Dec 23 2006, 07:37 AM
Hello there,
I wish I did the greater Efreeti ring, but I don't never know, where is it th eEfreeti bottle. If someone can said me.
Thank you
Dec 23 2006, 07:58 AM
Since you are still playing IA v3.0, the bottle is in its original place in the game. You can pick pocket the Dao djinni in trademeet (the one who is standing out of the tent) to have the bottle. However, the bottle's location has changed in the forthcoming version of the mod. It won't be there anymore if you play IA v4.
Dec 23 2006, 08:22 AM
Thank you, I'm playing IA v3.
Dec 23 2006, 08:33 AM
You are welcome.
IA v4.0 will be released soon. It is strongly recommended that you update your version of the mod when the new version is released. You will need to start a new game after updating it, however. For now, you can practice the game and the Improved battles with IA v3.0, but check the forum regularly not to miss the release of IA v4.
Dec 23 2006, 02:59 PM
Sikret, you dirty tease....
All those details about v4.... but no release yet. Your fans are drooling like Pavlov's dogs in a doorbell factory.
Did the efreeti bottle become part of the randomized goodies, or did it become a reward, and thus no longer pickpocket-able?
Looking forward to it!!
Dec 23 2006, 03:50 PM
QUOTE(smr49 @ Dec 23 2006, 07:29 PM)

All those details about v4.... but no release yet.
IA testers are doing their work very well and very fast. Have patience, please.
Did the efreeti bottle become part of the randomized goodies, or did it become a reward, and thus no longer pickpocket-able?
The bottle's place is changed, but not to a random location. Its new place is fixed and when you find it, you will also see that I have prepared a surprise for you as well.
Dec 24 2006, 04:41 PM
Also, I don't find the celestial fury in the temple discrit, in the keeping court, it's strange, isn't it ?
Dec 24 2006, 04:59 PM
It should be there. Have you other mods which may have done something to it?
Dec 25 2006, 07:50 AM
Oh no, in fact I find two katanas +3 : Destruction and Ziggi's Katanna.
Dec 25 2006, 09:41 AM
As I said, Improved Anvil doesn't change Celestial Fury's location. You have have installed other mods or mod-components which tamper with Guarded compound. Since Improved Anvil doesn't overwrite Koshi's cre file, the changes applied to him by those other mods have remained intact in your game. This shows that those mods are (technically speaking) compatible with Improved Anvil (even though we may not like the changes they apply to the game).
There is no katana called "destruction" in the game. It is added by one of your other mods to your game as well. Disappearance of Celestial fruy is also done by some other mod (though I guess it is a different mod than the one which adds the "destruction" katana). The solution is to find the mod which does this and to uninstall it.
In your BG2 main folder, there is a text file named "weiDU.log". Copy and paste its content into a PM (private message) and send it to me.
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