May 28 2006, 01:48 PM
just wanted to ask about the command for adding a display string to an item using WeiDu.
Example I have a string "3 Constitution Drain" to a vampire claw. How do I add this to an item using WeiDu. I know how to add the item and its names and descriptions though not how to add display string on the items usage.
Also wondering what the difference is in the installation procedure of a mod to make it tutu compatible with the bg1 interface look.
newbe questions i know, but I have been stuck to the old dusty school instalation of mods but am now in the progress to make my mod Drizzt Saga into a weidu mod.
May 28 2006, 03:20 PM
What exactly do you mean by display string for the item?
May 28 2006, 03:38 PM
Example: I have a weapon item for a vampire and when you get hit by it then I want a string displayed saying, 3 constitution drains.
Its no problem to do it with dltcep or IEEP but I was wondering how you do it with WeiDu. (attaching it to the item with a WeiDu install that is)
Hmm mayaps am I to fuzzý in my description?
The other installment issues seems pretty basic when I have looked in other mod´s tp2
files but the command for the one above I do not know.
Still much to learn for me before I will complete my Drizzt Saga WeiDu install, also need to look over all the items so they go with a possible tutu verision.
May 28 2006, 03:50 PM
You need to find the offset in the .itm file where the strref is, tihs is probably most easily done in Near Infinity. Then, once you have the offset, you alter your tp2 something like this:
// Arrows of Overpoweredness
COPY ~iiWorld/Items/itm/iiar000.itm~ ~override/iiar000.itm~
SAY NAME2 @5036
SAY DESC @5037
SAY 0xDE @5038 // Assuming 0xDE if the offset noted earlier
May 28 2006, 04:19 PM
and thank you for aiding me! looks spretty logical when it is written before ones eyes, but I have never been good in chess whatever that has to do with this. Ummm sorry for my rambling, yet again thank you alot for the great help

good speed,
May 28 2006, 04:21 PM
Though when it comes to SAY NAME2 @5036 is the @5036 a source for translation or some thing since I would have written for example SAY NAME2 ~Arrows of Overpoweredness~
Newbie to WeiDu here as you see.
May 28 2006, 05:40 PM
The @5036 refers to a string if you separate all text strings into a so-called "tra" file. So you have the setup file and a similar called setup.tra where all the strings are in, e.g.
@5036 = ~Arrows of Overpoweredness~
Have a look into the WeiDU readme concerning tra-ing the files ("7.8 TRA Translation Files"), there it is explaned in detail.
tras make a lot of sense once you want to translate the mod into several languages.
May 28 2006, 05:44 PM
Thank you for answering my newbie question. I will head into it straight away. The Drizzt Saga seems to be getting closer to its WeiDu transformation and the thanks goes to you all that helps with information. Big credit to all of you.
Good speed,
May 29 2006, 05:31 PM
Another question is how WeiDu handles installation of areas to an excisting worldmap
What could the command for that look like since I don´t want to copy my worldmap into the override due to that would overwrite the excisting one with possible adds from other mods right?
Could do more research but the answers I get here are so good so Ill post here too.
Many thanks for all the help.
Dialouges and Scripts are done for Drizzt Saga WeiDu so far.
Good speed,
May 30 2006, 01:05 AM
Adding areas to the worldmap is a fairly intense and difficult process, but it has been done before. I added one new area in the G3 Anniversary mod. You can view the tp2 code in our
development wiki; specifically the patch of worldmap.wmp. It's also worth noting that the area is only linked with one-way travel links, since it's intended as an area to which the party can not return. That being said, it should be adaptable to having two way links and multiple areas.
May 30 2006, 06:33 AM
I thank you for aiding me and for the very usefull tp2 code. I will study and learn, many thanks and good speed,
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