Obviously this is meant for modders, mostly.
Yeah, although some changes (see the F.A.Q.) will affect the game too.
So, will you be making it possible for modders to use small parts of your mod in their own? For example; let's say I want to use the Collector, Abisashi, and Morte animations from PS:T and that's all. Would it be possible to only incorporate those parts into the mod?
At the moment, I don't think so, not because I am an @$$, but because the mod wouldn't work fine if a few small parts are left out. Things might change, in time.
Making a person download two massive mods in order to make one would be a pain for the player. I really don't know how exactly you are going about this, so I can't figure out if this is possible or not yet.
A person who wouldn't download a massive mod,
probabbly wouldn't download another massive mod. A person who would download a massive mod, would
most likely download another massive mod.
At the moment, I am trying to think of ways to compress this mod quite a bit. Perhaps by distributing the entire mod in a few .biff files? I don't know if there is such a feature in WeiDU that allows .biff installation (not creating a .biff file out of a group of files during installation).
How are you handling the death animations?
I haven't thought about it much yet.
Incidentally, what was the solution to the spellcasting issue?
It just happened to be working fine for me, using the standard MxxxwSP, MxxxwSPE, MxxxwCA, and MxxxwCAE naming.
