Jan 4 2007, 04:24 PM
Hi Sikret!
I just upgraded a helm of charm prot. to a helm of clarity. Nice. But the helm is visible to me on the "mainscreen" allthough I installed the "remove helmets animations" thingy from G3 tweakpack. Can I get around this somehow? I would like to avoid helm animations...?
BTW how fares IA4?
Regards Shaitan
Jan 4 2007, 06:53 PM
Hi, Shaitan!
I just upgraded a helm of charm prot. to a helm of clarity. Nice. But the helm is visible to me on the "mainscreen" allthough I installed the "remove helmets animations" thingy from G3 tweakpack. Can I get around this somehow? I would like to avoid helm animations...?
One way is to open the helmet's file in an item editor (IEEP or DLTCEP) and edit it in your game. If you have any of those editors, I can give you instructions of what to do exactly.
The other way is that I edit the helmet's file and send a new version of the item's file to you.
BTW how fares IA4?
Thanks to three powerful testers, testing the mod is in progress.
Jan 11 2007, 03:38 PM
If it's easy enough I would ask you to make a fix for me and send it. Now I'm being a "bad boy" I would like to ask what exactly is the catch by installing G3Tweak Pack after IA? I know about the cloak of mirroring wich you have changed, but are there other stuff to consider?
Jan 11 2007, 11:49 PM
One problem with the BG2 fixpack and IA is that the fixpack makes it that all 'keys' are destroyed automatically after they open the door for which they're intended. It considers the Symbol of Amaunator to be such a 'key', because it opens some door or something (I can't remember). Anyway, IA requires said symbol for the upgrade recipe of the Dawnstar sword, so you can't complete that recipe with both mods installed. Of course, it's easy enough to fix by just CLUA/SKing the symbol back into the game after it gets destroyed (I'm sure few would consider such an action to be cheating).
There could be other issues like this, I'm not sure.
Jan 12 2007, 03:34 AM
Symbol of Amaunator is no longer consumed in current version of BG2 Fixpack.
Jan 12 2007, 04:19 AM
QUOTE(Rhed @ Jan 12 2007, 10:49 AM)

One problem with the BG2 fixpack and IA is that the fixpack makes it that all 'keys' are destroyed automatically after they open the door for which they're intended. It considers the Symbol of Amanuator to be such a 'key', because it opens some door or something (I can't remember). Anyway, IA requires said symbol for the upgrade recipe of the Dawnstar sword, so you can't complete that recipe with both mods installed. Of course, it's easy enough to fix by just CLUA/SKing the symbol back into the game after it gets destroyed (I'm sure few would consider such an action to be cheating).
There could be other issues like this, I'm not sure.
I believe Sikret said that there should be no other conflicts between the two mods, but as far as I can tell this hasn't been tested thoroughly. So, if someone wanted to use both, they probably could. There would be some possibilty that some small thing could go wrong, but it would in all likelyhood be easily fixable with the console.
Jan 12 2007, 12:21 PM
Yes Keys are no longer consumed as Pro55 says, but I referred to the tweakpack nonetheless.
Jan 14 2007, 01:41 AM
Oh you said tweakpack...
I've used that with IA for as long as I've been playing it and Document IV-Installation.txt doesn't say that it's incompatible, so I think there should be no problems with that either.
Jan 14 2007, 05:29 AM
So far, I have received only one incompatibility report between IA and one of the components of G3 tweak pack (i.e. The "Avatar Morphing Script" component). The player who reported the conflict had tons of other mods installed and we can't be sure that it was not caused by any other mod. The report indicated that during the battle with the improved warden in planar prison, the "Avatar Morphing Script" component of the tweakpack could interfere and mess things during the battle as if warden tried to change his avatar every time he was supposed to cast a particular spell! Has anyone else experienced a similar problem?
And of course, this is when the tweakpack is installed before IA. I'm sure that if you install it after IA, you will experience more problems. As mentioned in the readme, IA should be installed after all other mods for maximum compatibility.
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