Mar 28 2005, 11:27 PM
I've tried 4X already to download and install Chevar's great GUI skins. However, each time when I unzip the file with WinRAR I get an abnormal "archive" message or something saying that the first file is corrupt.
Being on dial-up, if anyone can send this to me I'd be most appreciative.
Thank you.
Mar 29 2005, 10:27 AM
Hi Diana,
I had the same problem but when I downloaded the guiskin mod today it didn't give an error when I opened the RAR file. Try again and let us know if it's working or not.
Mar 29 2005, 10:50 AM
I downloaded again and got the same WINRAR diagnostic error for this file:
CRC filed in guierr4.mos the file is corrupt
I can get a nice opening screen when the game starts, but the character and inventory screens all remain the same. If someone can either put up a separate link to that one file, or e-mail it to me I'd be grateful. I have TOB installed if that makes any difference.
Thank you.
Mar 29 2005, 01:55 PM
Hi Diana,
What version of WinRar are you using? I'm using version 3.20 and I don't have the problem any more. If you want you can PM me your e-mail address and I will sent you the version I have here.
Mar 29 2005, 02:10 PM
cojo when did you get your copy?
Mar 29 2005, 02:44 PM
About 4 and a half hours ago and it doesn't give me any error messages when I open it.
Mar 29 2005, 03:03 PM
mine is corrupted too, Chevar will be on latter today or tomorrow. We'll get him to fix it.
Mar 29 2005, 03:06 PM
Thanks - will provide e-mail via pm as I don't want to get spam - somehow the 'sniffers' seem to get them when we post on forums.
As for WINRAR - I must have a pretty early version (2 years or older). I don't dare download a newer one since the last time I did from either PC Gamer or WINRAR's site (in the office) I received a virus along with it. So if you can just send me the corrupt file I'd appreciate it.
Mar 29 2005, 06:46 PM
Well, this is a hassle. I haven't even looked at my gui-skin for a while. I'll have to figgure out where it got moved after the last time I did computer maintenance..
I'm currently at an incedibly slow connection speed. As of the 11th I'll have DSL (finally). I can check it and put it back up then. There is a SOA (non TOB version) available on a mirror site,
http://koti.mbnet.fi/battery-/stuff/C-Gui-Skin.zipmind you that's an older version which is not compatable with TOB..
I'm getting the info on what files to remove to make it TOB compatable... lemme see.. here's an except from my old web page..
I finally found a copy of TOB, and have found that there are only three files preventing the GUI SKIN from being compatable with both TOB and SOA - START.CHU, COLOR.MOS, and GUICG. I have uploaded the modified TOB/SOA compatable version. I have also removed the start menus from the package.
the version on the mirror link was never updated. All you need to do to use that version is to extract it into an empty folder, delete those three files, then copt the remaining files into your override directory.
Mar 29 2005, 07:46 PM
I'll give the alternate link a shot when I get home. The firm has so many firewalls installed that I got bounced right out of it when I tried to download.
Mar 29 2005, 08:58 PM
QUOTE(diana @ Mar 29 2005, 07:46 PM)
I'll give the alternate link a shot when I get home. The firm has so many firewalls installed that I got bounced right out of it when I tried to download.
Let me know if it works for ya - just PM me. I seldom remember to check this thread.
Mar 29 2005, 11:54 PM
While I could download and install the alternate link correctly, it did not work with the TOB installed. However, I was able to extract the one corrupted file from Chevar's alternate link and overlay it in my Override directory so now everything works. Thank you!
guierr4.mos is the only file I needed from the alternate link which got the BlackWyrm download to work.
Cujo - if you sent anything my spam dectection deleted it -- but I've got Chevar's mod working now so thank you too.
Mar 29 2005, 11:58 PM
I have the same problem with installation(somthing is wrong with this file not with winrar I use to extract this file the new version of winrar 3.42 and I also have corrupted file).
Your answer was correct and everything now is ok without one thing:
When I load the game or start new the game screen on the left side is grey and the rest is brown(orginal) could you tell me how to correct this.
I install your mod after I finish bp-bgt-nej installation.
Mar 30 2005, 12:15 AM
I also use Yacomo BGT Menu,but your mod I install first.
Mar 30 2005, 12:30 AM
The screens are beautiful but I have one question. The dialogue font for interaction between npcs and non npcs has changed. I like the Bioware default better. Is there any way to easily reset the in-game dialog guiskin mod font back to the Bioware default?
Mar 30 2005, 01:18 AM
QUOTE(diana @ Mar 30 2005, 12:30 AM)
The screens are beautiful but I have one question. The dialogue font for interaction between npcs and non npcs has changed. I like the Bioware default better. Is there any way to easily reset the in-game dialog guiskin mod font back to the Bioware default?
That's set in the CHU files. You'd need to change the font specified in the CHU file. I'm too deep in projects at the moment to dig it out and play with it at the moment .. (my wife's been moving things around on her hard drive, so I can't find anything right now) .. I think the font it was changed to was rune or something like that. the standard i believe is normal.
Mar 30 2005, 01:21 AM
QUOTE(stave @ Mar 29 2005, 11:58 PM)
I have the same problem with installation(somthing is wrong with this file not with winrar I use to extract this file the new version of winrar 3.42 and I also have corrupted file).
Your answer was correct and everything now is ok without one thing:
When I load the game or start new the game screen on the left side is grey and the rest is brown(orginal) could you tell me how to correct this.
I install your mod after I finish bp-bgt-nej installation.

I'm going to have to upload a good version after my DSL gets installed on the 11th. installing all you should have to do is copy the load/save game MOS files from the guiskin into your overrides folder. and replace the CHU file that's associated with those files.. I wish I had it installed over here, then I could be more specific. I cant even find where infinity explorer was moved to right now.. I really have to clean my archives off my wife's computer..
Mar 31 2005, 12:26 AM
This is a real work of art -- the version you gave me from the mirror works perfectly when I deleted the files you said to but I find a yellow text on light grey background a little hard to read - but that may be only me because my hardware is over 6 years old. From the mirror version there are still indications for your original mod 'Brotherhood of the Rose' in the graphics.
Since being on dialup I don't have access to Near Infinity (too long to download) - does anyone know if DLTCEP can edit the CHUI files as I didn't see an option for it? I'd really like to revert back to the BG2 default font for in-game dialogues. A serif font is hard on the eyes for npc conversations especially since I run this at 640 x 480.
Mar 31 2005, 08:04 AM
diana: DLTCEP can edit chu files. It is called 'UI editor' in editors menu.
Mar 31 2005, 10:44 AM
Thanks - will give it a shot tonight after workk. So far I've only used DLTCEP for the simple stuff like tinkering with creatures, dialogs, scripts or items.
Apr 1 2005, 01:35 AM
I didn't see anything in DLTCEP for the CHUI files to bring the font back to the original BG2.
However, I have experienced this bug. I cannot delete a save game. The program hangs. I can load autosave, quicksave, load any save games but I cannot delete a saved game.
Apr 1 2005, 05:59 AM
diana: dou you mean that you've not found .chu editor? This would point to some old version of DLTCEP then. Check the new version.
If you found .chu editor and you've been lost in it... you must know what file you should have to edit and what window in it. Then you just select the appropriate object (probably textarea) and set its properties.
Maybe Chevar will tell what file is neccessary to edit for dialog window...
Apr 1 2005, 01:49 PM
I have a pretty recent version of DLTCEP since I downloaded a new one within the past two months.
I looked at all the .CHU files in my override directory. All, except for one, did not have any button that looked like it set font properties. The one file that did, referred to something like a REALMS BAM, whatever a BAM is. I could try setting that back to NORMAL and see what happens.
Thing is, I don't know what the MOS and CHU files do.
Apr 1 2005, 03:49 PM
QUOTE(diana @ Apr 1 2005, 05:49 AM)
I have a pretty recent version of DLTCEP since I downloaded a new one within the past two months.
Well...it's probably not that recent then, since it gets updated so frequently, but it should be good enough..
I looked at all the .CHU files in my override directory. All, except for one, did not have any button that looked like it set font properties. The one file that did, referred to something like a REALMS BAM, whatever a BAM is. I could try setting that back to NORMAL and see what happens.
Thing is, I don't know what the MOS and CHU files do.
a bam is an animation file and fonts are stored under these.
MOS files are the images such as the inventory screen, etc. Without the buttons.
CHU files set where each font, button, etc. goes on the screen.
I'm going to have to upload a good version after my DSL gets installed on the 11th.
Oh, quit it with the wishful thinking already!
Apr 2 2005, 11:24 AM
QUOTE(diana @ Apr 1 2005, 02:49 PM)
I looked at all the .CHU files in my override directory. All, except for one, did not have any button that looked like it set font properties. The one file that did, referred to something like a REALMS BAM, whatever a BAM is. I could try setting that back to NORMAL and see what happens.
diana: each .chu file has some number of windows and each window has some number of controls (objects) and each object has different pallete of properties.
The object essential for you is the textarea (I supposse) and textarea has font type as one of its properties.
However, you must know in which file and in which window you can set the textarea's properties. I don't know neither the proper window id nor proper .chu file and sorry, not enough time to browse through them
However, I'd try to browse GUIW files (there are different versions of them for different game resolutions) - some window inside them could be the dialog area.
Apr 2 2005, 05:27 PM
I'll live with it -- I took a look at what it was like before I downloaded the GUIskins and the type font wasn't all that much different - still a serif font.
But I do have one bug - I don't know if Chevar corrected it in a latter version since I'm working off what he had on the mirror site. The official download does not have all the files I got from the mirror. Anyhow. I cannot delete a save game with the new skins loaded. The program hangs. So, I just go to Windows Explorer, access the save game directory and delete the subfolder for the game I no longer need.
Another thing I notice from the early mirror files - if an NPC is out of range to pass something to, or their inventory is full, I don't get an error message. But the trade-off is worth it as I can figure out what is going on.
Apr 3 2005, 05:22 PM
diana: for the font change - you can try to move off from override folder GUIWxx.chu files (if you have any in override) and check whether it has any response in game. If there will be no sign of any change put the moved files back and try the same with normal.bam file...
Just an idea - i can't promise whether it will work...
the answers for the remaining questions are up Chevar...
Jun 29 2005, 11:14 PM
There is still one major problem with this GUI skin. When you want to delete a saved game the module freezes. I don't know how hard/easy it would be to correct but it would be appreciated.
I tell you, combined with Lightspeeds & Moinesse's work this is a beaut!!!!
Aug 29 2005, 03:17 PM
from the old server we just got back the original version of the gui and it should be ready for download sometime soon.
Aug 30 2005, 04:51 AM
restored version from the old server is up now, so no more corrupted version. Although it still has the problem of crashing when deleting save games until someone fixes it.
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