Jan 2 2022, 04:33 PM
I get the following during the install of this segment (the other pieces all seem to install fine):
Patching dialogs...
Compiling 332 dialogue files ...
BEGIN SOLA when SOLA is already loaded/created
(you should say BEGIN SOLA exactly once and before APPEND SOLA, etc.)
ERROR: preprocessing CREATE [NeJE\dlg/SOLA.D]: Failure("invalid D file")
Stopping installation because of error.
I'm unsure why this is occuring - maybe someone can point me in the right direction (maybe it doesn't matter)
Jan 3 2022, 10:18 AM
Do you have the Solaufein mod installed? I believe this is incompatible
Jan 5 2022, 04:57 PM
Excellent question. I've been folowing the Big World Project readme guide 19.2 for the install order and haven't gotten to any of those mods yet. I'm doing it manually because of course BWS is no longer supported.
Jan 8 2022, 02:40 PM
You see, BWP is not discussed here. It lives here ) \http://www.shsforums.net/forum/399-mega-modifications/
Jan 9 2022, 12:09 AM
QUOTE(Senka @ Jan 8 2022, 09:40 AM)
You see, BWP is not discussed here. It lives here ) \http://www.shsforums.net/forum/399-mega-modifications/
Right but I'm not posting a BWP issue. I was only commenting that I'm following their install order. The error I'm getting is from the Vald's Compilation mod
Jan 9 2022, 11:28 AM
Post your WeiDU-log, please
PS: I asked Vlad for help but he is in vacation now.
Jan 9 2022, 11:40 AM
Hi. As Senka said, we don't discuss anything here but ONLY my mods. The installation is clearly indicated in the pinned topic. If you deviate from this installation or install anything else, we won't be able to help you. The error you mentioned comes not from my mod, but from INCOMPATIBILITY with other mods. Please follow the link that Senka provided and let them solve your problem. Good luck!
Jan 9 2022, 07:36 PM
Vlad thanks for your response while on vacation. As you've identified it's from some other mod incompatibility I'll try to figure out what is causing it. I thought the problem was from here, because I've installed such a small number of things so far. Can you or Senka give me a reminder what incompatibilities the Compilation has?
Jan 14 2022, 07:56 AM
This is the excerpt from the pinned topic in the NeJ forum boards:
"Installation order is very strict:
SoA-ToB + ToB official patch (v26498) + Vlad's Compilation v2.1 + NeJ3 v7.1
It can be installed on top of BGT as well, and it is fully compatible with BGT including the smooth transfer of your NPCs from BG1 to BG2 and story-line continuation.
The installation of the BGT version is as follows:
BGT v1.18 + Vlad's Compilation v2.1 + NeJ3 v7.1
Possible installations:
Alternative 1:
SoA-ToB GOG + Vlad's Compilation v2.1 + NeJ3 v7.1
Alternative 2:
SoA-ToB + ToB official patch (v26498) + BGT + Vlad's Compilation v2.1 + NeJ3 v7.1
Alternative 3:
SoA-ToB + ToB official patch (v26498) + BGT + Vlad's Compilation v2.1 + NeJ3 v7.1 + BG1-songs
BG1-songs restores the original BG1 area songs and can be uninstalled when you start the BG2 part of the game."
If you install anything else (even a small mod as you mentioned), compatibility becomes a problem. I support here only the aforementioned installations.
Jan 18 2022, 04:59 AM
Big World 19.2 defines the setup as Vlad's Compilation in 2 parts: MY COMPILATION, Baldurdash Fixpack and Core Baldurdash Fixes (then quit)
Then install
Igi's Key Names
IPP (step 1 of 2 steps)
Druid Grove Area Makeover
The Darkest Day (which I'm aware can't be installed due to incompatibility with Shar Teel)
Shadows over Soubar
and THEN BGT...
so.. you're indicating this is wrong... will those things error if BGT gets installed before them?
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