the program and increased its price in the store instead. I don't know which decision was the best. We can discuss further the collection of items which should be in the randomization program for IA v5 later.
QUOTE(Sikret @ Apr 22 2007, 09:12 AM) *

Reflection Shield is not in the randomization program in the publicly release version of the mod. It was there in the version you tested, but later I removed it from the program and increased its price in the store instead. I don't know which decision was the best. We can discuss further the collection of items which should be in the randomization program for IA v5 later.

Ah it's OK. It's not so powerful to be in the randomization program (though useful against Mages who cast Flame Arrows and a certain enemy in the Planar Sphere).

It would be also useful if you added a Bounty Hunter as enemy in the game who sets traps. The shield could reflect them (Spike Traps and Snares) back to the Bounty Hunter wink.gif .

But generally there aren't many powerful enemies in IA who use ranged weapons.

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