QUOTE(Ankhesenpaaten @ Aug 31 2008, 12:17 AM)

I also assume there are racial restrictions. After all if Keldorn will kill Viconia out of pure racism he probably wouldn't be wild about a half-orc or a dwarf.
But I usually play elf, human, or half-elf.
It's okay irenicus! We'll both pounce on him at the same time (the moment he is released into our eager clutches) and he'll love every moment of it!!!
you know
that COMPLETELY reminded me of the time I got a little tipsy at college and we where playing Dungeons and Dragons and I randomly said
me: My bard rapes your paladin
george: ...you can't do that
george: -rolls-
me: HA! A ONE! WIN!
peter: ...you can't rape the willing my dear -pats me on the head-
XD At my college I am a midget sooo XD I get picked on a lot
but aye! I shall jumpeth upon keldorn teh moment release is in the air!!! -squeal-
I usually play an elf

though wouldnt that cause conflict for keldorn?
its like aragon - arwen
aragon = mortal
arwen = not so mortal
that or I entirely missed the point of that film XD
but moving on ^____^;;
I can see him loving an elf, because they are fair and talented (sing, dance) and the fact she is able to fight or whatever talent she has... druidsm, barbariansm ectect
i can see an attraction
but with an ELF I can see this whole
"I love her but... i will die soon and leave her alone

however my mum pointed at me and yelled "GOLDDIGGA!"
to which I froze in shock and she carried on washing up
mothers have these....very....very odd habits don't you find?