The download works fine now (and is a little over 4mb, for those who care about such things).
Finally, the Tasloi animation can be used in BG2. Looks like "The Tasloi Thread" will be joining "Dark Heart of the Xvart" on the mods-to-do list

Also, the specific field in the .cre format is 1 byte, which only allows for values from 0 to 256, so several of the entries in race.ids would appear not to work. Unless, you've tested them?
Also, although only a few values are listed in the stock specific.ids file, the .cre files in the game use a wider range. So, if you happen to use the same value as an already existing cre, scripts could get confused. Although, I dont know if the cre files with specific values are used in-game, or just junk. And I dont know what range of values they use.
Finally, I'd ask that when the final release is done, separate components are used, so that the animations can be installed, without installing altered .ids files, or changing existing creatures. I'm sure you've already planned this, but I thought I'd mention it anyway