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Full Version: Minor installation glitch with IA 3.0
The Black Wyrm's Lair - Forums > Released mods - Baldur's Gate II > Improved Anvil

There is a minor installation glitch with Improved Anvil 3.0. After installation, WeiDU obviously tries to run the readme, but it opens a DOS console instead (with the readme's filename in its titlebar).

My OS is Windows XP Media Center SP2.

It is really a minor glitch, but since nobody reported it, I do. smile.gif

On a side note, I will play the following combinaison :

Baldurdash-WeiDU 1.6 + BGT-WeiDU 1.01 + BGT-Tweaks 4 + Improved Anvil 3.0 + Tortured Souls 6.10 + Neverending Journey 6.8.

DEF JAM will be run in the BG1 part of the game only, and I will not play any TS content (but NEJ 6.8 required it). I will keep you informed about how the game goes and how balanced it is, especially since I already played with Tactics and Big Picture-WeiDU (not at the same time, of course).

Cheers ! happy.gif
The last line of TP2 is this:
AT_INTERACTIVE_EXIT ~notepad "ImprovedAnvil\Improved Anvil_readme.txt"~

Try changing it to this:
AT_INTERACTIVE_EXIT ~VIEW ImprovedAnvil\Improved Anvil_readme.txt~

I'm not 100% sure it will work. Perhaps it's a platform problem, and cannot be avoided in this way.
I am running XP Pro, and the readme opened without issue on that platform.

Just passing on my experience... happy.gif
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