I was lvl 9 at the start of BG2, I did Trademeet, Thieves Stronghold, and Slavers Quest, and headed to Asylum prematurely with a party of lvl 11-13 or so.
Lady Galvena's pet wizard was painful. Really painful. I had no way to dispel his protections and all I could do was grittingteeth against his many deadly spells, hoping for good saving throws, gulping potions and retreating till he ran out of spells. This is also the same for Perth The Adept Wizard, but I was prepared well that time. (spell immunities, spell shield, spell turning etc. to waste his spells)
Asylum was great, I already had Improved Asylum mod, and I am glad to say that it is %100 compatible with IA's improvements. Although, the Improved Asylum puts TWO liches in the small library room (in which there is a most precious Finger of Death sroll awaits!) and IA further puts a nasty feline monster AND a Coin Golem there, so that was REALLY too exciting (and WAY harder than it is intended to be, I guess). Luckily, I managed to disable and kill the liches with spamming Death Fogs, and we were able to attract only the cat monster, laeving the dreadful Golem to the last.
I also managed to kill my very first Gem Golem! I thought they were pretty much unbeatable, but with right tactics they can be destroyed! My next goal will be killing an Elemental Golem. (but seriously, I looked at its statistics after being killed countless times, when challenging the Glove's Guardian...just wow...how can one beat it? Imprisonment seems to be the only sane solution, but I fear it may even be immune to it!)
Anyway, here are a few glitches I encoutnered in Brynlaw and Asylum:
Galvena's Pet Wizard, he had very cool spell selection, and was very smart! But...he casted a Tenser's Transformation at some time, I thought he ran out of spells, BUT then he casted a few more flame arrows and then casted Tenser's trans again...I do not think this is normally legal or doable, you can not cast spells after a Tenser's trans, righto? I did not dispel the first trans, by the way.
A yuanti-mage in Asylum casted a Greater Malison on my party. Now, this is the standart opening spell of most IA mages, but then the mage DIED all of a sudden...there was no damage, no effect, I did absolutely nothing, he just casted a GM and then died.
Yuanti Mage-casts Greater Malison
Yuanti Mage-Death
This was creepy. Can you explain it, Sikret?
Next glitch happened when I challenged Asylum Jon Irenicus. I guess you modified him too, as he was very powerful, or maybe he was using a generic script? He never was able to cast that many spells in my old games at that battle. He spawned clones as usual, and then blasted Horrid Wiltings, which severely hurted my unsuspecting party. He then even casted a Disintegrate! This was all too dangerous, but a lucky save was made.
Problem is, I casted an Emotion to drop the Evil Clones after Imoen's Greater Malison, and this dropped Irenicus too! He just lay down there....I know he is unkillable at this point for the sake of plot, so we all bashed him freely, he took many beating and, ofcourse, always stood at near death. This was not very realistic, or fun, to say the least. I dispelled his emotion, he stood up, kept casting more spells, we disrupted his spells, and then...when he ran out of spells he started meleeing! 'Die all of you, DIE!' this was rather hillarious but I did not laugh as such a bug severely stopped the plot. He was supposed to talk and escape away, with killing the inmates, as you all well know. I reloaded, and did not use Emotion this time. He escaped as usual, but used a Power Word:Kill to finish off one of my wounded characters as a parting gift:The bastard! BUT I really liked the AI, this was very in-character for him, and yet more reason to hate his guts!
So, was original Irenicus immune to Emotion? This Irenicus I fought was not, it was senseless, but also caused a nasty bug which stopped the plot.
What do you say, Sikret about these?