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Full Version: Multiple high-ticket items is nice touch
The Black Wyrm's Lair - Forums > Released mods - Baldur's Gate II > Improved Anvil
I really like the idea to have certain tough enemies carrying instances of high ticket items. Things like a vanquished enemy producing a suit of Crimson chainmail that would otherwise have to wait until after Spellhold is a real treat.

Ditto the Bag of Holding, Robe of Vecna, the Golden Girdle, and others that I'm sure I haven't found yet. Really adds to the feeling that "I haven't seen this before" that most of us loose after playing the game through a couple times.

Once again, just a great idea, and I sure appreciate your work in this mod. biggrin.gif

Thanks for the compliments!

Golden Girdle is added, because it is an ingredient to forge The Girdle of Lordly Might and I didn't want to confine the upgrade only to those who are playing a mage protagonist.

Bag of Holding is added because managing the inventory was really a pain in the original game.

There are only one Robe of Vecna and one Crimson chainmail in the game though.

I'm glad you have liked the changes.
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