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The Black Wyrm's Lair - Forums > Mod development resources & discussion > Modder's Workshop

I can't get my spell to work properly: all that i want is to set the damage inflict by the caster to 0 (no damage at all).
I have also a "Set melee effect" working in this spell. can someone give me a tip?
Which damage modifier effect?
#250, #285, or some other?

Is the opcode having no effect? Are you sure it's being applied? What actual results are you getting?
I've tried #73 and #285 effects (separatly and at the same time): using a flat value of 0. But in-game, my warrior always inflicts damages. rolleyes.gif

Effect 250is a little odd for me: I made searches, and the damage modifier is always set to 20 (to inflict maximum amount of damages according to the various spells descriptions)- I guess it's not really useful for my purpose

If you have a tip to make my character inflict 0 damage at each strike, juste tell me!
For #285 effect: setting the value to 0 (no matter the type) seems to have no effect (no modifier). Setting a negativ value make my character to inflict a LARGE amount of damages
The #73 (extra damage modifier) seems to work.

Setting the modifier value to -40 and type to flat value reduce the damages, to a minimum of 1 (2 for critical hits)

Now, does someone know how to reduce your damage by 80%???
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